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Glossary | Unit by unit
Unit 1
acquaintance /@"kweInt@ns/  (n) a person that you know, but who is
not a close friend
arrogant /"&r@g@nt/  (adj) behaving in a proud, unpleasant way
banquet /"b&nkwIt/  (n) a formal meal for a large number of
people, usually for a special occasion, at which speeches are
often made
bargain /"bA;gIn; AmE "bA;r-/  (v) to discuss prices, conditions, etc.
with sb in order to reach an agreement that is acceptable
bound /baUnd/  (adj) if sth is bound to happen, it is certain or very
likely to happen
build a relationship /%bIld @ rI"leISnSIp/  (phrase) to create or
develop a friendly way of working or dealing with someone
cabinet /"k&bIn@t/  (n) a piece of furniture with doors, drawers and
/ or shelves, that is used for storing or showing things
caterer /"keIt@r@(r)/  (n) person or company whose job is to provide
food and drinks at a business meeting or for a special occasion
come across /kVm @"krQs; AmE -"krA;s/  (phr v) to make a
particular impression
complex /"kQmpleks; AmE k@m"pleks/  (adj) dificult to understand
because of being made of many different things or parts
confident /"kQnfId@nt; AmE" "kA;n-/  (adj) feeling certain that sth
will happen in the way that you want or expect
confirm /k@n"fE;m; AmE -"fE;rm/  (v) to state that sth is deinitely
true or correct, or that an arrangement is deinite or oficial
cover for /"kVv@ f@(r); AmE "kVv@r/  (phr v) to do sb’s work or
duties while they are away
create an impression /krI%eIt @n Im"preSn/  (phrase) to give people
a particular feeling, idea, or opinion the irst time they see sth or
meet sb
creativity /krieI"tIvIti/  (n) the quality of being able to produce new
ideas or works of art using skill and imagination
exhibition /%eksI"bISn/  (n) a collection of things of a similar kind
that are shown to the public
expensive /Ik"spensIv/  (adj) costing a lot of money
extravagance /Ik"str&v@g@ns/  (n) the act or habit of spending more
money than you can afford or than is necessary
favourable /"feIv@r@bl/  (adj) [BrE] [AmE favorable] making people
have a good opinion of sb / sth
forge /fO;dZ; AmE fO;rdZ/  (v) to create or develop sth successful
using a lot of effort
functional /"fVnkS@nl/  (adj) practical and useful
gain /geIn/  (v) to obtain or win sth such as an advantage or beneit
glossy /"glQsi; AmE "glA;si/  (adj) printed on smooth, shiny,
expensive paper
have a reputation /h&v @ %repju"teISn/  (phrase) to be thought of in
a particular way, because of what you have done in the past
ineffective /InI"fektIv/  (adj) not achieving what you want to
achieve; not having any effect
innovation /In@"veISn/  (n) the introduction of new things, ideas, or
ways of doing sth
interpret /In"tE;prIt; AmE -"tE;rp-/  (v) to translate one language
into another as you hear it
maternity leave /m@"tE;n@ti li;v; AmE -"tE;rn-/  (n) a period of time
when a woman temporarily leaves her job to have a baby
modest /"mQdIst; AmE "mA;d-/  (adj) not very large, expensive,
important, etc.
ostentatious /%Qsten"teIS@s; AmE %A;st-/  (adj) (disapproving)
expensive or noticeable in a way that is intended to impress
phenomenon /fi"nQmIn@n; AmE -"nA;m-/  (n) a fact or an event in
nature or society
portfolio /pO;t"f@Uli@U; AmE pO;rt"foUlioU/  (n) a collection of
photographs, drawings, etc. that you use as an example of your
work, especially when applying for a job
premises /"premIsIz/  (n) the building and the land around it that a
business uses
principles /"prIns@plz/  (n) moral rules or strong beliefs that
inluence your actions
professionalism /pr@"feS@n@lIzm/  (n) the high standard that you
expect from a person who is well trained in a particular job
project an image /pr@%dZekt @n "ImIdZ/  (phrase) to present sb / sth
or yourself to other people in a particular way, especially one
that gives a good impression
proof reading /"prU;f ri;dIN/  (n) the process of checking a copy
of printed material and correcting mistakes in it before it is
provisionally /pr@"vIZ@n@li/  (adv) in a way that is not yet deinite
rapport /r&"pO;(r)/  (n) a friendly relationship in which people
understand each other well
real estate /"rI;@l IsteIt/  (n) property in the form of land or
recent /"ri;s@nt/  (adj) that happened or began only a short time ago
recommend /%rek@"mend/  (v) to tell sb that sth is good or useful, or
that sb would be suitable for a particular job, etc.
referral /rI"fE;r@l; AmE -"fE;r-/  (n) the act of sending sb who needs
professional help to a person or place that can provide it
regarding /rI"gA;dIN; AmE -"gA;rd-/  (prep) concerning sb / sth;
about sb / sth
represent /%reprI"zent/  (v) to be a member of a company or group
and act or speak on their behalf
reputation /%repju"teISn/  (n) the opinion that people have about
what sb / sth is like, based on what has happened in the past
standardized /"st&nd@daIzd/  (adj) made to have the same features
or qualities as other things of the same type
successful /s@k"sesfl/  (adj) achieving your aims or achieving
success, for example by making a lot of money
suspicious /s@"spIS@s/  (adj) feeling that sb has done sth wrong,
illegal, or dishonest, without having any proof
switch /swItS/  (v) to change from one thing to another
synergy /"sIn@dZi; AmE -n@rdZi/  (n) a relationship in which two
or more people or companies work together and achieve more
energy, power, success, etc. than they could separately
take a dislike to /%teIk @ dIs"laIk t@/  (phrase) to feel that you do not
like sb / sth, especially when this is sudden
text /tekst/  (n) a way of sending written messages using a mobile
phone / cellphone
tradition /tr@"dISn/  (n) a belief, custom, or way of doing sth that
has existed for a long time among a particular group of people;
a set of these beliefs or customs
trustworthy /"trVstwE;Di; AmE -wE;rDi/  (adj) that you can rely on to
be good, honest, sincere, etc.
wary /"we@ri; AmE "weri/  (adj) careful when dealing with sb / sth
because you think that there may be a danger or problem
word-of-mouth /%wE;d @v "maUT/  (adj) spread news by people
telling each other
© Oxford University Press 2008
Business Result Upper-intermediate
Glossary | Unit by unit
Unit 2
absenteeism /%&bs@n"ti;Iz@m/  (n) staying away from work,
especially often and without good reasons
achievement /@"tSi;vm@nt/  (n) the act or process of doing sth
successfully, especially using your own effort and skill
acknowledged /@k"nQlIdZd; AmE -"nA;l-/  (adj) accepted publicly as
having a particular status or authority, or as having achieved sth
alignment /@"laInm@nt/  (n) the correct relationship of things with
each other
annual bonus /%&nju@l "b@Un@s; AmE -"boUn-/  (n) extra money
that is added to sb’s wages once a year, as a reward
appreciation /@pri;sI"eISn/  (n) the feeling of being grateful for sth or
of noticing sb’s good qualities, good work, etc.
attendance reward /@"tend@ns rIwO;d; AmE -wO;rd/  (n) something
such as extra money that is given to sb because they have come
to work regularly and not missed any days
autonomy /O;"tQn@mi; AmE O;tA;n-/  (n) the ability to act and make
decisions without being controlled by anyone else
better (yourself) /"bet@(r)/  (v) to improve your social position
through education, a better job, etc.
boost staff morale /bu;st sta;f m@"rA;l; AmE -st&f m@"r&l/  (phrase)
to increase the conidence and enthusiasm of staff
break the ice /%breIk Di "aIs/  (phrase) to say or do sth that helps
people to feel relaxed and to start talking, especially at the
beginning of a meeting, party, etc.
bump into /%bVmp "Int@/  (phr v) to meet sb by chance
commission /k@"mISn/  (n) an amount of money that is paid to sb
for selling goods and which increases with the amount of goods
that are sold
company car /%kVmp@ni "kA;(r)/  (n) a car which is provided by the
company that you work for
compensation plan /%kQmp@n"seISn pl&n; AmE %kA;m-/  (n) [AmE]
everything that an employee receives from their employer
including pay, beneits, and other rewards
dead-end job /dedend "dZQb; AmE -"dzA;b/  (n) a job with low
wages and no hope of promotion or improvement
development /dI"vel@pm@nt/  (n) the process of gradually
improving by learning more, becoming more advanced, etc.
discount /"dIskaUnt/  (n) an amount of money that is taken off the
usual cost of sth
fare /fe@(r)/  (n) the money that you pay to travel by bus, plane,
taxi, etc.
feel valued /%fi;l "v&lju;d/  (phrase) to feel that you and what you
do are considered important by other people
filter through /%fIlt@ "Tru;; AmE %fIlt@r-/  (phr v) to reach or become
known by more people
foster loyalty /%fQst@ "lOI@lti; AmE %fA;st@r-/  (phrase) to encourage
people to feel faithful in their support of sth such as an
fulfilment /fUl"fIlm@nt/  (n) a feeling of being happy and satisied
with what you are doing or have done
generous /"dZen@r@s/  (adj) giving a large amount; giving freely
gossip /"gQsIp; AmE "gA;sIp/  (n) informal talk or stories about
other people’s private lives, that may be unkind or not true
hire /"haI@(r)/  (n) person who has recently been given a job by a
horticulture /"hO;tIkVltS@(r); AmE "hO;rt-/  (n) the study or practice
of growing lowers, fruit, and vegetables
improve performance /Im%pru;v p@"fO;m@ns; AmE -p@r"fO;rm@ns/ 
(phrase) to make people do sth better or work more effectively
incentive scheme /In"sentIv ski;m/  (n) [BrE] a plan or system for
encouraging people to do sth or to work harder by rewarding
intervene /%Int@"vi;n; AmE %Int@r-/  (v) to become involved in a
situation in order to improve or help it
make the grade /%meIk D@ "greId/  (phrase) to reach the necessary
standard; to succeed
misconception /%mIsk@n"septS@n/  (n) a belief or an idea that is not
based on correct information
monopolize /m@"nQp@laIz; AmE -"nA;p-/  (v) to have or take control
of the largest part of sth so that other people are prevented
from sharing it
motivate /"m@UtIveIt; AmE "moU-/  (v) to make sb want to do sth,
especially sth that involves hard work and effort
non-cash rewards /%nQnk&S rI"wO;dz; AmE -"wO;rdz/  (n) something
other than money that you are given because you have done sth
good, worked hard, etc.
non-contributory pension plan /nQn kQn%trIbjut@ri "penSn 
pl&n/  (n) a pension plan (= system of making regular payments
into a fund for when a person retires) that is paid for by the
employer and not the employee
on-time bonus /Qn taIm "b@Un@s; AmE A;n taIm "boUn@s/  (n) an
extra amount of money that is added to sb’s wages as a reward
for regularly coming to work at the correct time
perceived /p@"si;vd/  (adj) understood or thought of in a particular
way by people
perk /pE;k; AmE pE;rk/  (n) something you receive as well as your
wages for doing a particular job
positive feedback /pQzItIv "fi;db&k; AmE pA;z-/  (n) comments
that sth or sb’s work is good or useful
praise /preIz/  (n) words that show approval of or admiration for
sb / sth
private medical insurance /praIv@t "medIkl InSU@r@ns; AmE  -"Sur-/ 
(n) [BrE] an arrangement in which regular payments are made
to a company who will pay for private medical care for sb if they
are ill / sick
profit-sharing scheme /"prQfIt Se@rIN ski;m; AmE "prA;fIt SerIN/  (n)
[BrE] a system of dividing all or some of a company’s proits
among its employees
range /reIndZ/  (n) a set of products of a particular type
recognition /%rek@g"nISn/  (n) public praise and reward for sb’s work
or actions
remark /rI"mA;k; AmE -"mA;rk/  (n) something that you say or write
which expresses an opinion, a thought, etc. about sb / sth
remuneration package /rI%mju;n@"reISn p&kIdZ/  (n) the pay and
other beneits that sb gets for doing their job
satisfaction /s&tIs"f&kSn/  (n) the good feeling that you have when
you have achieved sth or when things happen in the way that
you want
staff discount /stA;f "dIskaUnt; AmE st&f-/  (n) an amount of
money that is taken off the usual cost of sth when it is sold to an
employee of the company that makes or provides it
staff retention /stA;f rI"tenSn; AmE st&f-/  (n) the action of keeping
employees at the same company rather than losing them to
other companies
subsidiary /s@b"sIdi@ri; AmE -dieri/  (n) a business company that is
owned or controlled by another larger company
time in lieu /%taIm In "lu;/  (phrase) time off that an employee is
allowed to take in return for extra hours they have worked at
other times
various /"ve@ri@s; AmE "ver-/  (adj) several different
© Oxford University Press 2008 Business Result Upper-intermediate
Glossary | Unit by unit
vary /"ve@ri; AmE "veri/  (v) to change or be different according to
the situation
voucher /"vaUtS@(r)/  (n) [BrE] a printed piece of paper that can be
used instead of money to pay for sth, or that allows you to pay
less than the usual price of sth
press release /"pres rIli;s/  (n) an oficial statement made to
journalists by a large organization
prioritize tasks /praI%Qr@taIz "tA;sks; AmE praI"O;r@taIz t&sks/ 
(phrase) to put the jobs you have to do in order of importance,
so that you can deal with the most important irst
resolve conflict /rI%zQlv "kQnflIkt; AmE rI%sA;lv "kA;nflIkt/  (phrase)
to deal with a disagreement or argument between people or
roofing /"ru;fIN/  (n) the work of building and repairing roofs
run out of money /rVn %aUt @v "mVni/  (phrase) to use up a supply
of money so there is no more available
site /saIt/  (n) a place where a building is or will be situated
stay on track /steI Qn "tr&k/  (phrase) to continue doing the right
thing in order to achieve a particular result
tariff /"t&rIf/  (n) a ixed price that is charged by a company for a
particular service, for example for the use of a phone
unrealistic budget /VnrI@%lIstIk "bVdZIt/  (phrase) an amount of
money that has been allowed for sth, that is not enough because
it does not accept things as they really are
upfront planning /%VpfrVnt "pl&nIN/  (phrase) making plans for sth
in advance, before you start
vital /"vaIt@l/  (adj) necessary or essential in order for sth to
succeed or exist
within budget /wI%DIn "bVdZIt/  (phrase) costing no more than the
money that is available or was planned to spend
Unit 3
accurate forecast /%&kj@r@t "fO;kA;st; AmE -"fO;rk&st/  (n) a correct
statement about what will happen in the future, based on
information that is available now
ahead of schedule /@%hed @v "Sedju;l; AmE "skedZu;l/  (phrase)
inished or done before the planned time
allocate resources /%&l@keIt rI"zO;sIs; AmE "ri;sO;rsIs/  (phrase) to
oficially decide how money, equipment, staff etc. should be
battery /"b&t@ri/  (n) a device that is placed inside a car engine,
clock, mobile phone, etc. and that produces the electricity that
makes it work
behind schedule /bI%haInd "Sedju;l; AmE "skedZu;l/  (phrase)
inished or done later than the planned time
budget constraints /"bVdZIt k@nstreInts/  (n pl) factors that limit or
restrict the amount of money that can be spent on sth
capture /"k&ptS@(r)/  (v) to succeed in getting control of sth that
other people are also trying to control
check progress /tSek "pr@Ugres; AmE "proU-/  (v) to ind out if sth
is improving or developing, or getting nearer to being achieved
or completed
collate /k@"leIt/  (v) to collect and arrange information from several
different sources, or several documents or pieces of paper
compile /k@m"paIl/  (v) to produce a book, list, report, etc. by
bringing together different items
handset /"h&ndset/  (n) the part of a telephone that you hold close
to your mouth and ear to speak into and listen
keep track of spending /ki;p %tr&k @v "spendIN/  (phrase) to always
have recent information about how much money has been spent
lack of planning /%l&k @v "pl&nIN/  (phrase) a situation in which sb
has not thought carefully enough in advance about what they
are going to do
life span /"laIfsp&n/  (n) the length of time that sth is likely to
continue or function
maintain /meIn"teIn/  (v) to make sth continue at the same level,
standard, etc.
make contingency plans /meIk k@n"tIndZ@nsi pl&nz/  (phrase) to
make plans for what to do if a particular event happens or does
not happen
make the launch date /meIk D@ "lO;nS deIt/  (phrase) to succeed
in having a product ready to be made available or shown to the
public by the planned date
man-hours /"m&n aU@(r)z/  (n) relating to the amount of work done
by one person in one hour
miss the deadline /mIs D@ "dedlaIn/  (phrase) to fail to do sth, such
as inish a piece of work, before the time by which it must be
out of control /%aUt @v k@n"tr@Ul; AmE -"troUl/  (phrase) impossible
to manage or to control
over budget /%@Uv@ "bVdZIt; AmE %oUv@r-/  (phrase) costing more
than the money that is available or was planned to spend
plumbing /"plVmIN/  (n) the work of putting in and repairing the
pipes and other systems that supply water to a building
Unit 4
appropriate /@"pr@UprI@t; AmE -"proU-/  (adj) suitable, acceptable,
or correct for the particular circumstances
bring (sth) about /brIN @"baUt/  (phr v) to make sth happen
bring (sth) down /%brIN "daUn/  (phr v) to reduce sth
canvas /"k&nv@s/  (n) a strong heavy rough material used for
making tents, sails, etc.
carry (sth) out /%k&ri "aUt/  (phr v) to do and complete a task
cement /sI"ment/  (n) a grey powder that sets hard when it is mixed
with water, used in building to stick bricks together and to make
very hard surfaces
come up with /%kVm "Vp wID/  (phr v) to ind or produce an answer,
a sum of money, etc.
commercially-viable proposition /k@mE;S@li "%vaI@bl prQp@"zISn;
AmE -mE;rS@li -prA;p-/  (phrase) a business idea that is good
enough to be successful and make money
concrete /"kQnkri;t; AmE "kA;n-/  (adj) made of concrete (= a
building material that is made by mixing together cement and
contract /"kQntr&kt/  (n) an oficial written agreement
cutting-edge technology /kVtIN %edZ tek"nQl@dzi; AmE -"nA;l-/ 
(phrase) the newest or most advanced technological machinery,
equipment, or knowledge
delicious /dI"lIS@s/  (adj) having a very pleasant taste
demonstrate /"dem@nstreIt/  (v) to show sth clearly by actions or by
giving proof
dung /dVN/  (n) solid waste from animals, especially from large ones
earthquake /"E;TkweIk; AmE "E;rT-/  (n) a sudden, violent shaking
of the earth’s surface
enable /I"neIbl/  (v) to make it possible for sb to do sth
enhanced /In"hA;nst; AmE -"h&nst/  (adj) improved, better than
© Oxford University Press 2008 Business Result Upper-intermediate
Glossary | Unit by unit
fertilizer /"fE;tIlaIz@(r); AmE "fE;rt-/  (n) a substance added to soil to
make plants grow more successfully
get round /%get "raUnd/  (phr v) to deal with a problem successfully
impressive /Im"presIv/  (adj) making you feel admiration, because
of being very good, skilful, etc.
inflatable /In"fleIt@bl/  (adj) needing to be illed with air or gas
before you use it
innovative concept /%In@v@tIv "kQnsept; AmE -"kA;ns-/  (phrase) an
idea that is very new and has never been thought of before
inspire /In"spAI@(r)/  (v) to give sb the desire, conidence, or
enthusiasm to do sth well
insulation /%Insju"leISn/  (n) materials used to prevent heat, sound,
electricity etc. from passing through sth
key feature /ki; "fi;tS@/  (phrase) a part of a thing that is particularly
important, interesting, or typical
major advantage /"meIdZ@r @d"vQ;ntIdZ; AmE -"v&nt-/  (phrase) an
important quality of sth that makes it better or more useful than
sth else
patent /"peIt@nt/  (n) an oficial right to be the only person to make,
use, or sell a product
pay off /%peI "Qf; AmE -"A;f/  (phr v) to be successful and bring good
pitch /pItS/  (n) talk or arguments used by a person trying to sell
things or persuade people to do sth
policy /"pQl@si; AmE "pA;/  (n) a plan of action agreed or chosen by
a political party, a business, etc.
potential benefit /p@%tenSl "ben@fIt/  (phrase) an advantage that sth
may give you or a helpful and useful effect that it may have
practical solution /%pr&ktIkl s@"lu;Sn/  (phrase) a sensible way of
solving a problem, that is likely to be successful
R & D /A;r @n "di;/  (n) Research and Development; the part of a
business whose work is to ind new products and processes or to
improve existing ones
radical /"r&dIkl/  (adj) new, different, and likely to have a great
raise awareness /%reIz @"we@n@s; AmE -"wE;r-/  (phrase) to help
people know that sth exists and is important
refrigeration /rI%frIdZ@"reISn/  (n) the process of keeping food etc.
cold so that it stays fresh
refugee /%refju"dZi;/  (n) a person who has been forced to leave
their country or home, because there is a war or for political,
religious, or social reasons
remote /rI"m@Ut; AmE -"moUt/  (adj) far away from places where
other people live
revolutionary idea /rev@%lu;S@nri aI"dI@/  (phrase) an idea that is
new and that involves a great or complete change
rigid /"rIdZId/  (adj) stiff and dificult to move or bend
sealed /si;ld/  (adj) closed tightly so that air, liquid, etc. cannot get
in or out
set up /%set "Vp/  (phr v) to start sth such as a business
specification /%spesIfI"keISn/  (n) a detailed description of how sth
is, or should be, designed or made
state-of-the-art design /steIt @v Di %A;t dI"zaIn; AmE -%A;rt-/ 
(phrase) design that uses the most modern or advanced
techniques or methods
sustainable /s@s"teIn@bl/  (adj) involving the use of natural products
and energy in a way that does not harm the environment
take (sth) forward /%teIk "fO;w@d; AmE -"fO;rw@rd/  (phr v) to help
sth to progress towards a good result
take (sth) up /%teIk "Vp/  (phr v) to accept sth that is offered or
tank /t&nk/  (n) a large container for holding liquid or gas
technological breakthrough /tekn@%lQdZIkl "breIkTru;;
AmE -%lA;dZ-/  (n) an important development in technology
that may lead to an achievement
turbines /"tE;baInz; AmE "tE;rb-/  (n pl) machines that receive power
from a wheel that is turned by the pressure of water, air, or gas
unique /ju;"ni;k/  (adj) being the only one of its kind
vaccine /"v&ksi;n/  (n) a substance that is put into the blood and
that protects the body from a disease
vibration /vaI"breISn/  (n) a continuous shaking movement or
Unit 5
accounts /@"kaUnts/  (n pl) the part of a company that keeps
written records of money that is owed to the business and
money that has been paid by it
agitated /"&dZIteItId/  (adj) showing in your behaviour that you are
anxious and nervous
approval /@"pru;v@l/  (n) agreement to or permission for sth,
especially a plan or request
attentive /@"tentIv/  (adj) helpful and making sure that people have
what they need
attitude /"&tItju;d; AmE -tu;d/  (n) the way that you behave
towards sb / sth that shows how you think and feel
blame /bleIm/  (v) to think or say that sb / sth is responsible for sth
bulb /bVlb/  (n) the glass part that its into an electric lamp, etc. to
give light when it is switched on
bulk /bVlk/  (n) a large amount or quantity of sth
cashier /k&"SI@(r)/  (n) a person whose job is to receive and pay out
money in a bank, shop / store, hotel, etc.
