XXXI finał - klucz.pdf

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XXXI Olimpiada J ę zyka Angielskiego
FINA Ł – 2007 Henryk Krzy ż anowski
Za wyró ż nienia przyznajemy jeden punkt a drugi za bezb łę dne przet ł umaczenie reszty
zdania (w tym przypadku mo ż na u ż y ć kryterium negatywnego braku b łę dów – ale
wymagaj ą c jednak poprawno ś ci). We fragmentach wyró ż nionych chodzi o form ę
najbardziej idiomatyczn ą i naturaln ą . Zatem ocena oparta jest o kryterium
pozytywne (forma najw ł a ś ciwsza), a nie jak na ogó ł w testach gramatycznych
negatywne (brak b łę du). Sum ę (od 0 do 2) punktów za dane zadanie wpisujemy na
marginesie obok numeru zadania. Prosz ę o zaznaczenie powodu nie zaliczenia punktu
"za reszt ę zdania" – w przypadkach w ą tpliwo ś ci.
ZERO ARTICLE 1 + 1 = 2
1. We've decided to go on holiday a month earlier so that we won't have to share the
beach with crowds of noisy teenagers. We're leaving on Saturday. nie uznajemy on
2. The fact that the missing man's car was found not in some lonely place in a rural
area but in a car park/ parking lot just metres from the M25 has made it impossible to
use sniffer dogs. nie uznajemy on a/the parking
VERB PATTERN 1 + 1 = 2
3. The global shift to automated work and the accompanying shortage of jobs have
caused many college graduates to accept positions for which they are clearly
ZERO ARTICLE 1 + 1 = 2
4. Mark's biological mother was a sixteen-year-old high school droput who wouldn't
care for him and soon lost contact with her family. Then the boy was adopted by his
grandparents and has been living with them ever since.
PROPER NAMES 1 + 1 = 2
5. The region between the Nile and the Tigris was located centrally in the world as it
was described by Herodotus. Over a thousand years later, the whole area was
conquered by Arabs.
DETERMINER 1 + 1 = 2
6. Before 1960 a typical opinion on working women could best be summarized in a
popular saying that "Many a girl's happiest day at the office is the day she leaves to
get married."
IDIOM 1 + 1 = 2
7. Now, having worked here for over a year I can tell you this is decidedly the best of
all the companies I have worked for so far. The only one where I enjoy coming to the
office. nie uznajemy work at/in
8. One of the main conclusions of this analysis of the current trends in the economy is
that not enough is being done to protect the environment for future generations.
9. Acts Two and Three take place in the same stage set: Lady Parker's living room.
There doesn't need to be a lot of furniture, but what there is must look elegant and
10. Overall, nearly 3000 Pakistani immigrants were surveyed, two thirds of whom
claim to have been discriminated against in employment or otherwise.
PROPER NAME 1 + 1 = 2
11. The single-engine Norseman UC-64, on which Glenn Miller was flying to Paris on
14 December 1944, may have been shot down over the English Channel by friendly
CHOICE OF VERB 1 + 1 = 2
12. The number of exercises in the new version of the textbook has almost doubled;
but only those marked with an asterisk are to be done in class. The unmarked ones
may but need not. nie uznajemy made
FALSE FRIEND 1 + 1 = 2
13. This is not a Hollywood-style thriller, so don't expect a happy ending. Without
spoiling the viewing for you, I can say the last minutes of the movie are something of
a shock. nie uznajemy happy end
14. As regards the timing of the event all the performers should formally insist that
there be no last-minute changes in the program. At least not after the calendar has
been printed.
15. The rules state specifically that the trainee pilot will have spent at least 30 hours
in the air by the time he is allowed to make his first solo flight. That's a minimum and
the more the better.
1. D
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. C
11. A
12. B
13. C
1. inbred
2. undeclared
3. degenerates
4. harvested
5. dismissed
6. straw
7. prominent
8. adornment
9. overjoyed
10. erase
11. grease
12. outperforming
13. rage
14. pinned
15. enviously
16. vows
17. enclave
18. mindset
19. stammer
20. overwhelmingly
21. alongside
22. dire
23. nodded
24. bribed
25. tiptoed
26. syringes
27. stubbornness
28. laden
29. rerouted
30. craftsmanship
Zliczamy liczb ę b łę dów i luk. Sum ę dla ca ł ego tekstu wpisujemy w prawym dolnym
rogu pracy. Dla ca ł ego testu jest (9+46+22+54=) 131 s ł ów do wpisania. Przeliczenie
liczby b łę dów na liczb ę zdobytych punktów odbywa si ę po poprawieniu wszystkich prac
i ustaleniu przelicznika b łę dów.
Kirsten lay in bed late the next morning. Outside her window the birds sang and
twittered in the trees and the village went about its business. Not that there was
much of that.
Occasionally, she could hear the whirr of bicycle wheels passing by,
and once in a while the thrum of a delivery van's engine.
She put the empty coffee cup back on the tray – breakfast in bed, her mother's idea –
and went to open the curtains. Sunlight burst through,catching the cloud of dust
motes that swirled in the air. It's all dead skin, Kirsten thought, wondering where on
earth she had heard that. Probably one of those educational television programmes,
science for the masses. She opened the window and warm air rushed to greet her,
carrying the heavy scent of honeysuckle. A fat bee droned around the opening, then
seemed to decide there was nothing for him in there and meandered down to the
garden instead.
Kirsten's room reflected just about every stage of her transition from child to worldly
student of language and literature. Even her teddy bear sat on the dressing table,
propped against the wall. Stretching, she wandered around touching things, her feet
sinking deep into the wall-to-wall carpet.
The walls and ceiling were painted a kind of sea-green, or was it blue? It really
depended on the light, Kirsten decided. Those greeny-blue colours often looked much
the same to her: turquoise, cerulean, azure, ultramarine. But today, with the light
shimmering on it as on ripples in the ocean, it was definitely the colour of the
Mediterranean she remembered from family visits to the Riviera. The walls seemed to
swirl and eddy like the water in a Hockney swimming pool painting.When Kirsten
stood in the middle of the room, she felt as if she were floating in a cave of water, or
frozen at its centre like a flower in a glass paperweight.
It was two rooms, really. The bed itself, with a three-quarter-size mattress far too soft
for Kirsten's taste, was set in a little recess up a stair from the large main room, just
below the small window. Also tucked away in there were the dresser and wall
cupboards for her clothes. Down the step was the spacious study-cum-sitting room.
Her desk stood at a right angle to the picture window, so that she could simply turn
her head and look out at the round green Mendips as she worked.
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