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HyperChem 8.0 Professional Edition

FIXES and CHANGES to 8.0.5 in 8.0.6
1.  The new annotation graphics in 8.0.5 introduced a bug in the particle-in-box
    capability for regions of constant potential (linear potentials were OK). This
    problem is fixed in 8.0.6.
2.  The new annotation graphics in 8.0.5 resulted in the tying of dotted lines for 
    aromatic bonds to the dotted lines for annotation lines.  Thus, aromatic bonds
    were not displayed correctly unless dotted lines were chosen for annotations.
    This is fixed in 8.0.6 where the two types of dotted lines are disassociated. 

FIXES and CHANGES to 8.0.4 in 8.0.5
1.  The previous change from "current selection" to a named selection for the 
    quantum region in calculations is now correctly reflected when asking for
    orbital and density plots.
2.  The restraint of many HSVs having to be less than 32767 is now released.
3.  Problems drawing (artifical white background) for Vista and certain graphics
    cards or graphics drivers is now fixed.
4.  Annotations and certain isosurface plotting options which previously used
    older Microsoft graphics are now fully OpenGL.  This eliminates some problems
    with "flashing" and the rendering of these on Vista and certain graphics 
    cards or graphics drivers.  These changes result in smoother, better, fully
    OpenGL compatible graphics everywhere in HyperChem.
5.  Improvements to the vibrational analysis in HyperMM+ and HyperNewton allow 
    proper investigation of the symmetry of normal modes.
6.  A number of new script variables and commands have been added.
7.  An RM1 option has been added to TNDO to go along with CNDO/INDO-based TNDO.
FIXES and CHANGES to 8.0.3 in 8.0.4
1. The hsv.h, hsv.bas, are now corretly installed and consistent with 
   Release 8.0.3 or 8.0.4.
2. The script command "name-selection XXX" where XXX is POINT, LINE or PLANE
   has been fixed.
3. The NewUser80.exe file, allowing the installing of a user apart from 
   administrator, is now part of the standard install.
4. The softlock version of HyperChem now only looks at the hard drive and not
   the ethernet card.  This elimnates some problems associated with losing ones
   license when the network configuration is changed.
5. A bug with linear (not constant) potentials in the Particle-in-a-Box annotations
   is fixed.
6. A bug associated with displaying electrostatic potentials for very large molecules
   has been fixed.
7. Some additional sample scripts have been added to the CDK directory.

FIXES and CHANGES to 8.0.2 in 8.0.3
1. FIXEDATOMS was not always assigned nor released properly 
   in scripts.  It now is.
2. MECHANICALATOMS was not always assigned nor released 
   properly in scripts.  It now is.
3. The script color-secondary-selection didn't work properly - fixed.
4. Memory is not always released because of new Undo operation in Release 8.
   Memory may not be recovered until a "New" menu operation takes place.
   For memory critical applications that delete large numbers of atoms
   a script variable "undo-disabled" is now available.
5. The default values for plotting orbitals etc. did not reflect new use of
   the MECHANICALATOMS named selection rather than current selection. Fixed.
6. MM/QM operations were not always using new MECHANICALATOMS rather than 
   current selection to distinguish quantum region.  Fixed.
7. Protein "Turn" in HIN files was not properly recognized - Fixed.
8. Some anomalies in differential rendering of neighboring atoms were fixed.
   Affected primarily "tube" and "ball and cylinder" renderings on adjacent atoms.
9. An older hcqmart.dll was getting installed affecting rendering of some 
   semi-empirical obitals and densities.
10.Selection of residues based on their name was broken - Fixed.
11.A new chem.tpl file addresses some anomalies in positioning of HG in Leucine
   and HE in Arginine.
12 Made scripts produce 0.0 rather than 0 for output of floats (e.g. for third
   party fortran programs).
13.Made consistent when using scripts to read/write coordinates when have 
   lone pair atoms.    

ADDITIONS in 8.0.3
1. New script variables are available in 8.0.3:
   undo-disabled	-saves some meory
   point-to-point	-new geometric variables
   vibrational-energy   -new energies
   translational entropy
   system-temperature   -as opposed to dynamics temperature
2. Selection of tube-rendered atoms was made easier by coloring half bond.

