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PS3-Radio will download from a public web site a list of thousands of radio stations.

It will then sort the list by Country and remove any station that will not work with PS3 Media Server.
I have found that URLs ending with "ASX" or "M3U" or "RAM" will not play on the PS3.  Those entries are automatically removed.

To make this work, copy the PS3-Radio.exe into the c:\program files\PS3 Media Server directory 
Run the program and click on Steps 1, 2, 3.

	STEP 1 takes a very long time to download. It takes at least 10 minutes on my computer.
	STEPS 2 & 3 run in less than a second.
	This program adds the radio station entries to web.conf
Once you have completed all 3 steps, restart the PS3 service on your computer to activate the changes.

<<< Using your PS3 >>>

Using the PS3, navigate to the Music menu.
Scroll down and you should see  World-Radio as a new menu item.
Select it and enjoy thousands of radio stations from all over the world!

New copies of PS3-Radio can be found at:

 Adding your own Radio Stations:
In the same directory as all of the PS3-RADIO files, you will see a file called FAVORITES.CSV
Find a working radio station URL. I suggest using WINAMP and display the web address of the currently playing station.
Paste that entry into favorites with a description.

Using winamp, I click on the scrolling song name and a popup displayed the URL as:
Using Windows Notepad, I then paste the following line into favorites.csv:
Radio Paradise,

re-run PS3-RADIO and your new entry will appear in the favorites menu of your PS3.

 Update History:
30 July 2009: 
Initial Release

31 July 2009:  
Now supports favorites.
Place your favorites in a file called "favorites.csv" and place it in the same directory as the web.conf and ps3radio.exe
The format of the file is:  description,web-link

Examples: (note: the audiostream prefix will be stripped during import)
 audiostream.World-Radio,C,Canada=CIOO 100.1 Halifax - NS,
 audiostream.World-Radio,C,Canada=CKDU Dalhousie University Halifax NS,
 4MBS Brisbane,
 WCR Community Radio,
 1 August 2009:
 Country Flags!
 Put "PS3-Radio-Icons" as "c:\Program Files\PS3 Media Server\PS3-Radio-Icons"
 The flags will appear as the icon for the station.
 Note: I downloaded the flags from WIKI. If a flag is incorrect, I need to know where to get the proper flag.
 10 August 2009:
 - The icon location for the World Radio data is converted to remove embedded spaces and changed to a "%20" which is the web friendly method of specifying an URL
 - Added a 'Remove ALL' button to remove all World-Radio stations from your web.conf
 - A file called  PS3-RADIO.CONF is read to see if it contains a line of data. That line is used as the prefix to the menu location on your PS3.
 I like "World-Radio" to appear in the top level menu. That means my prefix should be: audiostream.World-Radio
 However, if you want the listing to appear under "Web", change the prefix to:  audiostream.Web,World-Radio
 11 August 2009:
 - Fixed a bug with URLs containing an "="
 12 August 2009:
 - Playlists are downloaded and the real IP location is extracted. 
   This has allowed many more stations to suddenly work!
 18 Sept 2009:
 - changed some of the on-screen messages to show which web.conf was being modified.
 - changed how the last line of data is handled in case the original file did not end with a <cr><lf> 
 17 Oct 2009:
 - A bad entry on the frequency/database website caused ps3radio to fail with an "error 62, Input past end of file". The program now checks for the bad entry and fixes it.
 18 Oct 2009:
 - Added URLs containing /asx to the list of web entries that need to be checked for playlists. Since the PS3 does not like playlists, 
   we need to handle these entries in a special way to try to decypher the real location of the embedded content.
 22 Oct 2009:
 - Added support for another type of playlist.  This increases the number of stations that will work ok with ps3radio.
 12 Dec 2009:
 - PM3 Media Services does not like URLs that start with a space. PS3RADIO will try to remove leading spaces from the web reference.
 30 Jan 2010:
 - Added a check to verify that you have write access to the program files directory.  
   If not, a popup will occur to notify you to run-as administrator (required on Vista/Windows7)
 - Fixed "runtime error 7 - Out of memory error"
 - Check and fix URLs with embedded commas because it truncates the listing on the PS3.
 15 Feb 2010:
 - Added a check to verify that you have copied the files to the same directory as PMS.  If pms.exe is not found, a popup will appear
   asking you to verify that you have copied the files to the correct spot.
   fyi:  The files are usually in:  C:\Program Files\PS3 Media Server
 10 June 2011:
 - Fixed the problem of Step1 hanging at 49% due to bad entry on website

 11 June 2011:
 - Program is now compatible with PMS 1.23.0 (stores data in c:\programdata\pms\web.conf instead of program directory)

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