White Wolf - Quarterly 5 (Fall 2007).pdf

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septembeR 2007
us pRice
the mysterium
l ords of the night-booster pack
starter decks
lords of the night - assamite
lords of the night - setite
lords of the night - giovanni
lords of the night - ravnos
octobeR 2007
us pRice
autumn nightmares
changeling 978-1-58846-531-3 70300
wod: reliquary
978-1-58846-492-7 55203
book of sorcery 4
978-1-58846-698-3 80303
the roll of glorious divinity vol. 1
novembeR 2007
us pRice
astral realms
978-1-58846-435-4 40202
DecembeR 2007
us pRice
scion: god
978-1-58846-470-5 75002
winter masques
changeling 978-1-58846-532-0 70200
changeling breeds
978-1-58846-493-4 55103
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Since I worked on the last quarterly I’ve thought to myself what I would end up
writing here for my own EQuarterly. It’s an interesting thing when you know that the
words you write here will be seen by fans like yourself, who live for the next book in their
favorite White Wolf line and die when they see the inal editing of those books.
I look back to when I irst arrived here at White Wolf and was instantly pushed into
a position as heavy-lifting equipment for the rapidly illing ofice. I watched as Intern
Alley was consumed by programmers and game designers for the upcoming MMO. I
still ache after working all weekend to make the Demo for Scion: Hero in on time,
only to watch as its was made late by the conlict between editors and developers.
And inally I look forward, As White Wolf inally begins the move to an
ofice the Icelanders will no longer make fun of; as my friends and fellow interns
get hired on by the company they respect so much and as I hopefully will do
the same in the coming weeks.
I know that there is so much to get excited about this fall, Changeling: The
Lost and Scion: God make awesome seem like an understatement, and I can’t
wait for all of you out there to see what’s coming next.
President - CCP North America: Mike Tinney
Creative Director: Rich Thomas
Production Manager: matt milberger
Board Games and Cards Manager: Pétur Þórarinsson
VtR Developer: Joe Carriker
CtL/MtA/WtF Developer: Ethan Skemp
Exalted Developer: John Chambers
Eve RPG Developer: Russell Bailey
Alternative Products Developer: Eddy Webb
Board Games and Cards Developer: Ken Cliffe
VTES/WoD Art Director: Mike Chaney
VtR Art Director: Craig Grant
WtF/CtL/MtA Art Director: Aileen E. Miles
Exalted Art Director: Brian Glass
Graphic Designer: Jessica Mullins
Director of Marketing - CCP North America: Peter Gollan
Marketing: Kelley Barnes-Herrmann
Organized Play Coordinators: Oscar Garza
Zack Walters
Quarterly Editor-in-Chief: Robert Fulkerson
Quarterly Senior Editor: Merry Luong
Quarterly Layout: Jessica Mullins
Golden Apples,
An Article on World of Darkness: Reliquary 4
Role Call!!!, An Article on The Books of Sorcery, Vol. IV
The Roll of Glorious Divinity I—Gods & Elementals 5
Conversations Among Crumbling Columns
An Interview with Ray Fawks on Rome 7
Eyes of Ain Soph, Excerpts from Mage: Mysterium 11
Things that Go bump in the Night
An Article on Changeling: Autumn Nightmares 15
Dark and Sexy, an Interview with Mike Chaney 19
Of Gods and Men, Excerpts from Scion: God 22
Play You Favorite White Wolf Staffer, by The Interns 24
Ass Kicking and Astrology
An Interview with Dean Shomshak on
Manual of Exalted Power: The Sidereals 30
Lone Wolf, an Article on Wolf Pack “Faces in the Crowd” 33
Ordinary People, Extraordinary Circumstances
Excerpts from Monte Cook’s World of Darkness 35
Interview with an Inmate
An Interview with Joe Carriker on Asylum 38
From the Mists of Torpor
An Article on The Fall of the Camarilla 40
Gen Con turns 40!, a big congrats from White Wolf 41
Lords of the Night is White Wolf, VtES News 44
War Targets and Cogs in the Machine
Fiction from EVE Online 45
The Freelancer, by A. Quentin Murlin 49
cover Art
by micheal komark
© 2007 CCP NA, f.h. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written
permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. White Wolf, World of
Darkness, Vampire the Eternal Struggle, EVE: Second Genesis and Exalted are
registered trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Vampire
the Requiem, Werewolf the Forsaken, Mage the Awakening, Promethean the
Created, Changeling the Lost, Storyteller System, Storytelling System, Mind’s
Eye Theatre, Sword and Sorcery, the Sword & Sorcery logo, are trademarks
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Check out White Wolf online at
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Golden Apples
An Article on Reliquary for World of Darkness
By Chandler Kennedy
Relics of power have inspired
some of the greatest legends of our
time: Medusa’s Head, the Grail, a
genie’s bottle, the True Cross, the
Spear of Destiny, and the list could
go on for hundreds of pages. These
items have been the subjects of great
quests, mythology, horriic crimes,
and urban legends. Reliquary for the
World of Darkness seeks to give a brief
catalogue of these items as well as a
list of possible powers and dozens of
adventure seeds.
