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fast tech
Words: Stewart Sanderson
Photos: Michael Whitestone
This month Stu gives us the fi rst of his master class series on the
theory behind mapping and why your Ford might need it.
As most of you will know, what we
actually specialise in at Motorsport
Developments is all forms of
Original Equipment and aftermarket
engine management system
live mapping. Since this is often
thought of as some form of black
art I fi gured it was high time that I
explained in some depth just what
mapping actually is and why you
as an enthusiast need it for your
modifi ed Ford.
Having worked as a tuner for 17
years, Stewart ‘Stu’ Sanderson
is one of the most-respected
names in the business.
A Level 5-trained fuel-
injection technician, in the past
Stu has worked for a Ford Rallye
Sport dealer, a well-known fuel-
injection specialist and various
tuning companies.
Then seven years ago he
joined forces with Kenny Walker
and opened up Motorsport
Developments near Blackpool
(01253 508400, www. ), specialising
in engine management live
remapping, as well as
developing a range of Evolution
chips which are now sold all
over the world.
He’s also jointly responsible
with Webmaster, Petrucci for Started
in 2003, it’s grown rapidly from
a few friends contributing, to
one of the biggest Ford
communities on the web.
Stu’s enviable knowledge of
the workings of modern-day
Ford performance engines
means that every month he’s
just the man to explain how and
why things work, and most
importantly how they can
be improved.
Mapping is the term given
to the act of changing an
engine management system’s
calibration fi le.
Now that is all well and good
if you happen to know what a
calibration fi le (or map as it is
commonly known) actually is, but
if like 90 per cent of the motoring
population you actually don’t, then
read on...
All electronic fuel-injected engines
are controlled by an electronic
control unit (ECU for short), which
is constantly hooked up to sensors
that feed it live data telling it
everything there is to know about
the engine’s dynamic conditions
such as water, air and fuel temp,
throttle angle, engine speed, air
density and manifold pressures.
The ECU uses this input data
in conjunction with a reference
program to see what exactly it
needs to do, such as what fuel
injector duration to supply, or maybe
when to fi re the spark plug, to name
just the two most critical factors.
These tables also tell it when to
do a number of other engine control
related things such as how to idle,
what cam timing to run, what boost
pressure to run the turbo at and
even when to vent fumes from the
fuel tank into the engine for nice
clean emissions, not to mention
when to disable your lovely air
The fi rst rule of working on
cars and using tools of any
kind is don’t ever skimp on
decent protection. Goggles,
gloves, ear defenders,
masks and a set of overalls
should be in your garage.
Use them.
When using power tools,
protective gear is essential
— grinders and welders can
make a real mess of your
soft skin and bone if you get
it wrong.
Never work under a car
without supporting it using
axle stands. A car falling on
you is not something you’ll
be laughing about down
the pub.
Nonsense? No. This calibration fi le or map can be read by the ECU
fast tech
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fast tech
fast tech
Custom chips are based on off-
the-shelf items, but the maps
are tweaked to suit your engine
management system that
is far better than the simple
off-the-shelf calibration but
not at all as accurate as a live
map, so a compromise.
With custom mapping, you
basically start with an off-
the-shelf chip as explained
above, and it is then tweaked
time and time again to get
the best out of your engine.
The tuner would test drive
the car, make notes on paper
as to what rpm/throttle
etc problem arises, and
then modify the map on a
computer, program another
chip, fi t this to the ECU, then
go out again and see what
difference it has made.
This is basically repeated
until the tuner is happy with
the outcome.
This is the option normally
chosen by people with not quite
enough cash to get the car mapped
live, but want more than an off-the-
shelf program for their cherished
chariot. It’s worth noting that this
is quite often the only way a tuner
can work if they haven’t got the
necessary expensive equipment to
live map, so they painstakingly tune
this way.
Some systems cannot be live
mapped, such as Pectel hardware-
equipped IAW P8 systems. Good
results are certainly possible
engine’s planned power output.
Extra air from this point on just leans
the system out as the calibration is
not programmed to see it.
The second big problem with
MAF calibrations is usually created
by camshafts with long duration.
These long duration cams tend to
create a lot of overlap that plays
havoc with gas speeds. This means
the gas speed can drop massively
and in turn, the airfl ow meter can
no longer see the airfl ow. Worse
still, you can generate backfl ow with
high overlap camshaft fi gures and
that means air going through the
mass meter the wrong way!
The MAF meter isn’t direction
conscious, so it presumes the air
is going into the engine and it adds
more fuel... Instant rich condition
and poor driveability are the only
result. Expert mapping can correct
all these conditions and of course
many more we haven’t even
touched upon.
