The future tense.doc

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  Name: …………………………………….. Date: ……/……/……


Class : ………… Number: ……….. Evaluation: ………….








                The future tense

To Express intention/ decision or predict what will happen you can use:

1.       will future

2.       to be+ going to + infinitive

3.       the present continuous

4.       will be + ing future

5.       the present simple


1- The future tenses

              will + infinitive   : for a decision taken at the moment of speaking,

                                 an action that doesn’t depend on your will

                                 Ex: Tom: “Oh, lord .I’ve got a terrible headache.”

                                                           YOU:” I’ll get you an aspirin.”

                                                   Ex:  If she rings, I’ll talk to her.




              is generally used to express people ‘s intention ( after taking a decision or 

              making some arrangements

                                              EX: “I’ve got it all sorted for tomorrow: first I’m going to play tennis with Paul and

                                                                                then I’m going to meet André.”


3-The present continuous

             is used to express an arrangement already made


                                              EX : Ann is taking up medicine in the next 5 years.


4-will be + ing        :

             something will happen because arrangements have been made, so you project

             yourself into the future and see yourself doing it sometime next week,


                                EX. “ By this time tomorrow I’ll be flying to Capri. I’ve booked this holiday a

                                                               month ago. “


5-The present simple

             is used to express timetable information

             ( or after when, before, after, while, as soon as, etc… )


                                              EX: The school bus leaves at 6.18.








Lets exercise:


Complete the conversation. Look at the context and choose the best form of the verb to express the future.


Maria: Hello. Where are you going?

Bob: To my evening class. I’m learning Swedish. And I (speak) ______________ it for real this time next week .I ( go )_________________________________to Sweden for 3 weeks.

I (leave) _________________________ on Friday evening. I (visit) ________

friends there.

Maria: Oh, that (be) __________________________ nice.

Bob : Oh ,it’s nearly half past. My lesson (start) _______________________in a minute.

Maria: Well, have a good time. I (see) ____________________________ you next month.

Bob: Thanks. I (tell) ________________________you all about it when I  ( get ) _______________ back.









Will be speaking--  am going--    am going to leave--    am going to visit—will be--     starts--    will see--   will tell  -- get


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