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LITERATURA USA                                                                                                                                            8.11.2010

Democratic origins and revolutionary writers (1776 – 1820).
Rise of rationalism.

-          In the early 17th century, superstition and supernatural still loomed in the mind of most colonials. The early colonists believed that the world was frightening and unpredictable, full of dread signs and omens.

-          The average Puritan had no doubt that God Himself directed his daily operations and that the beautiful harvest and the killing frost were manifestations of His pleasure or His Anger. God’s ways were beyond one’s powers to discover, understand or explain, so also were the ways of nature and universe.

Rationalism and science

-          In Europe gradual revolution of thought began. At its base was the spirit of rationalism.

-          The new scientific attitude among the educated classes gains popularity – the British Royal society and the French Academy of Science are founded (1660).

Thomas Hobbes

-          In his works we can find out man’s original state was one of complete freedom and anarchy, from which he escaped by entering into social compact.

John Locke

-          He was interested in religious and political freedom, against authoritarian government, man has a right to hold property, etc.


-          Called also “natural religion”; it spread rapidly

-          Fundamental of Deism was the belief that God was the originator of the universe and the essence of reason. Obviously such a God could not do violence to His own nature.

-          New theory and scientific findings regarded with consternation by Puritans.

-          Puritans wrestled to save their godly Commonwealth from the invasion by Deists, secularists, devotees of other sects.

-          With colonists material success came the desire to enjoy it.

Humanis appeal:

-          Franklin was seeking to unite men of science and reason.

-          Abandoning pro-slavery position

-          Becoming an advocate of emancipation

-          Common Brotherhood without frontiers



The shaping of new nation:

-          The Founding Fathers were practical, philosophers. Prose and poetry had a political or “practical” purpose:
- Benjamin Franklin
- Thomas Jefferson (1743 – 1826) – the chief author of the Declaration of Independence
- July 4, 1776 – one of the most important days in American history

Declaration of Independence

-          Explaining the reasons for separation

-          Made undecided colonists change their mind and support the Revolution

-          It contained not only the changes against the British King George III

-          It was a statement of moral principles

The concepts stressed were:

-          Liberty

-          Equality of all people

-          Human rights and government

-          Protecting these natural rights

-          Written in simple language and style

-          The phrase ”created equal” was difficult to interpret

-          Black Americans and Native Americans had to wait long for freedom and equal rights

Thomas Paine (1737 – 1809)

-          Common Sense” – the most important pamphlet in American history; clear thinking, exciting language – united American feeling against England. Sold in 100.000 copies.

-          The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind” – pamphlet.

-          Pamphlet – a short book of a few pages; over 2000 pamphlets were published during the Revolution.

Philip Freneu (1752 – 1832)

-          The British Prison Ship” – a bitter condemnation of the cruelties of the British.

-          A political litany” – prayed for his country’s deliverance from British dependence.

-          He also celebrated American subjects: “The Virtue of Tobacco”, “The Jug of Rum”, “The Wild Honey Suckle” (native plant).

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