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Modeling Toyota Celica In Blender
I modeled this car to learn the modeling of one of my favorite machines
especially to increase my modeling skills. Now as most of you will agree
modeling a complete car first time is quite complex. I did achieved
satisfactory results from it in terms of quality and experience :), but the
results could have been better. I have described the steps through which I
modeled body of the car and I release this as tutorial in hope it will benefit
Conventions used
Topic Car modeling (Toyota Celica) using Sub surfaces.
Level : Intermediate.
Mesh Available YES
Icons Used Note, and Tip
Shortcut Keys : For Blender are marked by BOLD.
Special Names : Certain repeatable names used are in italics.
Since this is intermediate level tutorial I expect people to complete the in
between step themselves. In any case the start-ups will definitely benefit
from it. This tutorial was done for blender, but I think it can easily be
applied to other modeling packages.
Since most of the cars have symmetric body on both sides we can just
model single half of the car and upon completion can mirror and join the
meshes to get the full mesh.
Let's get our hand's dirty
Step-1. First thing in prior to start modeling is to get the blueprints and
any other reference (photographs) for the model under way. I myself did
not searched for the photographs of Toyota Celica model, as I was very
anxious to start. I however got the blueprint from
It is recommended to look at more resources like photographs of the model,
as it is likely that you will get the better idea of its form and shape.
Second step is to set them up in Blender view ports like the Img below. I
used four view ports one for each side of the blueprint. It helps to correctly
visualize the contours of the surface during modeling as you can see most
of the blueprints offer views from top, left, back and front. First adjust
images in same proportions in an image editor like Gimp. Make sure the
proportion like height widths of the blueprints overlap each other perfectly.
Use scale, shrink on the images etc.
My method to check the size was by inserting all sides of blueprints in
different layers in GIMP. I then marked each side with red lines and then
made sure that width covered by front view is same as width of back view
and also the top view by either scaling or shrinking as the case may be.
Similarly I adjusted the height.
After you are done adjusting the Images save them differently and then
bring images into view port background. Keep your mouse over the view
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Modeling Toyota Celica In Blender
port and press 'Ctrl+F7' (Depreciated shortcut in Blender 2.3x above
instead click on the view>>Background Image) a window will pop up, locate
the path for the images of the blueprint. Repeat this step for all four
images. Your blender window will look something like Img-2.
Img2.Images loaded in four view ports
Note: Before loading images (blueprints) make sure they are matched equal in resolution
otherwise you will have to adjust the size in the background properties, and this may not
produce desirable results.
Step-2. Ok done that now what? There can be different approaches to
starting modeling the car body. I choose to model the front side of the car
body, which covers the tyre (we will call it tyre_cover from now on). In top
view port place a square mesh and extend it along the contour of the
tyre_cover (towards left in top view Img-3) adjust the direction in first in
the top view port and then in other view ports.
If you are new to modeling then for you this may seem difficult to switch
between the view ports but it is a good idea to work and see the changes in
other view ports at the same time because every now and then the mesh
will get distorted during movements in one view-port. By observing and
little patience you will enjoy it gradually. After few extrusions your mesh will
look like as in Img-3.
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Modeling Toyota Celica In Blender
Img-3.The tyre-cover mesh initially in top view port
Note : Now since we will be using Sub-Surf we need to have very less number of edges. The
reason for lesser number of divisions in mesh is that sub-surf will handle the smoothness for
us. Try to observe the effect on the mesh the Sub-surf function have by switching it on and
off (Press F9 and locate Sub surf in Buttons Menu). Adjust the curves of the mesh by tracing
the background image with minimum required lines/divisions just to get underlying shape in
correct proportion.
Select outer vertices (edge) of tyre_cover and extrude it towards the tyre
area following the shape of the car body see Img-4. To maintain the
contour of the mesh again follow it in other view ports.
Img-4.Extrusion of the outer edge (Top View).
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Modeling Toyota Celica In Blender
Step-3 . Now we will make tyrecutout in the tyre cover mesh.
After Step-2 left click just above the end of the tyre-cover to place the
cursor (see Img-5a). Get into Side view and place the cursor at the middle
of the tyre (see Img-5b). Add a circle of 16 vertices. In the Fig I had exited
the mesh edit mode before adding the circle but you can do it in edit mode
also. The circle will provide good starting point to make the tyre cut out in
the tyre cover mesh.
Img-5a. Cursor position in top view.
Img-5b.Circle added at the center of the tyre in the background image
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Modeling Toyota Celica In Blender
Img-6a.Editing the tyre cut in side view.Img-6b. Extrusion inwards in font view.
Step-4. Get out of edit mode and go in to side view port. Select and Join
both the meshes ('Ctrl+J') (No need if you added the circle in Edit mode of
tyre cover mesh). After joining we need to add faces between circle and the
tyre cover mesh. Get into Edit mode select judicially three or four
(desirable) vertices then press "F" to add a face between them, follow the
Img-7a for help.
After joining the middle part of the circle you can extrude the faces from
the bottom part of the circle and do some join and face creation to get
complete mesh. if you need to add new independent vertices you can use
"Ctrl+Right click" combo.
Follow the above methods to get the mesh like in Img-7b. Go through all
the view ports to adjust the vertices so that proper contour of the tyre cover
mesh is retained as in the blueprint.
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