confectionery /k@n"fekS@n@ri/  (n) sweets / candy, chocolate, etc.
count for /"kaUnt fO;(r)/  (phr v) to be important or have an effect
courteous /"kE;tI@s; AmE "kE;rt-/  (adj) polite in a way that shows
deducted /dI"dVktId/  (v past participle) something such as money
that is taken away from a total amount
discontinued /dIsk@n"tInju;d/  (adj) no longer being made
discourteous /dIs"kE;tI@s; AmE -"kE;rt-/  (adj) not polite in a way
that does not show respect
dissatisfied /dIs"s&tIsfaId/  (adj) not happy or satisied with sb / sth
efficient /I"fIS@nt/  (adj) doing sth well and thoroughly with no waste
of time, money, or energy
encounter /In"kaUnt@(r)/  (n) an occasion on which two or more
people meet and have to deal with each other, especially when
this is unexpected
exceed customers’ expectations /Ik%si;d kVst@m@z 
ekspek"teISnz/  (phrase) to make sth better than customers
hoped or expected
existing /Ig"zIstIN/  (adj) happening, used, or in place at the present
existing customer /Ig"%zIstIN "kVst@m@(r)/  (n) a person who is a
customer at the present time
find your feet /%faInd "fi;t/  (phrase) to become able to act
independently and with conidence
get feedback /get "fi;db&k/  (phrase) to get advice, criticism, or
information about how good or useful sth is
© Oxford University Press 2008 Business Result Upper-intermediate
Glossary | Unit by unit
high-quality /%haI "kwQlIti/  (adj) of a very good standard
literally /"lIt@r@li/  (adv) used to emphasize the truth of sth that may
seem surprising
lose customers /%lu;z "kVst@m@(r)z/  (phrase) to have customers
taken away by another company
loyal /lOI@l/  (adj) remaining faithful to sb / sth and continuing to
support them or it
measure customer satisfaction /meZ@(r) %kVst@m@(r) 
s&tIs"f&kSn/  (phrase) to ind out how pleased customers are
with a product or service
meet customers’ needs /mi;t %kVst@m@(r)z "ni;dz/  (phrase) to give
customers what they want or need
negotiation /nIg@USI"eISn; AmE -goU-/  (n) a formal discussion
between people who are trying to reach an agreement
originate /@"rIdZIneIt/  (v) to happen or appear for the irst time in a
particular place or situation
quibble /"kwIbl/  (v) to argue or complain about a small matter or
an unimportant detail
reassure /rI@"SO;(r)/  (v) to say or do sth that makes sb less
frightened or worried
receipt /rI"si;t/  (n) a piece of paper that shows that goods or
services have been paid for
refund /rI"fVnd/  (v) to give sb their money back, especially because
they have paid too much or because they are not satisied with
sth they bought
repeat /rI"pi;t/  (adj) happening or doing sth again in the same way
as before
responsive /rI"spQnsIv/  (adj) reacting quickly and in a positive way
rule of thumb /%ru;l @v "TVm/  (phrase) a practical method of doing
or measuring sth, usually based on past experience rather than
on exact measurement
satisfied /"s&tIsfaId/  (adj) pleased because you got what you
specifically /sp@"sIfIkli/  (adv) in a detailed and exact way
stuff /stVf/  (n) (informal) used to refer in a general way to a group
or type of things
sub-standard /sVb"st&nd@d; AmE -d@rd/  (adj) not as good as
normal; not acceptable
superb /su;"pE;b; AmE -"pE;rb/  (adj) excellent; of very good quality
sympathize /"sImp@TaIz/  (v) to show that you understand and feel
sorry about sb’s problems
take notice /%teIk "n@UtIs; AmE -"noUt-/  (phrase) to pay attention
to sb / sth
tills /tIlz/  (n pl) machines used in shops / stores, restaurants, etc.
that have a drawer for keeping money in, and that show the
amount of money received for each thing that is sold
tough /tVf/  (adj) (informal) unfortunate, but impossible to change
turn (sb) away /%tE;n @"weI; AmE %tE;rn-/  (phr v) to refuse to allow
sb to enter a place
uncaring /Vn"ke@rIN; AmE -"ker-/  (adj) not kind or helpful, and not
sympathetic to other people’s feelings
unpublicized rule /Vn%pVblIsaIzd "ru;l/  (n) a rule that is not oficial
or written down, but that people know about and follow
upset /Vp"set/  (adj) unhappy or annoyed
affiliated /@"fIlIeItId/  (adj) closely connected to or controlled by a
group or an organization
bribery /"braIb@ri/  (n) the dishonest act of giving sb money to
persuade them to help you or to do sth bad
by-product /"bAIprQdVkt; AmE -prA;d-/  (n) a substance that is
produced during the process of making or destroying sth else
cheer /tSI@; AmE tSIr/  (n) a shout of joy, support, or praise,
especially from a group of people
claim /kleIm/  (v) to say that sth is true although it has not been
proved and other people may not believe it
combat /"kQmb&t; AmE "kA;m-/  (v) to stop sth unpleasant or
harmful from happening or from getting worse
comply with regulations /k@m%plaI wID regju"leISnz/  (phrase) to
obey the oficial rules about how sth should be done
contributor /k@n"trIbjut@(r)/  (n) something that helps to cause sth
corroded /k@"r@UdId; AmE "roU-/  (adj) damaged by the gradual
action of chemicals
corruption /k@"rVpSn/  (n) dishonest or illegal behaviour, especially
of people in authority
counteract /%kaUnt@r"&kt/  (v) to do sth to reduce or prevent the
bad or harmful effects of sth
credibility /kredI"bIlIti/  (n) the quality that sb / sth has that makes
people believe or trust them
deception /dI"sepSn/  (n) the act of deliberately making sb believe
sth that is not true
discreet /dI"skri;t/  (adj) careful in what you say or do, in order to
keep sth secret or to avoid causing embarrassment or dificulty
for sb
discrimination /dIskrImI"neISn/  (n) the practice of treating sb or a
particular group in society less fairly than others
donate time /d@U%neIt "taIm; AmE doU-/  (phrase) to spend
some of your free time helping other people or helping an
organization such as a charity
dye /daI/  (v) to change the colour of sth, especially by using a
special liquid or substance
ethics /"eTIks/  (n pl) moral principles that control or inluence a
person’s behaviour
ethos /"i;TQs; AmE -TA;s/  (n) moral ideas and attitudes that belong
to a particular group or society
exotic /Ig"zQtIk; AmE -"zA;t-/  (adj) exciting and unusual because it
is connected with foreign countries, especially tropical countries
exploit /Ik"splO;It/  (v) to treat sb unfairly by making them work and
not giving them much in return
fairness /"fe@;n@s; AmE "fer-/  (n) the quality of treating people
equally or in a way that is reasonable
feature /"fI;tS@(r)/  (n) a special article or programme about sb / sth
in a newspaper, on television, etc.
generosity /dZen@"rQsIti; AmE -"rA;s-/  (n) the fact of being
generous (= willing to give sb money, gifts, time, or kindness
greed /gri;d/  (n) a strong desire for more wealth, possessions,
power, etc. than a person needs
initiative /I"nIS@tIv/  (n) a new plan for dealing with a particular
problem or for achieving a particular purpose
itinerary /aI"tIn@r@ri/  (n) a plan of a journey, including the route
and the places that you visit
livelihood /"laIvlihUd/  (n) a means of earning money in order to
methane /"mi;TeIn/  (n) a gas without colour or smell, that burns
easily and is used as fuel
Unit 6
act responsibly /%&kt rI"spQnsIbli; AmE -"spA;ns-/  (phrase) to
behave in a way that shows you want to do the right thing and
avoid harming people or things by your actions
© Oxford University Press 2008 Business Result Upper-intermediate
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