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Get Google Ads FREE!
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Before you crack this open and start learning my secret, please be advised that we at Web Business Se-
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Other than us and our ClickBank afiliates NO ONE ELSE can legally sell you this amazing ebook; and
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Don’t get robbed by unscrupulous sellers and bootleggers selling on eBay and other easy-to-commit-
fraud sites; get even !
Dr Jon Cohen, MD
Dr Jon Cohen (retired)
Creator of “Get Google Ads FREE!”
“The secret that allowed me to get now over $147 million in Google pay-per-clicks absolutely FREE, and
generate now over $466 million in sales as a result!!”
The Best-Kept Google Advertising Secret Ever!
How To Get Over $1 Million in Google Pay-Per-Click Ads FREE!
Get Google Ads FREE!
The Best-Kept Google Advertising Secret Ever!
How To Get Over $1 Million in Google Pay-Per-Click Ads FREE!
Get Google Ads FREE!
Legal Notice(s) and Requirement(s):
TRADEMARK, TRUTH IN ADVERTISING, and other relevant disclaimers: This product (hereinafter referred “Work”), its con-
tents, and its publisher are not in any way directly associated with Google™,™, Google AdWords™, and/or Google
AdSense™, or any other ofice(s), business entity(ies), or otherwise associated with, or owned and/or operated by any division(s),
subsidiary(ies), legal entity(ies), or otherwise belonging to Google, or its departments or properties; nor likewise any other search
engine similarly situated, nor its provider(s).
INSTRUCTIONAL CONENT DISCLAIMER: Further, the system it involves neither has anything to do with any “AdWords™ and/or
AdSense™ credits or vouchers,” nor the direct provision by Google to the customer any direct free advertising at anytime; nor any
free pay-per-click or otherwise paid-for advertising directly; but rather is a system that if applied correctly and properly and effec-
tively, and as instructed per the author’s direction, may allow for the elimination of the burden of costs pertaining to that customer’s
pay-per-click and/or otherwise paid-for advertising expense(s). No assurance of success, therefore, is ever given now or at any
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EARNINGS AND INCOME DISCLAIMER: We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and ser-
vices and their potential for income. Earning and Income statements made by our company and its customers are estimates of what
we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the
earnings and income statements differ by individual.
As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level
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exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will
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There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/
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Legal Disclaimer: While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the Author(s) nor the
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This publication is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. The Author(s) and Publisher want to stress that
the information contained herein may be subject to varying state and/or local laws or regulations. All users are advised to retain
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The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes the responsibility for the use of these materials and information and/or its
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reader of these materials.
Any perceived slights of speciic people or organizations are unintentional.
The Best-Kept Google Advertising Secret Ever!
How To Get Over $1 Million in Google Pay-Per-Click Ads FREE!
Get Google Ads FREE!
Read Me First!
This is Get Google Ads FREE! - Version 6.0 .
Why 6 entire revisions of this ebook? Simple: Much has happened since its original release just a short
while back; and I want you to have the latest content that’s currently applicable.
Some of the things that have caused me to update , revise , and even add some newer content include
the following:
1. Immediately after its release people screamed “bloody murder!”…
Immediately upon its release, a number of people illed the Warrior Forum and screamed “Scam!”
Upon our investigation we learned that only one (1) person from among about 45 people had actually
ordered the ebook, and then said he thought we had misused the word “free” and the other 44 people in
“play-along mob-fashion” played followers to just one leader (who didn’t even have his facts straight!)
At irst we were saddened by this initial response, but then an interesting thing happened:
People started illing the forum with very positive comments about Get Google Ads FREE!
Many of these people were sharp, experienced Internet- and afiliate-marketers with up to 12 years’
experience online!
These people (who started appearing on pages 2 and 3 of the thread) were cautioning others NOT to lis-
ten to the naysayers, but rather to read very carefully what was inside Get Google Ads FREE and use it.
Additionally, some people started coming forward telling others that after applying what’s in Get Google
Ads FREE they had actually experienced great successes whereby they had eliminated their PPC bud-
gets completely.
Others came forward and pointed out that the “secret” of Get Google Ads FREE actually lies in an old
traditional direct response marketing strategy with a completely NEW Internet “twist” that no one’s ever
seen really fully applied before online (at least until Get Google Ads FREE! )
We had originally contacted the Moderator of the Warrior Forum (which we fully endorse and even have
available as a good resource at our Afiliate Page in our Signature Ads tools section ) and requested that
they remove the thread as we honestly believed it misled people into thinking that what we were offering
was somehow misleading.
They refused .
And as the weeks went by more and more posts were added there; and even to the point that the thread
about Get Google Ads FREE became perhaps the most widely read and popular thread EVER !
The Best-Kept Google Advertising Secret Ever!
How To Get Over $1 Million in Google Pay-Per-Click Ads FREE!
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