These fi les can be installed
in EPROM form just like the old
days, or ‘fl ashed’ in via the car’s
diagnostic port which leaves no tell-
tale signs of modifi cation. These fi les
are basically programmed all the
same for each type of car/ECU and
engine combination, so if it doesn’t
really do much for your car, it’s
tough. It may work for some and not
others due to the fact all engines
tend to vary somewhat.
Option two is a custom map. This is
a performance calibration for your
The ECU takes its information from maps, usually
stored on an EPROM or chip. On this 4x4 Cosworth
ECU, the chip has been removed, but would be
located in the lower right-hand corner
conditioning to save bhp when you
need it most.
This information truly does
just scratch the very surface of
a modern engine management
calibration, but hopefully you will
all remember my past articles on
engine management computers
and the sensors that are used to
feed them with the vital information
they require to perform their duties.
We have also covered the sensors
own related ECU maps in the past
too, so if you missed them, please
grab back issues 247, 248 and 249
for a very in-depth explanation of
how these management systems
work. Now, back to mapping...
required, you will have to get the
management system remapped to
ensure it does what it’s supposed
to do with regards sparking the
plugs and delivering fuel from the
injectors — not to mention how
to drive the idle valve for best
idle stability and cold running. In
short, your engine modifi cations
will probably not actually have the
desired effect until you reprogram
the ECU so it knows the mods are
there and what it needs to do
about them.
As a simple and very common
example: if you fi t a nice ported
cylinder head to your car, you can
reasonably expect it to fl ow more air
at high revs due to the new bigger
inlet and exhaust ports, but you
must never forget that this
extra air requires extra fuel
if it is to make any extra
power. In fact, without
the extra fuel you
will normally lose
power due to
the fact you
have leaned out what was once a
perfectly good fuel mixture. There is
of course always the danger that if
you lean it out too far, you will melt
the pistons.
The reason for this is quite simple
but may not be quite as obvious if
you who don’t understand ECUs
and management, so I will try to
explain what happens if you modify
your engine beyond the scope of
the ECU calibration.
about airfl ow at all, and can only do
what its calibration tells it to do. As
an extreme example for illustration
purposes let’s look at this scenario.
A Cosworth Sierra had 204
bhp as standard with 8 psi of
boost at around 6000 rpm on
a T3 turbocharger. However, a
Cosworth with a nicely-ported
cylinder head and some sensible
camshafts, allied to a Garrett GT35
turbocharger can make over 350
bhp with the same 8 psi of boost at
the same 6000 rpm. The problem
is, if you were using the same ECU
calibration as the standard car, the
ECU will only inject enough fuel for
204 bhp, as that is all the standard
calibration program is telling the
ECU to do when it sees 8 psi and
6000 rpm.
That is heavily over-simplifi ed
but I hope it makes sense and
illustrates how an ECU can only do
what it is told to do when it was
calibrated. In a nutshell, because we
have changed how much air fl ows
through the engine with any given
pressure, we have to inform the ECU
and program in what is required of
fuel, spark and so on.
The second common system
seen on your Ford is the mass
airfl ow system.
This system is a lot better with
regards self-compensation as it
uses a MAF (Mass Air Flow) meter
to give the ECU some idea about
actual airfl ow, and not just pressure
as per the speed density system.
With this system you can fl ow a
little more air and still be OK, but
two things commonly create big
problems for it. Firstly, you may
increase the fl ow so much you get
to the point where Ford had no
longer programmed any further.
This is quite easy to do with a good
cylinder head and sensible cams.
This scenario means it goes very
lean up in the power area as the
ECU is of course only programmed
up to a certain limit, above which it
was deemed unnecessary to do any
more programming work as they
were already beyond the production
There are various ways to go about
having your maps changed to better
suit your mods and all vary in both
price and effectiveness.
Emulator (black box on the right) allows you to alter the
maps ‘live’ at the same time as the ECU asks for information
Option one is to have what we
call an off-the-shelf program. This
is a performance calibration for
your management system that
will remove various compromises
written into the software by the
manufacturer and has basic
performance mods. These include
leaning off excessive rich mixtures
that the OEMs use and running a
little more advance due to the fact
that as an enthusiast you will be
using better fuel than the garbage
they had to program it for, just in
case you put it in there after you
bought the car. Sometimes the rev
or speed limiters are increased or
removed too.
