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Grant’s parents love to travel. Last summer they visited Australia. Complete the following sentences using: quite, rather, very:


a)       They stayed in a  ________ good hotel.

b)      Their plans for the future are _________ interesting.

c)       The photos are ________ beautiful.

d)      They had dinner in a __________ nice restaurant.

e)     They're _______ happy together.

f)      This trip was _________ more expensive than their last one.



Girl with Flowers


·          Quite

·          Rather

·          Very



Adverbs are used to modify adjectives.

They are placed before the adjectives:

-          quite, rather, very emphasize the meaning of the adjective.

-          Rather is often used with words that have a negative idea.

-          In most contexts quite reduces the meaning of the adjective.

















Adverbs:  quite, rather, very


Girl with Flowers



We form the Past Continuous from the past tense of be (was / were) + -ing form.




Lucy was studying.

Lucy and Grant were studying.




Lucy wasn't studying

They weren't studying.




Was she studying?

Were they studying?




We use Past Continuous to say that something was in progress at a certain time in the past.

Fill in the gaps with the past Continuous of the verbs:


a)       The teacher __________ (not talk) when grant arrived.

b)      The pupils ___________ (play) when the bell rang.

c)       Lucy ________ (do) her homework when someone knocked the door.

d)      A member of the school board _________ (walk) across the football field when a pupil broke an arm.


e)       Grant’s parents ________ (write) him a letter when they heard a crash.

f)       Lucy _______ (not sleep) when the alarm clock rang.

g)       _______ one of the students _______ (cheat) when the teacher looked at her?


Lucy and Grant have decided to participate in an exchange programme. So they decided to visit the school of the country they were exchanging with (France) and attend a French lesson.


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