Zestaw 8 - Podróżowanie i turystyka.doc

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A.    Uzyskiwanie, udzielanie informacji


Gościsz u siebie Australijczyka/Australijkę. Poinformuj go/ją:


- jakie są najciekawsze miejsca do zwiedzania w Twojej okolicy,

- jak może spędzić wolny czas wieczorem,

- że możesz mu/jej towarzyszyć.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminujący/




A: Now that I have finally arrived, what places can you recommend to see around here?

B: I think the most interesting places are always connected with nature, so you should go and see our mountains. Apart from that, I can give you a guidebook in English and you could choose what you want.

A: Great, thanks. That sounds interesting.

B: Last year I took some English friends for a walk in the mountains and they really enjoyed the views.

A: I’m already looking forward to it then. And how about evenings? Do you know any clubs or pubs or other places to go?

B: Oh yes. There are restaurants and pubs. I’ll take you to some of them. They are really nice.

A: Oh, good. Thank you very much. But perhaps I’m bothering you too much.

B: No, you’re not. I can go with you anywhere you want. I’d like you to enjoy your stay here.

A: Thanks, I really appreciate it.

B: You’re welcome. My pleasure.




B.     Relacjonowanie wydarzeń


Podczas wyprawy ze znajomymi zabłądziliście w górach. Po dotarciu do schroniska opowiadasz o tym przebywającym tam cudzoziemcom. Powiedz:


- dokąd chcieliście dojść,

- kiedy odkryliście, że zeszliście ze szlaku,

- jak trafiliście do schroniska.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/



A: Oh, we’re very glad we could find this shelter. We got lost, I think.

B: Oh really? You’re very lucky then.

A: We wanted to get as close as possible to Krywań.

B: It is about 3 kilometres from here.

A: Really? That’s not far.

B: Yes. But how did you get here? It’s not really on the trail to Krywań.

A: We left a small village in the morning and went south-east. We kept going until it got really dark and we lost the trail markings. We started to worry. You know, there was no place where we could sleep. And suddenly we saw the lights from this house. You know, the first lights from a house in a long time. We discovered there was a path that led somewhere towards this house and we decided to take the risk. It took us straight here.

B: Good. Now you need to rest.

A: Oh, yes! So you say Krywań is not so far from here.

B: Yes. In the morning it will be easier to get there.

A: Oh, yes.




C.    Negocjowanie


Znajomi z zagranicy chcą, abyś towarzyszył/towarzyszyła im podczas wycieczki po Krakowie.


- Zaproponuj, żeby pojechali na wycieczkę bez Ciebie.

- Odrzuć ich propozycję opłacenia za Ciebie wszystkich kosztów i podaj uzasadnienie.

- Zaproponuj rozwiązanie kompromisowe i wyjaśnij, dlaczego uważasz je za lepsze.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/



A: I know you want me to go on this trip with you but I don’t think it’s a good idea.

B: Why not? We would be so happy to have you with us. You could be our guide and you could tell us things about those places we are going to visit.

A: I really think you should go on your own.

B: We will pay entrance fees for you, don’t worry about that. We’d love you to join us.

A: It sounds great, but I can’t let you pay for me. You see, I’ve seen all those places already.

B: You could see them again and perhaps explain a thing or two. I’m sure we won’t find all that in a guidebook.

A: I have an idea. After you come back, you can tell me how many Polish people can actually speak English. In the meantime, I will think of some local trips that we could make together when you come back. In this way you will be real tourists here, with no Polish native speaker to help you. What do you think?

B: All right. If it has to be that way. We’ll go by ourselves then.

A: Great. Have a good day.



Zadanie 2 Rozmowa na podstawie ilustracji



In this picture I can see two tourists, a man and a woman, looking at a map. The man is middle-aged and he has dark hair. He’s wearing blue summer clothes, a T-shirt and shorts. His right hand is resting on the windscreen of the car and holding the map. He’s pointing at something with his left hand and looking at the woman. She’s standing close to him, with her back to the camera, and we can’t see her face. She’s got dark blond hair. She’s wearing a short, sleeveless, white summer dress and she has a straw hat on her back. The two people may be a married couple who stopped to make sure where to go next. They are somewhere in the country in front of a building. To the left there are some trees and bushes in the background and in the top left-hand corner there is a shrub with red flowers. It is most probably the middle of summer and these people are on holiday.



1.      Have the people in the picture got lost or rather not? Why do you think so?


In my opinion they are not lost because they have the map. I think they are discussing a possible route along the coast. They have probably spent the night in the house behind them and now they want to drive somewhere else. Perhaps they disagree with each other or even worry about something because the man is not smiling. It seems they are having a serious discussion about where to go next.



2.      How can people avoid problems when they travel?


In my opinion the first thing that people should remember about is not forget anything important like personal documents, tickets and money. The second thing that people can do is to write down a list of things they want or need to take. I would add that it is essential to be calm and not to worry that we will be late or that something bad will happen. When we get nervous, we don’t enjoy the journey.

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