The Tao Of Badass (Joshua Pellicer) English.pdf

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Joshua Pellicer
Everything You Have To Know To Be A Complete Badass With Women
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The Tao of Badass
Everything You Have To Know
To Be A Complete Badass With Women
Joshua Pellicer
Introduction .......................................5
Gender Roles .................................... 15
Conidence ....................................... 27
The System ...................................... 49
The Approach.................................... 77
Tests............................................... 89
Reading Body Language ....................... 97
Creating Love.................................. 123
The Biggest Mistakes You Make ............ 137
Conclusion ..................................... 147
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Every guy has the power to be a complete badass with women.
Yes, that includes you.
Whether you’re the powerful CEO of a lourishing Fortune
500 company or a struggling musician and part-time waiter,
you have the power within you to be irresistible to beautiful
women. In fact, there’s only one thing that separates the
Casanovas from the creeps, the Lotharios from the losers,
and the players from the posers: men who are successful with
women have simply learned how to unlock this innate power,
and how to use all its beneits to their greatest advantage.
I know, I know…it sounds too simple, right? And why should
you believe me anyway? What makes me such an expert on
the subject?
I’ve spent years and years studying psychology, relationships,
and attraction, and have worked as a professional dating
coach, a social dynamics and charisma instructor, and a
body language expert. I trained with Wyatt Woodsmall,
neurolinguistic programming and motivational speaking
expert, and long-time mentor of Anthony Robbins, as well
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