Box - Watch Keep.pdf

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Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
Pocket watches are a beautiful
link to the past, and this watch
keep is ideal for displaying these
old treasures.
1. This project is constructed of
1 x 4 stock and 1/4"-radius quar
ter-round molding. The material
used for the cabinet sides (B) and
back (C) and the door stiles (D) and
rails (E) must be planed or resawn
and sanded down to 1/2" thickness.
2. Begin by edge-gluing two 9"
lengths of 3/4" stock to serve as the
basis for the back panel. After the
glue has dried on the panel, cut all
the parts for the cabinet case and
door to the finished dimensions.
3. Using a table saw, router, or
hand plane, cut a 45° chamfer on
the front and side edges of the top
and bottom pieces (A).
4. Sand all of the cabinet and door
pieces. Drill the dowel holes ac
cording to the diagram, using a
horizontal boring machine or a
doweling jig and hand-held drill.
5. Assemble the door and cabinet
(without the back) as two separate
units and make sure they are
Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
square. Clamp them together until
the glue dries.
6. Rout a 1/4"-wide x 1/4"-deep
rabbet in the back of the door, us
ing a straight router bit. Square the
corners using a hand chisel.
7. Cut a 1/4"-deep x 1/2"-wide x
6"-long stop rabbet in the back
edge of both the top and bottom
cabinet pieces.
8. Prior to installing the back, drill
1/8"-diameter holes in the back for
the hanging pegs. Drill the holes at
a 5° slant to the depth of 3/8". If
using wooden pegs, install them; if
using brass rods, wait until after fin
ishing the watch keep to install
9. Nail and glue the back into the
cabinet. Miter the ends of the glass
retainer molding (F, G) for the
door while you wait for the glue to
10. If necessary, sand the top and
bottom of the door to prevent
them from rubbing or binding.
Sand the sides so they fit flush with
the cabinet.
11. Finish all the pieces, including
the quarter-round glass retainers.
12. Install the glass with the glass
retainers. Drill holes in the retain-
ers for brads, then attach the re-
tainers with brads.
13. If using brass hanging pegs, in
stall them now.
14. Install the hinges with screws
to mount the door. Install the
and latch to complete the keep.
Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
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