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Stone and Fire
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Stone and Fire
ISBN 9781419921759
Stone and Fire Copyright © 2009 Cindy Spencer Pape
Edited by Helen Woodall
Cover art by Syneca
Electronic book Publication May 2009
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Cindy Spencer Pape
This one is for the Untitled Writers’ Group. You know who you are.
Trademarks Acknowledgement
The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the
following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:
Sotheby’s: Sotheby’s International Realty
Stone and Fire
Chapter One
Philadelphia, February
“You have to admit, they clean up pretty good for a bunch of rocks.”
Dana Logan sputtered, barely managing not to spew champagne all over her forest-
green silk bridesmaid’s gown.
She glared at her friend Katie, who sipped daintily from her own glass while gazing
happily over toward the bar, where her new husband was talking and laughing with
his groomsmen and coworkers. Katie was right, of course. They were all tall, broad-
shouldered and handsome, Dana’s own brother Bram among them. But only half of
them could really be considered rocks. And Katie was up to something—matchmaking,
most likely. “Shouldn’t you be dancing or mingling or something?”
“Taking a break,” Katie murmured. So much happiness radiated from her that
Dana half-expected there to be a halo surrounding Katie’s antique ivory lace gown and
artfully coiffed mahogany curls. She fluffed her veil, glanced back at the men and
sighed. “But aren’t they gorgeous all together like that? I mean, Damien is the best but
none of them is hard to look at.”
“How much champagne have you had?” Katie was an Earth witch, very grounded
and practical. It wasn’t like her to be dreamy.
“You’d be surprised,” Katie murmured, a quirky little grin flitting across her lips.
Dana leaned over and sniffed. As a half-dragon, her senses extended well beyond
the normal human range. “Sparkling apple cider. You fraud, you’re not drinking at all,
are you?”
Katie shook her head and gave Dana an enigmatic grin. “Nope. Not for another
eight months or so, anyway.”
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