Relics are created in many dif-
ferent ways, most of them deliberate.
While all supernatural creatures have
the capacity to create a magical item,
such as Klaives for werewolves or
Artifacts for mages, normal mortals
typically cannot make items of super-
natural wonder. However, as with all
rules, there are some exceptions. A
Relic could be an item imbued with
a particularly strong emotion under
a special circumstance or it could be a gift from the gods. This
book focuses on mortals and their interactions with items of
power because most other magical items created by supernatu-
rals require Gnosis, Mana, Vitae, or etc. to activate, and they
are all things that mortals do not possess. Instead of raw fuel,
most Relics require certain conditions to activate them, such
as certain actions or rituals. Or the more powerful ones are
always functional while affecting everything and everyone
around them, whether for better or for worse.
Many Relics carry a deep symbology and indeed most of
them have become symbols in themselves or icons in our modern
culture whose original meanings have been subverted into the
popular world. One example is the Grail and whether or not
this was an item or a person is still a topic of ferocious debate
dating over a thousand years of discourse. Whole legions have
been destroyed while searching for it as well as dozens of books
and movies created to tell one side of its story. It is almost
impossible to live in the modern Western world without having
heard of the Grail and its many supposed forms. Although this
item is not given stats in the book, it is the perfect example
of a Relic and the possible effect it
could have on the entire world.
However, not all Relics have
such grand histories attached to
them and many pass unnoticed
through the pages of history while
subtly affecting those they come in
contact with after their original
grand entrance. One such object is
the Apple of Eris. The Trojan War
is often blamed on Helen, “the face
who launched a thousand ships,”
But it is often forgotten that the
original cause of the war was Eris,
the Goddess of Strife, who was not
invited to a wedding on Olympus.
She created the Apple with the
legendary inscription: “For the
fairest.” It was this Apple that was
the original cause for one of the
greatest myths in Greek history.
The Apple is never heard from
again, and it passed out of memory
and into myth.
Reliquary provides a long and detailed list of relics that
range from those created by the Christian God to those created
by the strong emotions of simple, but exceptional, mortals. A
very long list of new Merits and Powers are also listed to provide
a wide range and detailed descriptions of what magical items are
capable of. This also provides for any Storyteller who wants to
create a home-brewed relic for his game. Descriptions of aging
and what the telltale signs of uses are given to help create the
reality of the relic and give it the details that belay a long and
worn history. While the very contents of this book are rife
with story seeds, a chronicle is leshed out in one chapter of
the book to outline how a Relic may be used either to drive a
Chronicle or simply to provide lavor.
Although many players may look upon these objects
as simple dice bonuses, Relics are items of wonder and should
be played as such. They should enchant players, lead players to
search around the world for them, and, in the end, show play-
ers just what kind of person they truly are. After all, absolute
power corrupts absolutely.
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R o l e C a l l !!!
An article on The Book of Sorcery Vol. IV
The Roll of Glorious Divinity- Gods and Elementals
Here’s the lowdown on The
Books of Sorcery, Vol. IV—The
Roll of Glorious Divinity I—
Gods & Elementals .
The gods of Creation are basi-
cally people. They’re not totally
people, and they see things a bit
differently. They’re immortal.
They don’t feel aches and pains,
don’t need to eat (though they
like it), and they’re inhuman in
various other ways, but basically,
people they are. For the purpose of
metaphor they’re deinitely people
more than they’re anything else.
Call them people in masks.
They’re also powerful. Not
quite as powerful as the Celestial
Exalted, but they’re way more
powerful than Creation’s mortals.
And far more numerous than
the Dragon-Blooded could ever
hope to be.
Powerful people step on the
people below them. Usually,
they do it without noticing, but
when they do notice, they seldom
stop—when you’re used to doing
something, it’s always easier to
keep doing it than to quit. Even
if they try to quit they seldom suc-
ceed. Having power and exercising
it but not stepping on the people
below you is hard, and you have
to be careful to pull it off.
Gods who spend effort on being careful are at a dis-
advantage against gods who don’t. Since the Usurpation,
the politics of the spirit courts have been cutthroat. Any
being willing to put itself at a disadvantage for something
as ephemeral as ethics falls behind right quick .
In the book, I tried to step around the issue a bit. I
tried to be delicate about it. I’m only being as blunt as
I am here because I igure if you took the time to read
the White Wolf Quarterly, you deserve to see something
you won’t see elsewhere. This is me being candid.
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