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Trip To Washington Mini-Story Lesson
Hello. Welcome to the mini-story lesson for the conversation “Trip To Washington.”
Let’s get started with the story.
* * * * *
Tom Cruise’s house has roaches. There are so many that it is out of hand.
He is now fed up. So he decides to go to Hawaii for one month. His Aunt Susanna lives in Hawaii and
Hawaii is really low key.
After he gets to Hawaii, he drives to his aunt’s house. He is psyched to see her and she is tickled
pink to see him.
On the first day he goes to the beach. He decides to learn how to surf. At first he cannot stand up on
the surfboard but soon he gets the hang of it.
Tom Cruise goes to the beach every day. He does not think about the roaches at his house. He is
able to completely let go.
After four weeks pass by, he realized that time flies when he is relaxing.
* * * * *
Okay, so that is our story. Now, as always, I will go back to the beginning of the story and I will read the story
and I will ask questions while I read the story. Please answer the questions out loud if you wish. If you need
a little more time then you can pause your player and then answer the question when you feel like you’ve had
enough time. Or if you just want to sit back and listen to the questions without answering, that’s fine, too.
Okay, so here we go.
* * * * *
Tom Cruise’s house has roaches.
Does Tom Cruise’s house have roaches?
Yes, yes, it does. Tom Cruise’s house has roaches.
Does Will Smith’s house or Tom Cruise’s house have roaches?
© Copyright 2008: Learn Real English, LLC
Trip To Washington Mini-Story Lesson
Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise’s house has roaches.
Does Will Smith’s house have roaches?
No, Will Smith’s house doesn’t have roaches.
Does Tom Cruise’s house have roaches?
Yes, yes, that’s correct. Tom Cruise’s house has roaches.
Whose house has roaches?
Tom Cruise’s. Tom Cruise’s house has roaches.
What does Tom Cruise’s house have? Does it have cats or roaches?
It has roaches.
Does Tom Cruise’s house have cats?
No, not cats.
Does Tom Cruise’s house have roaches?
Yes, yes, it does. Tom Cruise’s house has roaches.
There are so many that it is out of hand.
Is it out of hand because there are so many roaches?
Yes, yes, that’s why it’s out of hand. There are so many roaches that it is out of hand.
Is it out of control because there are so many roaches?
Yes, yes, that’s true also. If something is out of hand, that means it is out of control, so it is out of control.
Are there a lot of roaches at Tom Cruise’s house?
© Copyright 2008: Learn Real English, LLC
Trip To Washington Mini-Story Lesson
Yes, yes, there are. It says there are so many that it is out of control so there must be a lot of roaches at Tom
Cruise’s house.
Why is it out of hand? Is it because there are too many cats or too many roaches at his house?
Well, it’s not because there are too many cats. It is certainly because there are too many roaches. There are
so many that it is out of hand.
He is now fed up.
Is he now fed up?
Yes, yes, he is. He is fed up.
Okay, so what is he? Is he hungry?
No, he’s not hungry.
Is he fed up?
Yes, yes, he is. He is fed up.
Is he happy?
No, no, he’s not happy. He has roaches in his house, he’s fed up.
Is he upset?
Yes, yes, he is. He’s upset or he’s fed up. To be fed up means to be upset.
Who is fed up now?
Well, Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise is fed up now.
Was he fed up yesterday?
No, he is fed up now.
Is he fed up now?
© Copyright 2008: Learn Real English, LLC
Trip To Washington Mini-Story Lesson
Yes, he is fed up now.
So he decides to go to Hawaii for one month.
Does he decide to go to Hawaii for one month?
Yes, he does. He decides to go to Hawaii for one month.
Okay, so what does he decide to do?
Go to Hawaii, he decides to go to Hawaii for one month.
Does he decide to eat the roaches or go to Hawaii for one month?
To go to Hawaii for one month, that’s what he decided to do.
Does he decide to eat the roaches?
Eat the roaches, no, I don’t think Tom Cruise will be eating the roaches. He did not decide to eat the
Does he decide to go to Hawaii for one month?
Yes, that’s exactly what he did. He decides to go to Hawaii for one month.
Okay, so who decides to go to Hawaii for one month?
Tom Cruise, that’s who decided. Tom Cruise decided to go to Hawaii for one month.
Does Will Smith or Tom Cruise decide to go to Hawaii?
Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise decides to go to Hawaii.
How long will he go to Hawaii?
Well, he will go for one month.
Will he go to Hawaii for seven days or one month?
© Copyright 2008: Learn Real English, LLC
Trip To Washington Mini-Story Lesson
One month. He will go to Hawaii for one month.
Does he decide to go to Hawaii for one month?
Yes, yes, he does. He decides to go to Hawaii for one month.
His Aunt Susanna lives in Hawaii
Does his aunt life in Hawaii?
Yes, she does. His aunt lives in Hawaii.
Who lives in Hawaii?
Well, Tom Cruise’s Aunt Susanna lives in Hawaii.
Does his Aunt Peggy live in Hawaii?
No, no, it’s not his Aunt Peggy.
Does his Aunt Susanna live in Hawaii?
Yes, yes, she does. His Aunt Susanna lives in Hawaii.
Is his aunt’s name Susanna or Sandra?
Well, it’s Susanna. His Aunt Susanna.
Where does his Aunt Susanna live? Does she live in California or Hawaii?
Hawaii, she lives in Hawaii.
Does his aunt live in California?
No, no, she doesn’t live in California.
Does his aunt live in Hawaii?
© Copyright 2008: Learn Real English, LLC
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