When an ECU calculates how much
fuel to add to the air, it does so in
one of two ways. The simplest is the
speed density calculation using a
combination of manifold pressure,
throttle, air and water temperature
sensors. Now this system is the
dumbest of them all and has no idea
Since the ECU contains all the
parameters for your fuel injection
system to deliver its goods, if you
make any modifi cations to the
engine that change the amount
of fuel required, or changes
the amount of spark advance
at high revs due to the new bigger
inlet and exhaust ports, but you
must never forget that this
extra air requires extra fuel
if it is to make any extra
power. In fact, without
the extra fuel you
will normally lose
power due to
the fact you
combination of manifold pressure,
throttle, air and water temperature
sensors. Now this system is the
dumbest of them all and has no idea
calibration program is telling the
ECU to do when it sees 8 psi and
6000 rpm.
That is heavily over-simplifi ed
but I hope it makes sense and
illustrates how an ECU can only do
what it is told to do when it was
calibrated. In a nutshell, because we
have changed how much air fl ows
through the engine with any given
Off-the-shelf chips or fi les
are the most common
route to performance
calibration of your ECU
Wide-band air/fuel ratio monitor
is essential kit when live-mapping
0130 J UNE 2007 FAST FORD
chip, fi t this to the ECU, then
go out again and see what
difference it has made.
This is basically repeated
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fast tech
Det cans (usually bolted to an inlet manifold stud) are
needed to listen for detonation while live-mapping
The way they both work is quite
simple to explain:
The left column is the engine’s
load. On the speed density system
this is calculated using the map
sensor, on the MAF system it is
calculated using actual air travelling
through the engine and worked out
as volumetric effi ciency.
The top row is RPM. This is
hopefully self explanatory to you all?
So, at any given load and rpm, the
ECU simply takes the value at that
juncture and uses it to deliver fuel
to the engine. The speed density
system inputs fuel based on pure
manifold pressure as explained
earlier, so if you changed the
amount of air your engine could
fl ow at X RPM and X LOAD, you
would have to change the number
in that table to a bigger number or it
would run lean. Simple eh?
The MAF system is a little more
complex as it is far more intelligent,
but it uses all its inputs to calculate
actual engine volumetric effi ciency
and the fuel table is displayed as a
lambda ratio. We can input a lambda
fi gure as a target and the ECU will
calculate what fuel to deliver to
achieve that AFR.
This all goes wrong if you put
cams in the engine as the airfl ow
reading at the MAF tends to go
wrong. It also runs into problems
if you max out the MAF as once
its fl ow is maxed out at 4.9 volts, it
is blind and can no longer do any
further calculations.
So, there you have it, that is just
two of the maps from two of the
systems. If I showed you them all
we would fi ll the next two or three
years’ editions.
However, we are going to look at
these two systems in some more
depth next month, so stay tuned for
part two.
from custom mapping but it is
very hard and time consuming to
perfect anything in this way, as it
is so drawn out and long winded,
not to mention a little inaccurate
by its very nature. A great middle
ground though as long as you use a
competent professional.
the point in the map that is wrong
so you can correct it there and then,
whilst driving the car using that
current data.
This allows you to literally feel
the result of map changes as you
perform them whilst simultaneously
watching the fuelling on your
wide-band fuel monitor, watching
boost levels etc and listening for
detonation. There is no substitute
for live mapping. It is the ultimate
way to tune an ECU. Period.
Mapping in the real world:
what does the mapper actually
do with your car on a live-
mapping day?
Option 3 is a live map — the daddy
of the mapping world. Live mapping
is a little like custom mapping but
on a far grander scale. With a live
map you have your chip completely
removed and a laptop is connected
in its place via a piece of hardware
called an emulator.
Once this system is installed
the maps can be accessed live
and altered at the same time as the
ECU is asking for the information.
This means if for example you have
a hesitation at 50 mph in fourth
gear, you can drive the car to that
speed and easily see and access
Each system is different but your
average Ford EEC IV and V ECU
calibration contains over 300
end-user controllable maps and
calibration switches. Everything
from fuel and spark to maps that
adjust things based on coolant and
air temperature, as well as battery
voltage and barometric pressure.
Modern ECUs also have adaptive
tables that allow the ECU to learn
how to fuel your engine correctly as
it wears out, meaning less tuning to
be done and less time for the car off
the road.
Every map is dedicated to at
least one individual running factor,
such as spark control, but this
factor may require over 50 different
maps and calibrations to make
it work to the satisfaction of the
original manufacturer. The levels of
accuracy built into modern ECUs
is mind blowing, and the average
aftermarket ECU like Motec and DTA
can only dream of being even close
to as good.
Speed density system: fuel map from an Escort Cosworth P8 ECU
Let’s take two of the most
common maps from two of the
most common systems, and look
at how they work and then it may
give you some idea of what’s going
on within the ECU and how the
information ends up being wrong
after you have tuned your engine.
This list of maps and switches
on a Focus RS ECU is just for
the fuel injectors alone...
1 . Speed density system
2 . MAF System
MAF system: base fuel map from a Focus RS ECU
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