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No. 86 ¤ 5.50 with CD
Speak better English
in your career with…
What to say in the bar.
The Best of the Best.
Inventions plus tension.
The Best to Come.
Get into the holiday spirit.
A look at some good
and bad film remakes.
Can Keanu
save the
The Day the
Earth Stood Still
The man
and his
grammar, error correction,
jokes, anecdotes, trivia, slang,
phrasal verbs, social English...
Can you solve these?
Can Keanu
Can Keanu
Can Keanu
save the
save the
save the
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Cursos Intensivos
de Inglés
¿Necesitas ayudas en una de las siguientes áreas?
Inglés para conversaciones telefónicas reuniones, e-mails, o gramática inglesa.
Un curso intensivo con Hot English Language Services es la oportunidad ideal
para mejorar tu nivel de inglés.
Ofrecemos cursos de medio día, un día, dos semanas y un mes durante los meses
de julio y agosto. Todos los cursos son para particulares y empresas.
¡Saca provecho del verano y mejora tu inglés al mismo tiempo!
Mejorarás el nivel del inglés Garantizado
Cada curso será impartido por un ponente altamente cualificado e incluirá:
t Un manual para la clase con el programa de estudios.
t Una copia en DVD de las presentaciones
que se graben.
Cursos Intensivos
Hay cursos de inglés general e inglés de
t Negotiation Nudge Negociaciones
t Presentation Push Presentaciones
t Telephone Treat Inglés por
t Business Blast Inglés de negocios
Inglés general
t Listening Blitz Audición y
t Grammar Spark Repaso de gramática
t Social English Splash Inglés coloquial
t Writing Jolt Redacción en inglés
Llámanos ¡Ya! y obtén un descuento del 15%. Además,
una suscripción gratis por un año si consigues que tu empresa haga un curso
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Consulta Hot English Language Services si deseas recibir más información sobre
nuestras tarifas y condiciones: (00 34) 91 455 0273 Ý
t Notas claras y concisas sobre el curso.
t Un certificado al final de cada curso.
Inglés de negocios
t Meeting Bolt Reuniones
t Error Terror Eliminación de errores
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CD index
1 Hello
2 Hero Dies
3 Seeing Stars
4 Story Time
5 Social English - Sightseeeing
6 Functional language: Small Talk
7 Error Correction (low level)
8 Saving Money
9 Telephone Conversation
10 Greek Geeks
11 We’re Not Alone
12 Weird Trivia
13 Corny Criminals
14 Manners Moment
15 Jokes
16 Graffiti
17 It’s a Scream
18 Trouble in Paradise
19 Typical Dialogues
20 Dr Fingers’ Vocabulary
21 Quirky News
22 British Bar Chat
23 US Bar Chat
24 Story: The Shop – Episode 3
25 Nightmare Hotel Experience
26 Dumb US Laws (Utah)
27 Dictionary of Slang
28 Error Correction (high level)
29 Idioms : Table
30 Not Kosher
31 Good Deed Undone
32 Travelling Through
33 Off the Cuff
34 Elementary Exam Listening
35 Pre Intermediate Exam Listening
36 Intermediate Exam Listening
37 Upper Intermediate Exam Listening
38 Advanced Exam Listening
Editor’s intro
Hello, and welcome to another issue of
Hot English Magazine, the fun magazine
for learning English.
