Present Perfect English_clr.doc

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Have                            Past Participle


We form the Present Perfect with the present simple of the verbto have” + Past Participle of the main verb.


I’ve arrived

He’s arrived

I have arrived

He has arrived

The Past Participle of the regular verbs end in –ed ou –d.

Eg.: travel – travelled

        arrive arrived

        live - lived



Have not                            Past Participle

Has not

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I haven’t arrived

He hasn’t arrived

I have not arrived

He has not arrived

Many past participles are irregular. You have to learn them by heart! (3rd column from the list of the irregular verbs).

Eg.: buy – bought

       go – gone

      make - made



Have I…                            Past Participle

Has he…

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Æ  When we talk about actions which started in the past and continue till now (the present time);

Ex.: We have lived here for six months.

Æ  When we talk about a past action which is important in the present;

Ex.: I can’t open the door. I have lost my key.

No short form in questions!

Have I arrived?

Has he arrived?



Follow the example: I (break + ) a glass. I have broken a glass.      

1)    I (speak +) to Mary. ____________________________________

2)    The children (eat - ) anything. ___________________________

3)    Tom (forget + ) to call me. ______________________________

4)    My mother (make + ) a cake. ___________________________

5)    You (shut - ) the window. _______________________________

6)    Victor (work + ) very hard. ______________________________

7)    I (heard + ) from Tom. __________________________________

8)    We (go - ) to Paris. _____________________________________

9)    The snow (stop + ). _____________________________________

10)     Alan (see - ) TV today. ________________________________

Make questions.

1) Sarah/leave? __________________________________________

2) Mary/go home? _______________________________________

3) Where/you/put the book? ______________________________

4) You/phone to Bill? ______________________________________

5) The newspaper/arrive? _________________________________





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v     Never

v     Since

v     Yet

v     For

v     Ever

v     Already

v     Just

v     Up until now















Answer Key:


Follow the example.

1) I have spoken to Mary.

2) The children have not eaten anything.

3) Tom has forgot to call me.

4) My mother has made a cake.

5) You have not shut the window.

6) Victor has worked very hard.

7) I have heard from Tom.

8) We have gone to Paris.

9) The snow has stopped.

10) Alan has not seen TV today.


Make questions.

1) Has Sarah left?

2) Has Mary gone home?

3) Where have you put the book?

4) Have you phoned to Bill?

5) Has the newspaper arrived?



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