Fixes and Chabges to 8.0.1 in 8.0.2

1. All basis set files (many missing in 8.0.1) are now 
   included in the install.
2. A new version (no functionality change) of HCSugar.EXE
   is included in the install.  This fixes an ID problem
   so that it can be executed properly by 8.0
3. A fix to HCConformation.EXE eliminates false error message
   about problems with "Unable to vary acyclic torsion".
4. Fix to HyperChem that retreats to allowing HyperChem to 
   name HIN files with any extension.  This eliminates false
   error messages about *.$$$ files from modules that interact
   with HyperChem using such HIN files.
5. Fix to retaining restraints properly in HIN file.  8.0.1 had
   a problem coming from new universal double precision that
   restraints not read out of HIN file correctly (difference
   between %lf and %f).
6. Fix to problem in playback of dynamics that sometimes didn't
   show plot because mod of period was not working correctly.
7. Fix reading and writing of ISIS sketch files.  These are
   binary files and must use floats not doubles.  Change to 
   universal double prcision broke these.

HyperChem 8.00 Professional: An update to HyperChem 7.52 Professional
Known Problems

(1) VISTA ONLY - Microsoft no longer supports the help engine that 
HyperChem uses for its help capability and thus does not include it
with Vista.  It can, however, be downloaded for Microsoft.  Without
this download Help does not function on Vista machines.  The file to 
down load is WinHlp32.exe from - search 
for winhlp32.exe. Network administrators may wish to explore the 
winhlp32.exe issues further at
The warning about macros can be eliminated with information described

(2) VISTA ONLY - Some graphics cards still do not have great vista 
drivers.  If using Vista be sure you have a recent driver from the 
card manufacturer.  A problem has been seen on Intel Mobile ggraphics
involving drawing with "sticks".  This was solved by a newer driver on
other machines.

(3) Some time the Particle-in-a-box seems to appear when unasked.  A
simple File/New will eliminate this.

(4) Some graphics cards don't show annotations properly.  Need to use
a better graphics card or driver. 


Changes in HyperChem 8.0

* double precision everywhere

* geometries (PLANE to PLANE, etc.)

* Substituents (Methyl, Amide, etc.)

* color of drawing icons, etc.

* add c,n,o to toolbar

* using periodic table easier (focus is at main window)

* improvements to printing (hdc rendering)

* rendering of POINT, LINE, and PLANE

* Calculation of Entropies, Free Energies, and Heat Capacities.

* Calculation of zero point vibrational energy

* Better integration of Temperature into Program

* Calculation of Particle-in-Box energies and wavefunctions

* undo and redo added

* Recent file List Added

* Modelbuilder button on toolbar

* CI made clearer by being separated from Single Point

* fixes for Vista

* Added batch for native

* Third-party Interfaces - interctive, batch, and input only

* added line width envelope for IR and UV spectra

* added named selections for fixed and quantum

* made selection of surface renderings better behaved

* vibrations for molecular mechanics

* calculation or rate constants

* calculation of equilibrium constants

* expanded use of MP2

* imposed electric fields for molecular mechanics

* better clarification and ands use of units (kcal/mol, etc) 

Changes in HyperChem 7.52


*  Enhanced smoothness of secondary structure rendering.  The display of 
   secondary structures has better resolution particularly for highly-curved 

*  Beta Sheet displays now include an arrow showing N to C direction.

*  Stereo display of molecules has returned with enhanced options.  This was 
   temporarily lost in going to OpenGL rendering but is now available again.  
   Options for creating hard copy stereo images are particularly improved.

*  Transparent isosurfaces.  These were missing in the first OpenGL versions 
   but have returned with OpenGL quality.

*  Specific secondary structures, such as "Helix4", can now be selected.  
   Previously only "All Helices" was available.

*  Secondary structures can now be interactively selected by explicitly 
   clicking on them with the mouse.

*  When all atoms are hidden it now chooses a box for isosurface computation 
   that includes the size of the whole molecule whereas before the box was 
   only chosen based on visible atoms.

*  New scripting of dot surfaces - apply-dots and hide-dots.

*  Thick line drawing applied to bond drawing no longer applies to ...
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