present perfect continuous 2009(1).doc

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A)      Mark and his family have been doing a lot of work today. Now they are feeling really tired. Can you find all that they have been doing?



¯      We form the present perfect continuous with: the verb to have  in the present simple + past participle of the verb to be + the –ing form of the main verb.


¯      It is used to talk about an actions or situations which began in the past and are still happening or have just stopped. It is often used with how long, for and since.


E.g.: The journalist has been working very hard this week














C:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Ambiente de trabalho\scarp\flor6.png

Example: The girl has been cleaning her bedroom.

¯      ___________________________________

¯      ___________________________________

¯      ___________________________________

¯      ___________________________________




B) Complete the sentences with verbs from the box. Use the present perfect continuous.


Influence   work   write   spend   talk   read   watch   talk   cry   listen   report




¯      The news ­­­­_______________________ a lot of tragic happenings recently.

¯      Psychologists defend that some TV programmes _______________________ our minds in a negative way.

¯      We _______________________ about lots of things, but we _______________________ (neg.) about you.

¯      Mark _______________________ as a freelance reporter for 4 months.

¯      They _______________________ to interview the top model but so far it has been impossible.

¯      _______________________ (she) about the ministers´ private lives?

¯      I _______________________ BBC1. That´s the channel which transmits the best quality films.

¯      _______________________ (your son) too much time in front of the TV?

¯      _______________________ (you) to Around the World programme on the radio?

¯      Jude _______________________ that novel since January.










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