XXVII etap szkolny - test.pdf

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ETAP SZKOLNY - grudzie ń 2002
(c) Henryk Krzy ż anowski
Uzupe ł nij podane ni ż ej t ł umaczenia.
a/ Dziewczyna mia ł a szcz ęś cie, jako ż e druga nerka funkcjonowa ł a normalnie.
The girl was lucky as the other __________________________________
b/ Fabu ł a jest nierealistyczna, co jest powa ż n ą wad ą dla filmu kryminalnego.
_________________________ unrealistic, which is a serious drawback
c/ Ich spotkania cz ę sto odbywaj ą si ę w opuszczonych budynkach dla zapewnienia
tajno ś ci.
__________________ often held in ______________ buildings to ___________
d/ Ojciec ma niezaprzeczalne prawo do spotykania si ę z dzie ć mi po rozwodzie.
The father has ___________________________ to see his children after a
e/ Pompa by ł a w kiepskim stanie, ale bezpo ś rednia przyczyna awarii zostanie dopiero
The pump was in poor condition, but
_________________________________________ remains to be found.
f/ S ł owo to jest u ż ywane tylko w stylu potocznym a nigdy w dokumentach oficjalnych.
The word is only used in __________________________ never in formal documents.
g/ Szklanka by ł a niebezpiecznie blisko kraw ę dzi sto ł u.
The glass was ____________________________________________ of the table.
h/ Lek mo ż e wywo ł a ć uczucie sucho ś ci w ustach.
The drug may cause ___________________________________________ mouth.
Wyró ż nione grupy wyrazów zast ą p tylko jednym s ł owem, tak by nie zmieni ć tre ś ci
ca ł ego zdania.
a/ How much money can you take from your account above what you really
have on it?
How much ____________ are you allowed?
b/ You start with drawing a line which runs parallel to ground level .
You start with drawing a ____________ line.
c/ Archaeologists have just unearthed parts that were preserved of an 11th
century church.
Archaeologists have just unearthed the ____________ of an 11th century church.
d/ Newton was not only a scientist studying matter and energy .
Newton was not only a ____________ .
e/ The objective is to study the Sun and the planets surrounding it .
The objective is to study the __________ system
f/ The lawyer’s wife was freed but no money was paid to the kidnappers .
The lawyer’s wife was freed but no ____________ was paid.
g/ The Council monitors the well-being of people that are held in prisons or
psychiatric institutions .
The Council monitors the well-being of ____________
h/ She bought a beautiful ring made of the substance of which an elephant’s
tusks are made .
She bought a beautiful ring made of ___________
Wpisz brakuj ą ce wyrazy. Ka ż da kreska zast ę puje jedn ą liter ę . Nie wolno zmieni ć
ż adnej z liter ju ż podanych.
PRZYK Ł AD: Is your f a m i l y name Adams?
a/ The interview was with Joe Artwell, a _ _ r _ _ _ member of the board of directors,
who resigned in 1998 in protest against the bank’s investment policy.
b/ He was highly _ r _ _ _ _ _ for his role in bringing about a compromise solution.
c/ The teachers only _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the twins by dress, which the kids
sometimes used in their favour.
d/ The _ _ r _ _ _ _ about the hurricane came early enough for the villagers to protect
their houses.
e/ The artist uses a _ _ r _ _ _ _ of techniques including oil painting, stenciling and
wood engraving.
f/ Laura, who’s 17, thought that the film was naive, but the _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _, and
Dave especially, were delighted.
g/ While violent crimes are on the rise, the number of prison cells remains constant,
which results in a gross _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of prisons.
h/ Grey smoke appeared as sulphuric _ _ i _ was poured over the salt.
Przet ł umacz na polski.
a/ Let’s do a swap. _____________________________________________
b/ The cup would probably fetch more in Scotland.
c/ She was bewildered but unharmed.
d/ Thus, looting was prevented.
e/ The pressure was positively agonizing.
f/ Contrary to some lay opinions, it does burn.
Uzupe ł nij zdania wyra ż aj ą ce w inny sposób tre ść zda ń wprowadzaj ą cych.
PRZYK Ł AD: "Hurry up, Sue," said Mother. Mother told Sue to hurry up .
a/ It is only after the recent rent increase that we started thinking that maybe we
should move to a suburb.
Until the recent _______________________ never considered
b/“It’s something of a puzzle, really,” said Doctor Adams. “The marshy soil should
have preserved the coins in a much better condition.”
Doctor Adams was puzzled why _______________________________________
c/ The officers practically forced the man to sign the document. But they didn’t bother
to translate it for him.
The old man __________ made ______________________________ didn’t
d/ Of course, grizzlies are far more aggressive than black bears, which, scientists
agree, are more peaceful than the other species of bears on the American continent.
Black bears are said __________________ aggressive of
e/ It was sunny and the captain of the tanker must have seen the rock. Why did he
fail to react?
____________ there ______________ visibility in the area,
__________________________ collision.
f/ The agreement ending the strike was signed too late to prevent delays, which on
most international flights are reaching six hours.
________________________________ earlier, there
g/ We will have to use one of several drugs which are known to be effective against
the virus. But first, the presence of the virus must be confirmed.
As long as
h/ As regards money, my husband doesn’t expect anyone to help him. I think this is
the best policy.
In financial matters, I think, we should only rely on ________________
Uzupe ł nij t ł umaczenia zda ń na angielski, nie zmieniaj ą c niczego we fragmentach ju ż
przet ł umaczonych. Tam, gdzie w nawiasie podano, jak przet ł umaczy ć jakie ś s ł owo,
nie podano, w jakiej formie ma ono wyst ą pi ć w t ł umaczeniu.
a/ Kampania by ł a niezwykle kosztowna i obie strony zgadzaj ą si ę teraz, ż e pieni ą dze
wydane na plakaty mo ż na by ł o u ż y ć w lepszy sposób.
The campaign was extremely costly and both sides
_______________________ on posters ___________________________________
better way.
b/ Moje pierwsze lata ma łż e ń skie by ł y trudne, bo Ron nigdy nie wiedzia ł , dok ą d b ę dzie
musia ł jecha ć jutro ani na jak d ł ugo.
My first years of marriage ______________________ Ron never
c/ Oczywi ś cie wy ś lemy podzi ę kowania do tych, których zdj ę cia zosta ł y zamieszczone
[PUBLISH] w letnim numerze magazynu.
Of course, we will send our thanks
________________________________________________ summer issue of the
d/ W tym roku, dzi ę ki dotacji z Ministerstwa, mogli ś my zaprosi ć wi ę cej artystów,
łą cznie z kilkoma z zagranicy.
This year, due to the grant from the Ministry,
___________________________________ more artists, including some from
e/ Ch ł opiec szybko przyzwyczai ł si ę do tego, ż e zadaj ą mu wszelkiego rodzaju pytania
o jego rejs.
The boy soon ____________________________________ all kinds of questions
about his voyage.
f/ Na razie zbadali ś my [EXAMINE] za ma ł o przypadków, by mie ć pewno ść co do
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin