XXXI etap szkolny - test.pdf

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ETAP SZKOLNY - listopad 2006 © Henryk Krzy ż anowski
Uzupe ł nij podane ni ż ej t ł umaczenia.
a/ Owczarki niemieckie osi ą gaj ą pe ł n ą dojrza ł o ść w wieku dwóch lat.
German shepherds ___________ full ________________ at the age of two.
b/ Po wojnie by ł s ą dzony za nieludzkie traktowanie wi ęź niów.
After the war he was tried for ______________________________ of prisoners.
c/ Mieszka ń cy wykazali ca ł kowit ą oboj ę tno ść wobec ostrze ż e ń s ł u ż b pogodowych.
The inhabitants showed complete _________________________ from the weather
d/ George'a podejrzewano o donoszenie na kolegów z klasy.
George was _____________________ informing on his classmates.
e/ Wystawa przedstawia 48 zdj ęć pod wspólnym tytu ł em "Rado ś ci macierzy ń stwa".
The exhibition features 48 photos under the common title of "Joys
f/ Nasze dwie papu ż ki karmi si ę g ł ównie nasionami s ł onecznika.
Our two parrots are fed mostly on ______________________________
g/ Przed rozdaniem kart, Adam dos ł ownie trz ą s ł si ę z podniecenia.
Before the cards were dealt, Adam was __________________________ with
h/ Ka ż dego ranka pla żę oczyszczano z wodorostów wyp ł ukanych przez morze.
Each morning the beach was _____________ of ______________ washed up by the
Wyró ż nione grupy wyrazów zast ą p tylko jednym s ł owem, tak by nie zmieni ć tre ś ci
ca ł ego zdania.
a/ For many Polish cities the 1990s were ten years of great change.
For many Polish cities the 1990s was a ___________________ of great change.
b/ We have reports based on trustworthy people and authentic documents that this
was an operation of the CIA.
We have reports from reliable ____________ that this was an operation of the CIA.
c/ The victims of 9/11 were both people working at the WTC towers and men sent to
save their lives.
The victims of 9/11 were both people working at the WTC towers and their
d/ He made a movie in which real Amish are interviewed and their villages are shown.
He made a ____________________ about the Amish people.
e/ Women are advised not to smoke during the time when they carry their unborn
Women are advised not to smoke during __________________
f/ The house is separated from the street by a fence formed of a row of closely
planted bushes.
The house is separated from the street by a ______________
g/ Judging from superficial symptoms the girl was close to death. But in fact, it took
her less than a month to recover.
A month ago the girl was _______________ close to death. But in fact, it took her
less than a month to recover.
h/ A reform of the system of providing government assistance to the poor is a top
priority now.
A reform of the ______________________ system is a top priority now.
Wpisz brakuj ą ce wyrazy. Ka ż da kreska zast ę puje jedn ą liter ę . Nie wolno zmieni ć
ż adnej z liter ju ż podanych.
PRZYK Ł AD: Is your f a m i l y name Adams?
a/ The mayor's speech was _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by protesters who chanted leftist
b/ We set sail with a light SE _ _ e _ _ _, which gradually increased in strength and
swung around to NE, making the sailing more challenging.
c/ Many wild species, such as the European bison and Przewalski's horse, owe their _
_ r _ _ _ _ _ to private herds maintained by zoos or wealthy landowners.
d/ The statue is relatively light, as it is hollow _ _ s _ _ _.
e/ I helped her put the rucksack on the shelf and was _ _ w _ _ _ _ _ with a smile.
f/ The wallpaper, tapestries and porcelain feature the same _ _ t _ _ _ _ of Bourbon
g/ His service in the SS was a _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ fact which the writer had been
concealing for most of his life.
h/ She thought her illness was fatal, but the doctors said _ _ h _ _ _ _ _ _ – she was
going to recover soon.
Przet ł umacz na polski.
a/ A brass band was apparently
b/ He's just an overindulged brat.
c/ There were no fossils save for an egg-like
d/ Some minors are treated as castaways.
e/ Draft objectors missed the opportunity.
f/ We're now yearning for a thaw.
