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{1}{100} - nowa jakoœæ napisów.|Napisy zosta³y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
{1}{72}movie info:  0x0 0.0fps 0 B|/SubEdit b.4072 (
{1122}{1252}Year 2346.
{1339}{1393}(ZACHRY): Lornsome night.
{1419}{1550}Babbits bawlin', wind bitin' t'bone.
{1568}{1682}Wind like this, full of voices
{1729}{1809}ancestry howlin' at'cha
{1817}{1894}screaming their stories,
{1900}{2047}all their voices tied up in't'one.
{2097}{2124}One voice's different
{2172}{2202}one voice
{2206}{2325}who whisper t'nother,
{2330}{2402}spyin' from the dark...
{2428}{2584}that fangy devil... old Georgie himself
{2663}{2675}Now you hear up close
{2676}{2827}and lemme yarn you 'bout the first time we met
{2855}{2910}eye to eye...
{3005}{3089}(ADAM EWING: ) Thus it was that I made the|acquaintance of Dr. Henry Goose,
{3105}{3182}and I hoped h'may cure me of my affection.
{3458}{3508}Have you lost something?|(GOOSE: ) - a beat, then smiles.
{3510}{3548}INT. VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE - YEAR 1974
{3549}{3587}(LUISA REY): Question one:
{3597}{3641}What secret in Sixsmith's report
{3647}{3711}would be worth killing him for?
{3728}{3774}Question two:
{3791}{3838}Is it reasonable to believe
{3842}{3897}they would kill again to protect that secret?
{3909}{3950}and if so, question three:
{3991}{4028}What the fuck am I doing here?
{4101}{4158}(2009) While my extensive experience as an editor
{4162}{4255}has led me to a disdain for flashbacks|and flash forwards
{4259}{4291}and all such tricksy gimmicks
{4295}{4413}I believe that if you, dear Reader,|can extend your patience for just a moment,
{4417}{4515}you will find there is a|method to this tale of madness.
{4519}{4529}(ROBERT FROBISHER, 1931)
{4533}{4567}My Dearest Sixsmith.
{4582}{4657}I shot myself through the roof of my mouth this morning
{4661}{4709}with Vyvyan Ayrs' Luger.
{4771}{4794}A true suicide
{4798}{4833}is a paced,
{4837}{4885}disciplined certainty.
{4929}{5012}People pontificate, "suicide is a coward's act"
{5039}{5075}Couldn't be further from the truth;
{5119}{5179}suicide takes tremendous courage.
{5199}{5227}YEAR 2144
{5258}{5297}Any problems sir, you just hit this button.
{5301}{5326}Thank you.
{5487}{5582}On behalf of my Ministry and the future of Unanimity
{5592}{5661}I would like to thank you for this final interview.
{5918}{5929}Press pass.
{5956}{5987}Expecting trouble?
{5991}{6050}Look. I was Dermot Haggins's publisher,
{6054}{6096}not his shrink or his astrologer,
{6100}{6155}and the ruddy, bloody truth is
{6159}{6239}had no idea what the man was going to do that night.
{6243}{6332}This beach was once a cannibal's banqueting hall,
{6336}{6438}where the strong gorged on the weak, but the teeth sir,
{6442}{6565}they spat out as you or I would expel a cherry stone.
{6583}{6714}Do you know the price a quarter pound will earn?
{6721}{6786}Remember this isn't an interrogation or a trial.
{6838}{6908}Your version of the truth is all that matters.
{6953}{6987}Truth is singular.
{7030}{7162}Its "versions" are mistruths.
{7169}{7212}Don't let them say I killed myself for love.
{7265}{7402}Had my infatuations but we both know in our hearts|who is the sole love of my short, bright life.
{7513}{7656}CLOUD ATLAS
{7869}{7963}CHATHAM ISLANDS - YEAR 1849
{8006}{8021}Wednesday, 9th of September.
{8025}{8098}There you are, Mr. Ewing.
{8121}{8188}As binding a covenant there can ever be between men
{8217}{8258}outside the province of Scripture.
{8260}{8277}Thank you, Reverend Horrox,
{8278}{8369}I know my father-in-law is profoundly excited about this deal.
{8373}{8435}Haskell Moore is a great man.
{8440}{8567}Future generations depend upon men like him;|men capable of speaking the truth.
{8722}{8771}When I first encountered Haskell Moore's writing,
{8782}{8879}its perspicuity struck me as if delivered through|divine revelation.
{8883}{8970}Doctor Goose, here and I've already|spend many nights debating Mr. Moore's tractus
{8974}{9054}I am only willing to concive that he make|a compeling cases while we are sitting here
{9058}{9094}enjoying this divine lamp.
{9103}{9206}While Cupaka stays there, contempt to serve.
{9239}{9339}Cupaka...!? You enjoy your life here with us.|Do you not?
{9348}{9454}Oh yes, reference. Cupaka very happy here...
{9460}{9586}You see? This is moral's ladder civilization,|the reason behinde this... natural order.
{9590}{9612}Please just do shut-up.
{9616}{9736}I've been listen to this for weeks,|I will love to know what our son-in-law has to say about it.
{9740}{9914}Oh well, let's see. It's an enquiry|concerning God's Will in the nature of men.
{9926}{9974}And what does He have|to say be the nature of women?
