Human Body (Eyewitness Workbooks).pdf

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Eyewitness Workbook Human Body
by Claire Watts
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Educational Consultant Linda B. Gambrell,
Distinguished Professor of Education,
Clemson University
Fast facts
Project Editor Susan Malyan
Art Editor Peter Radcliffe
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Senior Art Editor Owen Peyton Jones
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Category Publisher Andrea Pinnington
DK Picture Library Claire Bowers, Rose Horridge
Production Controller Lucy Baker
DTP Designers Siu Chan, Andy Hilliard, Ronaldo Julien
Jacket Designer Neal Cobourne
6 Body components
7 The skeleton
8 Muscles
9 The brain and nerves
10 Senses
11 Heart and blood
12 Lungs and breathing
13 Digestion
First published in the United States in 2007 by
DK Publishing
375 Hudson Street
New York, New York 10014
07 08 09 10 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
ED516 – 05/07
Copyright © 2007 Dorling Kindersley Limited
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ISBN: 978-0-7566-3031-1
Color reproduction by Media Development Printing Limited, UK
Printed and bound by Hua Yang Printing Limited, China
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Quick quiz
14 Body building blocks
15 Body systems
16 Big bones, small bones
18 Moving muscles
19 Fit and healthy
20 The brain
21 Relexes
22 Eyes and seeing
23 Optical illusions
24 Ears and hearing
25 Skin and feeling
26 Pumping blood
27 Heart beats
28 Blood
29 Breathing
30 A balanced diet
31 Taste and smell
32 Teeth
33 What happens to your food?
34 Waste removal
35 Chemical messengers
36 Making
37 Human
38 Cells, tissues, and organs
39 Bones, muscles, and exercise
40 Heart, blood, and lungs
41 Stomach, intestines, and diet
42 Brain, nerves, and senses
43 Hormones and growth
44 Activity answers
44 Quick quiz answers
47 Progress chart
48 Certiicate
life cycle
Turn-to-learn wheel
Body organ facts
Human body record breakers
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