Uzupe ł nij t ł umaczenia zda ń na angielski, nie zmieniaj ą c niczego we fragmentach ju ż
przet ł umaczonych. Tam, gdzie w nawiasie podano, jak przet ł umaczy ć jakie ś s ł owo,
nie podano, w jakiej formie ma ono wyst ą pi ć w t ł umaczeniu.
a/ To, czego nam nie wolno robi ć jako dziennikarzom, to sprzyja ć jednej ze stron w
walce politycznej partii.
________________________________________________________ take sides in
party politics.
b/ Op ł ata pocztowa by ł a tak du ż a, bo list by ł trzykrotnie ci ęż szy od listu
The postage was
c/ Tamtego ranka na peronie nie wiedzieli, ż e przez prawie dwadzie ś cia lat mieli si ę
nie zobaczy ć .
That morning on the platform they
_______________________________________________ nearly twenty years.
d/ Obrazek, który najbardziej mi si ę podoba, to ten przedstawiaj ą cy Mount Everest.
e/ Film mia ł bardzo optymistyczne przes ł anie [=message], co, jak s ą dz ę , by ł o
przyczyn ą , ż e ludziom tak si ę podoba ł .
The movie
why _______________________________________
f/ g/ Co do mnie, nigdy nie u ż ywam s ł ów, których nie chc ę , by u ż ywa ł y moje dzieci.
Oczywi ś cie to nie uchroni [=PREVENT] je przed podchwyceniem [=PICK UP] takich
s ł ów gdzie indziej.
Personally, I
h/ Dowiedzieli ś my si ę , ż e b ę dziemy musieli poczeka ć 12 godzin na nast ę pny prom, bo
nasz odp ł yn ął [=LEAVE] dziesi ęć minut temu.
We learnt ________________________________________________ another ferry
Uzupe ł nij zdania wyra ż aj ą ce w inny sposób tre ść zda ń wprowadzaj ą cych.
PRZYK Ł AD: "Hurry up, Sue," said Mother. Mother told Sue to hurry up .
a/ "Why aren't there more movies like yours, Mr Gibson?" "Well, next question,
When asked __________________________________________ Mel Gibson just
smiled and ________________________
b/ Unit 301, formed as the latest special operations unit in the Army, is not as well
known as its predecessors.
Unit 301 _________________ known _________ all special operations units in the
c/ Safety is ensured by explosives experts who check every room in the building.
The risk of a bombing attempt is minimized by
__________________________________ by explosives experts.
d/ 'I will not accept any homework assignements after the deadline', says Dr Fromm.
'The only excuse is a doctor's certificate'.
_________________ a doctor's certificate ___________ presented, no late
assignements ___________________.
e/ "FORTEX has no medical effect," concluded a committee of experts in its final
report. A year later it was still used by many hospitals.
___________________ found FORTEX to lack ______________ , it was not
withdrawn _________________
f/ According to the school discipline rules, a student who is caught with a knife may
face expulsion from school.
Possession of a knife is regarded as a serious offence which may result ___________
g/ We have to reveal the scandal, but we fear that this is likely to cause panic in the
The risk that the moment the scandal __________________, there will be panic in
the market is ___________________
h/ In this remote country, missionaries have to learn to work with no support from
any individuals or institutions.
In this remote country, missionaries have to learn to support _______________
Wpisz w odpowiedniej formie czasowniki w nawiasach. Je ś li trzeba, dodaj czasownik
modalny , ale nie dopisuj zaimków ani rzeczowników. Mo ż esz doda ć "to" je ś li jest
cz ęś ci ą bezokolicznika.
a/ The next morning Col. Travis [report] ___________ that the river [rise]
_____________ two inches an hour and [warn] ____________ if the rain [stop +
not] _______________, he [be] ____________ unable to build the bridge.
b/ The assumption is that by the time they [reach] _______________ the 6th grade,
pupils [read] _____________ enough books about nature to allow them to do their
own research.
c/ d/ The famous saying about there [be] ____________ only two sure things in life,
death and taxes, [attribute] ____________ to many authors, including Benjamin
Franklin. Today it [overuse+not] _______________ as it [seem] __________
[become] _____________ something of a cliché.
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin