
(1 KB) Pobierz
KKKK    KKKK                  KKKK    KKKK                    dddd
KKKK  KKKK          ****      KKKK  KKKK      iiii      dddddddddd
KKKKKKKK        ************  KKKKKKKK        iiii    dddd    dddd
KKKKKK              ****      KKKKKK          iiii    dddd    dddd
KKKKKKKK          ********    KKKKKKKK        iiii    dddd    dddd
KKKK  KKKK                    KKKK  KKKK      iiii    dddd    dddd
KKKK    KKKK                  KKKK    KKKK    iiii    dddd    dddd
KKKK      KKKK                KKKK      KKKK  iiii      dddddddddd


1. Install the program.

2. Launch it.

3. Enter anything for Username and Key ID, use as much data
   as it can fit.

4. Choose 'Offline activation'.

6. Run keygen(run as admin on w7/vista).

7. In the top box keygen copy the data from the upper field.

8. Click 'Generate'.

9. Copy data from the lower field keygens in the field below the window of activation.

10. Now, close program, double click the "disable-updates.reg" file to disable automatic updates
    (or u can also use ur firewall to block the program manually)

11. Install the soundbanks

12. Done!

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Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin