Svoi CD1.txt

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{4328}{4380}Hello. - Hello.|- At ease!
{4380}{4540}Sergejev, Stepan Anatoljevitsh.|- At ease, At ease. - Soldier!
{4582}{4645}Sit! Are you major Dalgov?|- Yes?
{4665}{4800}Born in 1919.|- Bring porridge for the checkist!
{4800}{4870}Men, give me a cigarette?
{5120}{5240}Aleksei Ivanovitsh.|Born in 1922.
{5240}{5348}I knew I couldn't get even|a squad together. - Soldier.
{5375}{5420}Pot-barleyporridge, here you are.
{5425}{5485}Politruk. - Yes!|- Even killed.
{5830}{5935}Just milked warm milk. Take.
{5948}{5990}It isn't our unit.
{6038}{6092}Did you write it down?|- Yes.
{6100}{6252}Mihhelson,|Dmitri Mihhailovitsh.
{6340}{6430}Soldier.|Did you write it down?
{6505}{6602}In 1922.|Pankratov...
{10255}{10305}What are you doing?
{10310}{10380}Take your clothes off. Germans doesn't|inprison officers.
{10380}{10502}I, for God sake,|I'm not going to get caught.
{11020}{11075}Give it back, shit!|- Throw it away.
{12765}{12870}40 miles to my home.|We'll go through my village tomorrow night.
{12885}{12975}Anybody waiting for you there?|- Father and two sisters.
{13025}{13098}How old are your sisters?|- 20 and 22.
{13115}{13195}Great!|- They are already married.
{13210}{13305}All the better.|When where you recruited?
{13305}{13430}I fought in Finland war for three month,|I was supposed to get home in autumn.
{13430}{13510}I was held because I was a sniper.|And you?
{13610}{13680}Wind is like it is gonna rain, what?
{14155}{14225}Livshits, give your portion to me.|- Forget it.
{14225}{14265}Don't be arrogant or I'll give you up.
{14265}{14350}They give bread and sausage for|a commissar and for a Jew.
{14352}{14420}I am not going to starve for a|damned Jew.
{16075}{16125}Don't bother.
{16195}{16312}He'll give you up anyway.|If not today, then tomorrow.
{16860}{16965}Well what, can I get a cigarette?
{17115}{17152}Yes you can.
{18865}{18998}You turned right.|I means we don't go through the village.
{19015}{19105}Is it far?|- Directly about three miles.
{19105}{19195}It is like that. After this turn|we have to take off.
{19195}{19255}The back guard will not see us|for about 5-6 seconds
{19255}{19340}and front one, hope to God, will|not look back. Silence old man. I'll cut throat.
{19342}{19432}I'll run too?|- Clear.
{20835}{20940}Hey you!|What is the name of your village?
{21070}{21152}What is your last name?|- Blinov.
{21160}{21218}Half of our village is called Blinov.
{21248}{21418}Livshits, where are your boots?|- They flew off my feet. Pity.
{21652}{21735}My village is on the otherside|of the bridge.
{21940}{22002}Well done, sniper.
{22360}{22438}How do I call you?|- Mitka.
{22440}{22490}But you sisters?
{23592}{23660}Is it Mitka?|- It's me.
{23670}{23762}Are you alone or with the two others?|- With the two others.
{23765}{23855}Go to the shed.|- Bring some bread.
{24440}{24548}Your grandpa?|- No, father.
{24585}{24740}He stayed in St. Petersburg after the war.|He came back later and married my mom.
{24745}{24812}She was over fourty.
{24835}{24885}But still she had three children.
{24958}{25022}My mom has been dead for three years.
{25795}{25910}How did you know there were three of us?|- We knew because the police told us.
{25910}{25965}There is a police already?
{25967}{26055}Germans are civilized people.
{26060}{26117}Who deserves this kind of honour?
{26125}{26258}People who has suffered under the|Soviet rule. Like me.
{26350}{26390}Are you a police officer?
{26392}{26480}Better.|I am the chief of the village.
{26805}{26860}For what reason you suffered|under Soviet rule?
{26862}{26908}For nothing.
{26942}{27050}I was labelled as a gulak and|sent to Siberia.
{27142}{27198}But later they realized their mistake|and brought you back?
{27198}{27298}Come on, I escaped.|- Through the country without documents?
{27385}{27430}Documents were drawn.
{27462}{27542}I have lived here for ten years already.
{27545}{27652}And nobody has seen you?
{27655}{27755}Why? Everybody has seen me.|- And nobody...
{27935}{28065}I see for the first time,|that a Jew drinks so much.
{28130}{28180}What do you mean?
{28195}{28328}It's obvious. Jew and officer.
{28330}{28370}Who am I?
{28405}{28483}You ask many questions.
{28600}{28652}Sit quietly.
{28695}{28755}My daughters are visiting me.
{28780}{28885}Let's see tomorrow,|Which and what.
{32375}{32425}Let by!
{32738}{32798}Older sister?
{32815}{32930}No. Neighbour.|Understand?
{32950}{33068}Neighbour.|But why does she live in your house?
{33070}{33155}I saw she went outside in her night-gown.
{33208}{33292}Here it is like that.|You just don't get it.
{33322}{33452}I get it. She is a neighbour|but old man lives with her.