Magazine Index
3 Editorial
4 Hero Dies
5 Seeing Stars
6 Name Game
7 Personality Quiz
8 Useful Vocabulary: Christmas
9 Useful Verbs: celebrating
10 SB Article: Chugging Along
11 Story Time
12 Basic English: vacation
13 Social English: sightseeing
14 Functional language: Small Talk
15 Error correction & Listening: Saving Money
16 Grammar Fun
17 With a Trace & Telephone English
18 Film Scripts (It’s A Wonderful Life)
19 SB Article: Christmas Festivals
20 Greek Geeks
21 We’re Not Alone
22 Trivia Matching
23 Weird Trivia
24 Dr Fingers’ Grammar
25 Subscriptions
26 Corny Criminals
27 Recipe: Egg Nog and Sausage / Zucchini
& Listening: Manners Moment
28 A Real-Life Stand-Still
30 Father Ted
32 Classic remakes
33 Movie Mania
34 The Day the Earth Stood Still
35 Keanu Reeves and Jennifer Connelly
36 Best of 2008
37 Predictions for 2009
38 Face to Face Infernal Aairs vs. The Departed
39 Paul Newman Tribute
40 Jokes, Grati & Cartoon
41 Misheard Lyrics
42 It’s a Scream
43 Trouble in Paradise
44 Vocabulary: The Restaurant
45 Not-So Typical Dialogues: The Restaurant
46 Dr Fingers Vocabulary Clinic:
Starting Something
47 Quirky News / Riddles
48 Breathing Fire
50 SB Article: Positive Energy
51 Marketing English & Listening:
Nightmare Hotel Experience
52 Dumb Laws & Utah Facts
53 Directory
54 Dictionary of Slang
55 Dr Fingers’ Error Correction, Chat-Up Lines
& Back Issues
56 Anniversaries: December
57 Idioms: Table
58 SB Article: Keep Talking
59 Advertisement
60 Not Kosher
61 Good Deed Undone
62 Tara Hill
63 Phrasal Verbs
64 Tape scripts
65 Answers and Listening: Travelling Through
66 Word of the Month: (Newbie)
For a start, we have a very special issue
this month. There are two new sections
we are introducing. The first is riddles.
A riddle is a puzzle or joke that seems
like it doesn’t make sense, but is
actually quite clever once you discover
the answer. The second new section is
a personal favourite of mine. Have you ever met someone
in a bar, and you wanted to talk to them, but felt like you
didn’t have a good opening line? With the new “chat-up
lines” section, you will now have something to say. The lines
are funny and cute. Let me know how you get on with them.
The film we are featuring this month is called The Day the
Earth Stood Still starring Keanu Reeves. It is a remake of
a 1950’s film of the same name. We have also included
articles about other classic remakes, and an article about
moments in history that made the world “stand still”.
As the holiday season is among us, we have included useful
Christmas vocabulary as well as celebration-themed
useful verbs. One of our Skills Booklet readings is about
holiday celebrations around the world. There is also a
recipe for egg nog, a typical holiday drink.
Well, I could go on and on about the exciting things we have
in this issue, but I guess I should let you read on for yourself.
As always, good luck with your English. And don’t hesitate
to write in with any feedback.
We’ll do anything for our devoted
PS If you are an English teacher, and would like even more great
ideas for your classes, the Teacher's Notes are now available for
sale. They are informative and have plenty of supplementary
activities for our magazine. For more information, e-mail .
PPS Happy Holidays!
Basic English
A Real-Life Stand-Still
Important moments in history and
the movies made about them.
Father Ted
Life at Craggy Island.
Lightning strikes twice?
A look at some good and bad film
The Day the Earth Stood Still
Warning from beyond.
Best of 2008
Hot English looks back on 2008.
(00 34) 91 543 3573
All material in this publication is strictly copyright, and all rights are reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. The views expressed in Hot English
Magazine do not necessarily represent the views of Hot English Publishing, S.L., although we do love action movies, we do think egg nog is delicious, and we
sometimes cry when we watch It’s a Wonderful Life.
For lots more content, visit the blog at: I 3
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Hero Dies
World leaders remember Russian author.
The world recently lost a hero. Russian author Aleksandr
Isayevich Solzhenitsyn was born on 11th December 1918
and died 3rd August 2008. He wrote novels, plays and was
also a historian. Solzhenitsyn changed Russian history
and literature. He wrote about the Soviet Union’s labour
camp system, the Gulag. World leaders paid tributes to
Solzhenitsyn and his contributions to Russian society. Former
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev said that the writer’s works
“changed the consciousness of millions of people”.
Solzhenitsyn was a Soviet ocer in World War II. In 1945,
he was sent to the Gulag for criticising Stalin. He spent
eight years there. After that experience, he wrote a story
about a day in the life of a Gulag prisoner in 1962. Soon
after, the political situation in the Soviet Union got worse.
