Wallace & Gromit - The Wrong Trousers (ENG dla nieslyszacych).txt

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{1856}{1905}(Toot! Toot!)
{2117}{2145}(Beep! Beep! Beep!)
{2147}{2217}(Card plays "Happy Birthday")
{2350}{2402}(Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!)
{2487}{2521}(Click! Click! Click!)
{2523}{2639}Oh... It's my turn for breakfast|this morning, Gromit.
{2641}{2696}I'd like a three-minute egg...
{2698}{2764}Whoa! Steady on! Oww!
{2766}{2830}Gromit! Owww!
{3002}{3036}Ha ha!
{3278}{3366}That went as well as could|be expected, didn't it?
{3410}{3515}Though I might have to make|a small adjustment to the drop.
{3517}{3595}A touch painful on re-entry.
{3642}{3691}Cracking toast, Gromit.
{3764}{3863}Any post, was there, perchance?
{4050}{4099}Oh, dear, a bit steep!
{4101}{4164}Oh, my goodness! Well, I'll be...!
{4166}{4241}They're all bills.|Oh, dear, oh, dear!
{4243}{4308}We shall have to economise, Gromit.
{4310}{4401}I'll have to let that room out.|Oh, dear!
{4629}{4673}# Bom bom bom-bom... #
{4762}{4816}(Clink! Clink! Clink!)
{4835}{4954}Oh! Just look at that!|I'm down to my last few coppers.
{4956}{5037}And those presents weren't cheap,|either. Oh!
{5085}{5175}Well, Gromit, let's see|what's on the 9.05, shall we?
{5227}{5271}Here she comes now.
{5334}{5383}I wonder what this can be.
{5410}{5474}Happy birthday, chuck!
{5578}{5622}(Wallace chuckles)
{5648}{5747}I knew you'd like it.|Here, let me help you.
{5816}{5883}You look like somebody owns you now.
{5885}{5997}And that's only the first part!|Come and look in here.
{6082}{6142}(Whirr! Whirr!)
{6642}{6707}I think you'll find this present
{6709}{6783}a valuable addition|to our modern lifestyle!
{6801}{6868}They're "Techno Trousers".
{6870}{6961}Ex-NASA. Fantastic for walkies!
{6970}{7039}All you do|is attach the lead on here...
{7086}{7137}then programme in.
{7139}{7201}Walkies, ten minutes,|twenty minutes...
{7310}{7398}Ha ha ha! Have a nice walk, Gromit!
{7551}{7621}(Whirr! Whirr! Whirr!)
{7910}{8012}It's no use prevaricating|about the bush.
{8339}{8388}(Wallace slurps tea)
{8390}{8443}Nice walkies, hmm?
{8484}{8555}How were the Techno Trousers?
{8603}{8652}(Doorbell rings)
{8654}{8748}Oh. There's someone|at the door, Gromit.
{8750}{8804}I wonder who that could be.
{8827}{8866}(Opens door)
{8868}{8922}(Wallace) Oh,|it's about the room, then.
{8924}{8976}Well, that's grand.
{8978}{9064}Er, would you like to come this way|and inspect?
{9104}{9210}I'm asking twenty a week.|That will include your breakfast.
{9288}{9359}I suppose you like kippers, do you?
{9361}{9442}Partial to a nice|black pudding myself.
{9444}{9499}With bacon, of course.
{9611}{9693}I'm sure that we could come|to an amicable agreement.
{9695}{9816}As I say, it's a bit dingy|at present,
{9818}{9907}but it's surprising what|a lick of paint'll do, isn't it?
{9964}{9996}Oh! Er...
{9998}{10052}But I don't think... Hmm. Oh.
{10054}{10147}Er, wasn't quite what we had in mind.
{10149}{10239}Wouldn't you like to see...?|Oh, dear!
{10276}{10387}Look...um... There's something|I've got to tell you.
{10389}{10465}It's, um...no pets.
{10467}{10521}Does that suit you?
{10554}{10637}(# "Tie A Yellow Ribbon" on radio)
{10639}{10701}Oh... Seems pleasant enough.
{10723}{10772}Cheer up, Gromit.
{10774}{10857}It's surprising what|a lick of paint'll do, isn't it?
{11206}{11255}Oooh! Ohh...
{11372}{11461}Oh! So that's where my braces went!
{11527}{11576}(Wallace hums)
{11679}{11753}Wonderful things,|these Techno Trousers.
{11755}{11804}Oh! I'm sorry...
{12165}{12224}(# "Tie A Yellow Ribbon")
{12461}{12510}(# "Happy Talk")
{12965}{13034}(# "How Much Is That Doggie|In The Window?")
{13095}{13137}(Glass smashing)
{13513}{13562}(Music stops)
{13769}{13818}(Brushing teeth)
{13865}{13914}Lovely morning, Gromit!
{14415}{14469}Oh... Thank you very much.
{14519}{14580}That's just grand!
{14792}{14836}(Wallace) Oh, thank you!
{14838}{14951}What do you think of that,|Gromit, eh? Our paying guest.
{14953}{15002}(Wallace chuckles)
{15101}{15150}(# Jazz clarinet)
{15210}{15293}(Wallace) Ha ha ha!|Nice drop of Bordeaux, this, eh?
