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Test 5




1              Complete the text. Use the correct forms of the words in capital letters.

I remember one Sunday afternoon
when I was young. It was
raining and I was (0) bored    . I know               BORE
I was (1) ___________ because                             DISAPPOINT
I wanted to go to the beach.
I remember my little sister
was really (2) ___________ as well.                             ANNOY
She kept on talking when I
wanted to read. Then suddenly,
my uncle arrived.

We were (3) ___________ because                             SURPRISE
we thought he was in hospital.
He took my sister and me to
the circus. It was (4) ___________                            FASCINATE
but I knew my sister was a bit
(5) ___________ by the animals.                             FRIGHTEN
At the end, all of us children
went to the middle of the tent
to sing a song. It was a bit

(6) ___________ but we did it and                             EMBARRASS
then my uncle took us home.




2              Complete the text with one word in each gap.

One day, about two years (0) ago      , I was tidying (1) ___________ at home when I found an old box. I opened it and inside there were hundreds of old letters and papers. I stayed
(2) ___________ really late, reading them and I found (3) ___________ some amazing things about my family. There was lots to read and I kept (4) ___________ finding more interesting things until almost morning. (5) ___________, I went to bed but the next day I started
(6) ___________ the book again. It was really great.




3              Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

0              Last week I (take)     took    two exams. I don’t know my results yet.

1              I (be) ___________ tired yesterday and this morning I (wake) ___________ up at ten o’clock.

2              I’m sorry, I (not see) ________________ you there. It’s so dark in here.

3              While you (talk) ________________ on the telephone, I (write) ________________ two letters.

4              Look at this. I (find) ________________ it on the way home.




4              Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

When I was young I (0) ________ to be a professional footballer. I started (1) ________ when I was 6 and I (2) ________ for a team. I was quite good. But, one day, while I (3) ________, I
(4) ________ my leg very badly. I was in hospital for 2 months and, after that, I was never very good again. I (5) ________ help train children but I stopped (6) ________ that 2 or 3 years ago. Now I only watch football on the TV.

0              a) was wanting              b) used to wanting              c) wanted

1              a) training                            b) train                                          c) trained

2              a) playing                            b) used to play                            c) play

3              a) played                            b) used to play                            c) was playing

4              a) was breaking              b) broke                            c) used to break

5              a) did                            b) was                                          c) used to

6              a) doing                            b) to do                                          c) do




5              Complete the questions and answers.

A              (0) Were you waiting   a long time?

B              Yes, (1) ________________. I was waiting for 2 hours.


A              (2) ________________ your English exam?

B              No, (3) ________________. I got 34%.


A (4) ________________ to wear shorts to school?

B Yes,(5) ________________. And I used to be really embarrassed by them.


A              (6) What ________________ by when the police arrived?

B              I was eating lunch. I was really surprised when they came in.





1              Listen to Professor Sykes talking about George Orwell. Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

CD Track 3

1              George Orwell’s name was
a) John Sykes.                            b) Eric Blair.                                          c) George Orwell.

2              George Orwell
a) was born in England.              b) went to school in India.              c) lived in India for 4 years.

3              He started writing
a) at university.                            b) in India.                                          c) at school.

4              After school he went to
a) Burma.                                          b) India.                                          c) university.

5              Down and Out in Paris and London was
a) published in 1927.                            b) his first book.                            c) written in Paris

6              George Orwell wrote Homage to Catalonia
a) in 1936.                                          b) in Spain.                                          c) in England.

7              His books are
a) easy to read.                            b) not popular now.                            c) interesting but difficult to read.





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