M Jules Aedin - Can't Hurry Love.pdf

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Can't Hurry Love
For JÔna and MÔsa,
Can’t Hurry Love Y M. Jules Aedin
Part One
In Which Our Hero Meets His Matchmaker
V INCENT jumped when the office door closed behind him. It
barely made a snick, but to him it sounded like a gunshot. A
gavel. A guillotine. HeÔd never noticed how many deadly
words started with G before. Maybe G should be erased from
the alphabet. Except then we wouldnÔt have G-strings, and
that would never work. IÔd lose half my wardrobe.
The Director took one look at him and arched a sharp
eyebrow. Her lacquered nails tapped impatiently on the
surface of her highly polished desk, and Vincent idly noted
how sturdy the mahogany furniture was. In fact it would be
just perfect forÐ
ÑI trust you know why youÔre here, Vincent.Ò The
Director had a smooth, mellow voice that Vincent thought
would sound nice reading the telephone directory. He just
wasnÔt in the mood to hear her read his death sentence. He
ÑYes, maÔam, and IÔm sorry. I swear on my fuzzy white
tail it will never happen again.Ò
A muscle in her jaw jumped, and Vincent worried. Had
that not been the right thing to say? He loved his fuzzy white
tail. It was one of his favorite parts of being in the Easter
Can’t Hurry Love Y M. Jules Aedin
Bunny Department at the Corporation of Mythical Beings. It
always drew attention to his ass, and he rather thought his
ass was one of his best features. He was too slender to have
a lot of impressive muscles, but a twitch of his tail could
bring all the boys to the yard, as the song went.
Unfortunately, it also brought the Satyrs to the supply room,
and Vincent was just a boy who couldnÔt say no. It wasnÔt his
fault the Head Bunny had needed a new stapler at that very
moment and had seen more than heÔd bargained for.
ÑBe that as it may, Vincent, youÔre on probation from
the Easter Bunny Department for now.Ò At his stricken look,
she continued. ÑIf you complete this assignment to our
satisfaction, you may even be off probation in time for the
Easter season. YouÔve got a few months. It isnÔt until April
this year.Ò
She slid a manila folder across the desk to him. He
picked it up nervously, but the neat black and white label
seemed innocuous enough. ÑCharles Ross?Ò
ÑHeÔs in the Cupid Department,Ò the Director said,
sounding exasperated. VincentÔs long white ears pricked
forward in interest.
ÑIÔm being assigned to the Cupid Department?Ò That
sounded like a great idea. Hell, it wasnÔt even really
probation. He wanted to meet the genius who had thought of
transferring him to the department of love. And all those
Cupids aroundÈ! HeÔd never had a Cupid before. He
wondered if they were better than Satyrs.
ÑNot quite,Ò the Director said, bursting his shiny little
bubble of lust-filled musings. ÑYouÔre being assigned to Mr.
Can’t Hurry Love Y M. Jules Aedin
Vincent felt his fine white eyebrows pull together in
confusion. ÑI donÔt understand.Ò
ÑYou see, Mr. Ross is currently underperforming at an
alarming level. None of his cases are going out. He hasnÔt
turned in the paperwork on his last eighteen assignments.
ItÔs ValentineÔs Day in less than a month, and he is, for all
intents and purposes, on strike.Ò
Vincent was silently horrified. A Cupid who didnÔt want
to be cupiding?
ÑButÈ what am I supposed to do?Ò
ÑThat, Mr. Furnier, is up to you.Ò She smiled, and
Vincent felt a chill run down his spine. She almost never
addressed him so formally. He suddenly had a bad feeling
about his new assignment. ÑOur main concern is that Mr.
Ross returns to his duties as a Cupid. We are less interested
in what methods you use.Ò
Cold dread settled in his stomach. If the Director was
giving him an ends-justify-the-means speech, this was going
to be difficult.
ÑShouldnÔt you be assigning this to another Cupid?Ò he
asked, feeling an involuntary twitch start up in his right ear.
ÑItÔs not like this is exactly my area of specialty.Ò
ÑOn the contrary, Vincent.Ò The Director chuckled,
leaning back in her chair and looking very smug indeed. ÑI
think this is right up your alley. You may keep the file.Ò
Understanding heÔd been dismissed, Vincent took the
file marked Charles Ross and left the DirectorÔs office, closing
the door gently behind himself. He hoped Dionysus was
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