NMR Spectroscopy Data Acquisition - Christian Schorn.pdf

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The application of NMR spectroscopy into new fields of research continues on an
almost daily basis. High-resolution NMR experiments on compounds of low molecular
mass in the liquid phase are now routine and modern NMR spectroscopy is aimed at
overcoming some of the inherent problems associated with the technique. Thus higher
magnetic field strengths can be used to help overcome the problems associated with low
sample concentration enabling the analysis of complex spectra of large macromolecules
such as proteins whilst also helping to advance the study of non liquid samples by MAS
and solid state NMR spectroscopy. Apart from the chemical and physical research fields
NMR spectroscopy has become an integral part of industrial production and medicine,
e.g. by MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and MRS (magnetic resonance spectroscopy).
The basic principles of acquiring the raw time domain data, processing this data and then
analysing the spectra is similar irrespective of the particular technique used. The
diversity of NMR is such that a newcomer to NMR spectroscopy might train in the field
of high resolution NMR and establish his career in solid state NMR. A distinct advantage
of NMR spectroscopy is that the basic knowledge of acquisition, processing and analysis
may be transferred from one field of endeavour to another. These ideas and perspectives
were the origin for the series entitled Spectroscopic Techniques: An Interactive Course .
The section relating to NMR Spectroscopy , consists of four volumes
Volume 1 – Processing Strategies
Volume 2 – Data Acquisition
Volume 3 – Modern Spectral Analysis
Volume 4 – Intelligent Data Management
and deals with all the aspects of a standard NMR investigation, starting with the
definition of the structural problem and ending – hopefully – with the unravelled
structure. This sequence of events is depicted on the next page. The central step is the
transformation of the acquired raw data into a NMR spectrum, which may then be used
in two different ways. The NMR spectrum can be analysed and the NMR parameters
such as chemical shifts, coupling constants, peak areas (for proton spectra) and
relaxation times can be extracted. Using NMR parameter databases and dedicated
software tools these parameters may then be translated into structural information. The
second way follows the strategy of building up and making use of NMR databases. NMR
spectra serve as the input for such data bases, which are used to directly compare the
measured spectrum of an unknown compound either with the spectra of known
compounds or with the spectra predicted for the expected chemical structure. Which of
the two approaches is followed depends on the actual structural problem. Each of them
has its own advantages, limitations and field of application. However, it is the combined
application of both techniques that makes them such a powerful tool for structure
The contents of volumes 1 – 4 may be summarized as follows:
Volume 1: Processing Strategies
Processing NMR data transforms the acquired time domain signal(s) – depending on
the experiment – into 1D or 2D spectra. This is certainly the most central and important
step in the whole NMR analysis and is probably the part, which is of interest to the vast
majority of NMR users. Not everyone has direct access to an NMR spectrometer, but
most have access to some remote computer and would prefer to process their own data
according to their special needs with respect to their spectroscopic or structural problem.
This also includes the graphical layout for the presentation of reports, papers or thesis. It
is essential for the reliability of the extracted information and subsequent conclusions
with respect to molecular structure, that a few general rules are followed when
processing NMR data. It is of great advantage that the user is informed about the many
possibilities for data manipulation so they can make the best use of their NMR data. This
is especially true in more demanding situations when dealing with subtle, but
nevertheless important spectral effects. Modern NMR data processing is not simply a
Fourier transformation in one or two dimensions, it consists of a series of additional steps
in both the time and the frequency domain designed to improve and enhance the quality
of the spectra.
Processing Strategies gives the theoretical background for all these individual
processing steps and demonstrates the effects of the various manipulations on suitable
examples. The powerful Bruker 1D WIN-NMR, 2D WIN-NMR and GETFILE software
tools, together with a set of experimental data for two carbohydrate compounds allow
you to carry out the processing steps on your own remote computer, which behaves in
some sense as a personal “NMR processing station”. You will learn how the quality of
NMR spectra may be improved, experience the advantages and limitations of the various
processing possibilities and most important, as you work through the text, become an
expert in this field. The unknown structure of one of the carbohydrate compounds should
stimulate you to exercise and apply what you have learnt. The elucidation of this
unknown structure should demonstrate, how powerful the combined application of
several modern NMR experiments can be and what an enormous and unexpected amount
of structural information can thereby be obtained and extracted by appropriate data
processing. It is this unknown structure which should remind you throughout this whole
educational series that NMR data processing is neither just “playing around” on a
computer nor some kind of scientific “l’art pour l’ art”. The main goal for measuring and
processing NMR data and for extracting the structural information contained in it is to
get an insight into how molecules behave. Furthermore, working through Processing
Volume 2: Data Acquisition
Volume 1: Processing Strategies
Volume 3: Modern Spectral Analysis
Volume 4: Intelligent Data Management
Volume 4: Intelligent Data Management
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