{10024}{10106}I'm afraid that's a subject|theme surpressed by silence.
{10117}{10144}You wouldn't be the first.
{10165}{10208}Brave. Mr. Ewing, continue...
{10238}{10387}Well, I... the question does pose...|if God created the world
{10388}{10487}how do we know what things we can change and...|What things must remain sacred and inviolable?
{10527}{10614}Reverend Horrox real specific|on how he wants the plantation run.
{10618}{10678}The Georgian Way, best way, he say.
{10682}{10747}The heat... it's unbearable.|How do they take it?
{10751}{10864}Reverend Horrox says they like the|camel, bred for the desert.
{10876}{10959}He says they not feel heat like civilized folk.
{10963}{11022}We should get you out of the sun.
{11076}{11139}What is... What is that noise?
{12729}{12789}Ahhhh, there you are.|What happened?
{12803}{12935}It is as I suspected: Gusano Coco Cervello|better known as the Polynesian Worm.
{12939}{13054}I once saw a man's brain after the Worm|had finished with him - like maggoty cauliflower,
{13111}{13252}but fear not, this particular devil|and I are well acquainted. Here you go.
{13451}{13508}I don't know what I would have|done had our paths not crossed.
{13522}{13561}Well, for starters, you would have died.
{13646}{13685}I shell find a way to re-pay you.
{13697}{13722}Unnecessary. I assure you.
{13762}{13852}I am a doctor, Adam.|Tigre can not chance its stripes.
{13906}{13930}CAMBRIDGE, 1936
{13943}{14040}Sixsmith - I do hope you will be able|to find it in your heart... to forgive me.
{14119}{14218}Mr. Frobisher! Mr. Robert, Frobisher!
{14327}{14371}The management would like a word, please sir!
{14506}{14547}Mr. Frobisher, open this door, please!
{14601}{14666}We know you're in there, Mr. Frobisher.|Please, comply!
{14777}{15125}A letter is being drafted to your father, sir!|Mr. Frobisher!?
{15165}{15263}Hated leaving you like that.|Wasn't the goodbye I had in mind.
{15357}{15431}By the time you read this,|I will be on my way to Edinburgh.
{15465}{15529}On the way to fame and fortune. glory and...
{15534}{15620}I know you haven't heard of him, but trust me,
{15629}{15686}Vyvyan Ayrs is one of the musical greats, Sixsmith.
{15702}{15788}The tragedy is that he hasn't produce|any new work in years due to illness.
{15800}{15968}My scheme is to persuade him to hire me as his amanuensis,|and lead him into a creation of a masterpiece.
{15980}{16108}Before shooting-up through the musical firmament,|eventually obliging Pater to admit that, yes,
{16112}{16275}the son he disinherited is none other than Robert Frobisher,|the greatest British composer of his time.
{16289}{16422}I know, Sixsmith, you groan and shake your head,|but you smile too, which is why I love you.
{16484}{16639}Thanks for the waistcoat.|I needed something of yours to keep me company.
{16692}{16740}St. George and the Dragon.
{16773}{16843}Reminds me that composing is a Crusade.
{16847}{16905}Sometimes you slay the dragon.
{16909}{16988}Sometimes the dragon slays you.
{17022}{17048}All right then...
{17066}{17104}Frobisher, is it?
{17108}{17182}I trust Mackerras enough to be useful.
{17190}{17319}I've had this little melody for viola rattling about my head|for months. Let's see if you can get it down.
{17503}{17617}Tar, tar... tattytattytatty-tar.
{17621}{17685}Settle grace note before the third.
{17722}{17778}Tatty tatty tar.... tattytattytatty-tar.
{17782}{17899}Subtle and simple, you've got it?|Now it gets interesting.
{17926}{18163}Tar! Tatty-tar! tartartar-|tar-tar-ttttt-TAR! TARTARTAR!
{18203}{18235}Play that back.
{18294}{18344}Uh, would love to, sir.
{18442}{18482}Aaah? What key are we in?
{18486}{18543}What key?|G minor, of course.
{18547}{18588}And the time signature?
{18614}{18664}For Christ's sake, did you hear it or not?
{18681}{18739}Just need a little more...|You need?
{18743}{18804}My dear boy, who is|working for whom here?
{18805}{18856}I'm sorry, sir.|Are you an amanuensis or an apologist?
{18857}{18888}Now pay attention.
{18892}{18950}Three-Four, changing to four-four|on four bar after bearing
{18951}{19018}back to three-four-high-five.|If you can count that high.
{19022}{19132}Crotchet eight G, pause a quaver, repeat G quaver,|then A-flat-hold on the down beats.
{19136}{19179}tar, tar, tattytattytatty, tar...
{19183}{19216}And so on.
{19228}{19278}Alright. Let me hear it.
{19942}{19969}Stop. Please. You're hurting me.
{19973}{20079}You must have misheard me,|I said I had a melody not a malady.
{20083}{20183}Vyvyan...?!?|Jocasta! Deliver me.
{20187}{20297}What's going on here?|This is an exercise in futility.
{20308}{20331}Should I be introduced?
{20341}{20412}There's really no point.|The boy is as useful as the clap.
{20416}{20474}Fortunately he'll be much easier to get rid of.
{20478}{20542}Would you be a dear and get Henry to show the boy out?
{20546}{20591}Yes, off course da...
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