{33455}{33550}My sisters got married before Finland war
{33550}{33635}and the house was missing a womans hand.
{33655}{33770}Their mother died before ours
{33782}{33885}and they didn't have a man in the house.
{33890}{33978}Yes, but old man took this|Njurka under his care.
{34000}{34140}Maybe so, but don't mention it to him
{34155}{34238}he'll kick your ass.
{34245}{34358}Has he done that before?|- And how so.
{34418}{34470}Take, father!
{34900}{34990}Sisters?|- Sisters.
{35108}{35172}Go on!|- Hold.
{35240}{35300}Nice girls.
{36018}{36070}Mitka, come here!
{36310}{36428}I told to Katja about you.|Go, she is waiting for you in sauna.
{36522}{36630}Well go, what are you waiting for!|Just be careful.
{37655}{37692}What's with you?
{37708}{37780}What are you doing?|Let's talk first.
{37780}{37860}Later, later.|- Wait a minute!
{37992}{38098}Well? Why don't you say anything?
{38145}{38295}Nothing comes into my mind.|I'm thinking only about that.
{38355}{38448}How can you be in the army without that?
{38720}{38865}All right. turn your back, you'll get yours.|Turn your back!
{39345}{39395}They're coming.
{39568}{39660}Wait with the killing.|Lets talk first.
{39810}{39922}Change your clothes.|You have too citymans trousers.
{40122}{40248}They interrogated the prisoners,|they said,
{40255}{40320}that the escapees could be from our village.
{40352}{40542}Did you hear how one had told|that it's 3 miles to he's village.
{40570}{40765}Therefore from our village,|from Kurtsev or from Pernits.
{40768}{40885}The order is to watch houses,|from where the young went to army.
{40885}{41015}You found out quickly.|- Talk less.
{41052}{41140}I have a younger brother in the district centre...
{41158}{41300}You'll sleep the night here an tomorrow|he'll lead you out of here.
{41300}{41350}But why tomorrow?|Why not today?
{41350}{41538}He can't today.|He is on guard tonight.
{41705}{41785}Am I talking sense?
{42580}{42670}Old man will kill us tonight.
{42710}{42848}Why?|- We are in his way.
{42900}{42980}He has to save his son.
{43002}{43122}He can keep and feed one person|for several month even in the cellar.
{43132}{43288}Even documents can be made in that time.|Germans would forgive one man.
{43358}{43415}But never three.
{43550}{43608}But we will leave.
{43795}{43885}What if we are caught.|- Quiet.
{43930}{44055}We can give him up.|He will not risk that.
{44098}{44175}How could they kill us?
{44240}{44355}Simply. They'll serve us plenty moonshine,|pour in some drugs,
{44355}{44515}that we'd fell into deep sleep and|then end us. So, Livshits.
{44590}{44755}Not to drink moonshine and|pitchfork next to hand.
{45468}{45525}Would the policeman give us up?
{45532}{45632}Is he suicidal?|He is our relative.
{45798}{45845}What is he guarding?
{45892}{45990}The mill and the bridge on the river.
{45990}{46085}He'll take us to a safe place tomorrow night.
{46125}{46210}We'll go today.|- We'll go tomorrow!
{46212}{46255}Eat, drink.
{46280}{46355}We'll go today.|Will you come with us?
{46370}{46422}Ofcourse I'll come with you.
{46450}{46548}You drink.|I'll bring some more bread.
{46680}{46780}Hush, hush, hush! Tell the truth,|do you have to cut our throats?
{46788}{46950}Don't fucking twitch. You know, I|I couldn't care less about you. Hands down!
{46980}{47125}Nobody will start cutting you.|Mishka would shoot you two tomorrow.
{47125}{47260}You'll go to tribunal. Fuck!|For intriguing with the enemy.
{47328}{47430}I haven't intrigued with anyone yet.
{47470}{47540}That's it, let's go.|Let's go
{47545}{47648}You'll lead us to a safe place.|Understood?
{47648}{47688}Is it worth it?
{47698}{47858}Mishka said all the time: "Let's give them up,|let's give them up, we'll get an award.
{47860}{47965}But dad said no,|let's just shoot them quietly.
{47972}{48078}Your father is a humanist.|- That kind he is.
{48108}{48215}If Mishka doesen't meet us,|he'll give us up anyway.
{48250}{48320}We will not get far in one night.
{48340}{48402}Mishka has to be eliminated.
{48405}{48552}With what? With bare hands?|- Why with bare hands?
{48822}{48872}I have got it.
{49232}{49285}Have you had it for a long time?
{49345}{49395}All the time.
{49512}{49658}We called it "The dream of a gulak".|- Correctly named.
{49885}{49915}Let's go!
{51012}{51090}Jammed.|- I, right away. Right away.
{51978}{52075}Did you go mad?|What? What? What?
{52347}{52435}Go away!|Go away!
{52528}{52665}Quiet, quiet, quiet...
{53110}{53180}Almost broked my nose.
{55003}{55122}Is it made for people?|- For slaughtering pigs.
{55145}{55260}I can slaughter well.|Many have asked me for help.
{55503}{55600}You old stick will go to tribunal,
{55600}{55680}for organizing the killing|of the Red Army's fighters.
{55680}{55803}Which fighters? Gang of rags.|Escaped from prison, not fight...
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