{15321}{15379}Here's to paying guests!
{15381}{15459}Ahh... More cheese, Penguin?
{16294}{16343}(Wallace) Good night, Penguin.
{16345}{16394}Sleep well!
{17484}{17531}(Ringing and rattling)
{17805}{17861}That was lovely cheese.
{17892}{17951}Oh... Yee-ow!
{18062}{18111}It's the wrong trousers!
{18113}{18168}The wrong trousers!
{18170}{18235}What have you done|with the controls, Gromit?
{18324}{18383}Now, that'll do.
{18385}{18480}Hold on a minute...|Stop it! Gromit!
{18494}{18615}Stop these confounded things!|This isn't funny, Gromit!
{18648}{18697}The joke's over!
{18699}{18760}Get me out of these trousers!
{19236}{19321}He-elp! Gromi-it!
{19630}{19710}It's the wrong trousers, Gromit,|and they've gone wrong!
{19712}{19810}Stop them, Gromit! Stop them!|Help me!
{19812}{19897}Gr-Gromit!|The trousers have gone haywire!
{19899}{19958}Get me out!
{20406}{20502}(Wallace) Oh! Ah! Oooh! Oh! Ow!
{20575}{20620}Oh, I'm tired!
{20622}{20741}A good doze. That's what I need,|get me strength back.
{20802}{20891}What a... What a shocking calam...
{20962}{21015}(Snores loudly)
{26038}{26089}(Wallace snorts)
{26240}{26296}(Beep beep!)
{26334}{26383}(Beep beep beep!)
{26501}{26550}(Wallace snores)
{28426}{28475}(Wallace snores)
{29299}{29358}(Clang! Clang! Clang!)
{29628}{29678}(Clang! Clang! Clang!)
{32127}{32176}(Ching! Ching!)
{33161}{33217}(Barp! Barp! Barp! Barp!)
{33366}{33437}Oh! Ooohh!
{33447}{33509}What's going on?
{33511}{33561}Where am I?! What's going on?!
{33685}{33798}Gromit! GROM-I-IT!
{33822}{33911}I... I must be dreaming!
{33949}{33997}Where the devil am I?!
{34025}{34114}Oh... Oh! Great heavens above!
{34116}{34168}Whatever is it? HELP!
{34176}{34225}Get me down!
{34305}{34384}What's the game, then, eh?|Where am I?
{34420}{34474}I've had quite enough!
{34476}{34560}You'll be hearing|from my solicitor about this!
{34562}{34652}Eee! Ow! Mind how you go!
{34654}{34783}You can't go taking liberties|like this. I'm a respectable citizen!
{34942}{35011}It's definitely not legal, this.
{35148}{35199}Good grief! It's you!
{35226}{35306}Now, get me out of these trousers|this minute!
{35333}{35382}Steady on, will you?
{35384}{35443}This wardrobe's nearly new.
{35445}{35489}Let me out!
{35491}{35565}I'll give you what for, you tyke!
{35702}{35785}(Wallace) Excuse me? Hello?
{35813}{35877}I should think so, too... Hey!
{35932}{36019}Well, this is a fine how do you do,|isn't it, Gromit?
{36049}{36145}Steady on!|Watch where your putting them paws!
{36159}{36241}- (Fizz!)|- Oh! Careful, lad! Oooh! Ohhhh!
{36261}{36340}Oh, my goodness,|it'll ruin the woodwork!
{36342}{36397}(Thud! Thud! Thud!)
{36399}{36462}There goes me knotted pine!|Where are we going?
{36495}{36566}I... I can't see a thing!
{36568}{36616}What's happening?!
{36653}{36693}(Toot! Toot!)
{36695}{36749}(Muffled) Catch him, Gromit!
{37098}{37131}(Toot! Toot!)
{37388}{37422}(Pee-ow! Pee-ow!)
{37424}{37467}(Wallace) Don't worry, Gromit!
{37469}{37555}I'm...Oooh! Right behind you!
{37652}{37745}Hang in there, Gromit!|Everything's under control!
{37805}{37871}I'll have that if you don't mind, eh?
{38159}{38210}(Wallace) Tally ho!
{38225}{38305}Leave him to me.|I'll get the bounder!
{38488}{38537}Get him, Gromit!
{38645}{38693}Gromit, we're doomed!
{38851}{38901}Mind the table, Gromit!
{38944}{39006}Aah! Ooh! Aah! Ooh!
{39233}{39282}All yours, Gromit!
{39668}{39721}Attaboy, Gromit, lad!
{39723}{39825}Well done! We did it! Ha ha!
{40481}{40530}Thank you, old friend.
{40532}{40602}Many thanks indeed.
{40617}{40705}That reward money|paid off all our debts.
{40707}{40821}No more lodgers.|More trouble than they're worth.
{40883}{40985}I could just fancy some cheese,|Gromit. What do you say?
{41058}{41111}Don't forget the crackers.
{41237}{41284}(Bzz! Bzz!)
{41299}{41382}All's well that ends well,|that's what I say.
{41436}{41490}(Whirr! Clank! Whirr! Clank!)
{41608}{41707}Oh, I DO like a bit of Gorgonzola.
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