Solzhenitsyn then wrote about the history of the Gulag
system from 1918 to 1956. Although he won the Nobel
Prize for Literature in 1970, he was then exiled from the
Soviet Union for over 20 years. His courage will always be
remembered. One Russian man said Solzhenitsyn’s books
showed him “the power of literature to change the world”.
1 Pre reading
Do you know what these characters have in common? What’s
your denition of a hero? What do people do to become heroes?
3 Reading II
What do the following dates refer to in the article?
1. 1918
2. 2008
3. 1962
4. 1945
5. 1970
4 Language focus
Look at the following dates and write
them in word form. For example, 1st
December= the rst of December.
1. 31st December
2. 22nd December
3. 23rd December
a labour camp n
a camp for political prisoners,
enemies of the government or
prisoners of war, where they are
forced to do physical labour
to pay tribute to exp
to honour someone or something
consciousness n
your thoughts and mind
to criticise vb
if you “criticise” someone, you say
what you think is wrong with that
to exile vb
if someone is “exiled”, they are told
to leave their country
5 Language focus
1. Can you think of any national heroes
in your country? Who? What are they
famous for?
2. Do you have a hero / heroine? Who? Why?
3. Can you think of any famous heroes /
heroines from literature? Who?
2 Reading I
Read to nd out what the person from the article did to become
a national hero.
4 I For an English language course abroad, e-mail
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(Austria, 27th January
1756 – 5th December
Still considered one of
the greatest classical
music composers ever,
Mozart played and
composed at the age
of ve. He wrote over
600 pieces in total, and
inuenced many other
classical musicians.
Seeing Stars
5-year-old music genius.
How many ve-year-olds play the piano?
Famous Austrian composer Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart could. But now, people
are talking about another piano genius.
Her name is Yoo Ye-eun of South Korea. She
surprised her parents at three-years-old with
an amazing talent: she could listen to any
song once and then play it perfectly on the
piano. “She has perfect pitch even though
she has never learnt to play. We never taught
her,” said Ye-eun’s mum, Park Jung Soon.
Little Yoo gave a concert in May with 7-year-
old Connie Talbot, star of Britain’s Got Talent*.
Yoo has appeared
on several Korean
talent shows. Her
performance on
reality show “Star
King” won her £500 and made the audience
cry . This child prodigy is so popular that
she recently played for the Prime Minister
of Singapore. She loves the great classical
composers, like Beethoven, Mozart and
Chopin. Yoo practices every day and says her
dream is to be “a great pianist.” It looks like this
little girl’s dream has already come true .
Got Talent
Britain’s Got Talent is a
British television show.
Dancers, comedians
or any other talented
people perform in front
of an audience. The
show has three judges:
Simon Cowell, Amanda
Holden and Piers
Morgan. The programme
premiered in England
in 2007 and millions of
people watch it.
1 Pre reading
Match the famous child prodigies to their description.
2 Reading I
There are two child prodigies mentioned in the article.
Who are they?
3 Reading II
True or false? Yoo Ye-eun…
1. … revealed her talent when she was three.
2. … has had piano lessons since she was three.
3. … has never performed for the public.
4. … is a fan of classical music.
Marie Curie
4 Language focus
A person who plays the piano is a “pianist”.
In the same way, we say a “violinist” and a “trombonist”.
Can you think of any more words like this?
pitch n
if you have perfect “pitch”, you can
sing or play a note accurately
a performance n
if you give a “performance”, you
entertain an audience by singing,
dancing, or acting on a stage
to make someone cry exp
if you “make someone cry”, you
make them sad and cause tears
(liquid) to come out of their eyes
a prodigy n
a person with exceptional talent
to come true exp
if a dream or a wish “comes true”,
it happens
5 Discussion
How good are you at the following? (very good, good, OK, bad,
very bad)
playing music
speaking languages
Shirley Temple
a. played and composed music at age ve.
b. drew before he could speak.
c. taught herself French and Russian at age four.
d. was a tap dancer at age ve.
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