Depeche Mode.txt

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Words like violence
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Can't you understand
Oh my little girl

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

Enjoy the silence


Ciesz si� milczeniem

S�owa gwa�c� cisz�
Z hukiem wstrz�saj� moim ma�ym �wiatem
Sprawiaj� mi b�l, przeszywaj� mnie
Czy nie rozumiesz tego moja ma�a?
Wszystko czego chcia�am, czego pragn��em
Znajduje si� w moich ramionach
S�owa nie s� potrzebne
One tylko rani�
Przysi�gi s� po to, by je �ama�
Uczucia s� pot�ne, a s�owa trywialne
Przyjemno�ci pozostaj�, pozostaje te� b�l
S�owa s� bez znaczenia
�atwo je zapomnie�
Ciesz si� milczeniem


I'm taking a ride
With my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
He knows where he's taking me
Taking me where I want to be
I'm taking a ride
With my best friend

We're flying high
We're watching the world pass us by
Never want to come down
Never want to put my feet back down
On the ground

I'm taking a ride
With my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
Promises me I'm as safe as houses
As long as I remember who's wearing the trousers
I hope he never lets me down again

Never let me down

See the stars they're shining bright
Everything's alright tonight


Nie zawied� mnie nigdy wi�cej

Wybieram si� w podr� z najlepszym przyjacielem
W nadziei, �e nie zawiedzie mnie nigdy wi�cej
On wie, dok�d mnie zabiera
Zabiera mnie tam, gdzie chce by�
Udaj� si� w podr� z najlepszym przyjacielem

Fruniemy wysoko obserwuj�c �wiat
Nie chc� wyl�dowa�
Nie chc� znowu postawi� mych st�p na ziemi
Wybieram si� w podr� z najlepszym przyjacielem
W nadziei, �e nie zawiedzie mnie nigdy wi�cej
On obiecuje mi bezpiecze�stwo
Jak d�ugo pamieta� b�d�, kto tu jest szefem
�yj� nadziej�, �e nie zawiedzie mnie nigdy wi�cej

Widz� gwiazdy �wiec� jasno
Dzi� wieczorem wszystko b�dzie dobrze
Widz� gwiazdy...

Let me take you on a trip
Around the world and back
And you won't have to move
You just sit still

Now let your mind do the walking
And let my body do the talking
Let me show you the world in my eyes

I'll take you to the highest mountain
To the depths of the deepest sea
We won't need a map, believe me

Now let my body do the moving
And let my hands do the soothing
Let me show you the world in my eyes

That's all there is
Nothing more than you can feel now
That's all there is

Let me put you on a ship
On a long, long trip
Your lips close to my lips
All the islands in the ocean
All the heaven's in the motion
Let me show you the world in my eyes

That's all there is
Nothing more than you can touch now
That's all there is

Let me show you the world in my eyes


�wiat w moich oczach

Zabior� ci� w podr� dooko�a �wiata i z powrotem
Nie b�dziesz musia�a si� rusza�
Po prostu sied� tuta
Niecg tw�j umys�rozpocznie spacer
Gdy moje cia�o przem�wi
Poka�� ci �wiat w moich oczach

Zabior� ci� na najwy�sz� g�r�
I na dno najg��bszego morza
Nie bedzie nam potrzebna mapa, uwierz mi
Teraz moje cia�o jest w ruchu
A d�onie �agodz� cierpienie
Poka�� ci �wiat w moich oczach
To naprawde jest wszystko
I nic wi�cej ponad to, czego teraz dotykasz


Someone will call
Something will fall
And smash on the floor
Without reading the text
Know what comes next
Seen it before
And it's painful

Things must change
We must rearrange them
Or we'll have to estrange them
All that I'm saying
The game's not worth playing
Over and over again

You're the one I like best
You retain my interest
You're the only one
If it wasn't for you
Don't know what I'd do
Unpredictable like the sun
And the rainfall

Things must change
We must rearrange them
Or we'll have to estrange them
All that I'm saying
The game's not worth playing
Over and over again


S�o�ce �wieci, deszcz pada

Kto� wo�a, cos spadnie
I st�ucze si� na pod�odze
Nie czytaj�c scenariusza wiem co nast�pi
Widzia�em to juz kiedy� - i to mnie boli

Wszystko musi sie zmieni�
Musimy wszystko uporz�dkowa� na nowo
Lub te� przyjdzie si� nam podda�
Chc� tylko powiedzie�
�e nie ma sensu powtarza� tej gry od pocz�tku

Lubi� ci� najbardziej
Przyci�gasz moj� uwag�, jeste� jedyna
Gdyby nie ty, cokolwiek bym zrobi�
By�oby r�wnie niespodziewane
Jak deszcz padaj�cy w s�oneczny dzie�


You wear guilt
Like shackles on your feet
Like a halo in reverse
I can feel
The discomfort in your seat
And in your head it's worse

There's a pain
A famine in your heart
An aching to be free
Can't you see
All love's luxuries
Are here for you and me

And when our worlds they fall apart
When the walls come tumbling in
Though we may deserve it
It will be worth it

Bring your chains
Your lips of tragedy
And fall into my arms

And when our worlds they fall apart
When the walls come tumbling in
Though we may deserve it
It will be worth it



Nosisz w sobie win� niczym kajdany na nogach
Niczym odwr�con� aureol�
Wyczuwam tw�j dyskomfort
A tobie jest jeszcze gorzej
W twym sercu b�l i pragnienie
Bolesna potrzeba wolno�ci
Czy nie widzisz luksus�w milo�ci?
S� tutaj dla ciebie i dla mnie

A kiedy run� nasze �wiaty
Kiedy zawal� si� mury
Cho� by�mo�e nie zas�u�ymy na to
B�dzie to bez znaczenia

Zabierz te �a�cuchy
Nie wykrzywiaj tragicznie swych ust
Tylko przyjd� w me ramiona


Girl of sixteen, whole life ahead of her
Slashed her wrists, bored with life
Didn't succeed, thank the Lord
For small mercies

Fighting back the tears, mother reads the note again
Sixteen candles burn in her mind
She takes the blame, it's always the same
She goes down on her knees and prays

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours
But I think that God's got a sick sense of humor
And when I die I expect to find Him laughing

Girl of eighteen, fell in love with everything
Found new life in Jesus Christ
Hit by a car, ended up
On a life support machine

Summer's day, as she passed away
Birds were singing in the summer sky
Then came the rain, and once again
A tear fell from her mother's eye

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours
But I think that God's got a sick sense of humor
And when I die I expect to find Him laughing

Blu�niercze plotki

Szesnastolatka, na kt�r� czeka�o ca�e �ycie
Podci�a sobie �y�y, gdy� mia�a do��
Jednak uratowano j�
Dzi�ki Bogu za odrobin� mi�osierdzia
Walcz�c ze �zami, jej matka czyta pozostawiony list
Oczyma wyobra�ni widzi ju� szesna�cie �wiec
Bierze win� na siebie, zawsze tak jest
Kl�ka i modli si�

Osiemnastolatka zapa�a�a mi�o�ci� do �wiata
Znalaz�a nowe �ycie w Jezusie
Potr�cona przez samoch�d
Sko�czy�a na reanimacji
Gdy umiera�a tego letniego dnia
�piew ptak�w rozbrzmiewa� pod s�onecznym niebem
A potem spad� deszcz
I jeszcze jedna �za
Sp�yne�a z oka jej matki

Nie zamierzam wywo�ywa� blu�nierczych plotek
Uwa�am jednak, �e B�g ma niezdrowe poczucie humoru

T�umaczenie: Tomasz Beksi�ski
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