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Wolf Town
Poised to run. Aching to stay. What lies between is sweet torture.
For nine years, Scott Lund has been erasing himself. Making sure his own kind—those who can
control people’s minds—can’t track him down. It has been a lonely existence. So lonely, that when he
makes a real connection with a stranger, he breaks his own cardinal rule and falls asleep in the man’s arms.
Rory McIntyre has been sent by his pack alpha to keep a protective eye on Scott. Seduction wasn’t
part of the plan, but once he lays eyes on the Minder, Rory isn’t satisfied to keep his distance.
The moment Scott opens his eyes, he panics and flees—straight into a Minder trap. The handsome
stranger from the night before turns out to be his rescuer, who whisks him away to a safe place. Wolf
Overwhelmed by Rory’s family, Scott knows only two things for sure. His attraction to Rory is
growing by the minute. And to keep his lover safe, he must put as much distance between them as
Warning: Contains dangerous mind control, bone-cracking violence and full-body-contact sex with an
irresistible wolf shifter.
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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or
have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual
events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.
Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520
Macon GA 31201
Wolf Town
Copyright © 2010 by Joely Skye
ISBN: 978-1-60928-055-0
Edited by Sasha Knight
Cover by Natalie Winters
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: June 2010
Wolf Town
Joely Skye
Chapter One
Rory pulled in a breath and tried to ignore the unpleasant smell of exhaust mixed with human sweat.
The October day had turned unusually warm, and it seemed like everyone and their brother was
overdressed. Actually sweat wasn’t much of an annoyance. It was the antiperspirant and perfumes and
colognes that came with it, assaulting his nose.
He leaned casually against the bus stand, giving the impression he was gazing vacantly down the
road, one of many waiting for the streetcar to arrive. His target walked past, hunched over as usual, staring
down at the sidewalk. Rory could have been dressed in neon orange and doing jumping jacks, and the man
wouldn’t have noticed him.
Rory straightened from his slouch and detached from the bus stand to follow Scott Lund, twenty-eight
years old and apparently entirely alone in the world. Was he headed to his apartment, or would Friday night
bring a break from that routine?
Please God a break. Four days on the job and Rory was already dying of boredom.
He didn’t want to be here, bodyguarding some unstable psychic mind-control-type person whose file
didn’t make him sound particularly appealing, let alone nice.
Which was why Scott’s rather defeated posture intrigued Rory. Although he recognized that wolves
were more aware than others of body posture and considered it an important signal, this guy evidently did
not. Quite frankly, if a wolf walked the way Scott did, Rory would have assumed he was a dysfunctional
pack’s omega—the unfortunate wolf everyone else abused. But Scott was a Minder who lived by himself,
and Rory had to be careful not to make assumptions or perceive him to be weak when he was not.
Even if this Scott was apparently in need of a bodyguard. Not for the first time, Rory wondered if his
father and Trey had cooked up this job simply as a make-work project. He glared at Scott’s back, as if he
could blame him for Rory’s predicament vis-à-vis pack politics, that is, his being the son of the alpha.
Scott turned left onto Bloor and Rory sighed. The man appeared to be walking home.
But to Rory’s relief, Scott then did something outside his normal routine. He ducked into a side street
and into a pub.
Excellent . A much-needed change in protocol. Rory followed, exchanging the pollution of the city for
the smells of cooking, alcohol and disinfectants—which meant the place was kept halfway clean.
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