M-241 Download Firmware Operation Procedure_20080325.pdf

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Microsoft Word - M-241 Download Firmware Operation Procedure_20080325.doc
HOLUX M-241 Download and Update
Firmware Operation Procedure (20080325)
1. Utility currently only support firmware download through USB cable.
2. Please DO NOT download and update through bluetooth.
3. If the USB cable is disconnected during downloading, please re-download
on the same PC which cable disconnected , in order to recover the device
original Bluetooth Mac Address.
Please refer to the following steps:
(1) Please install USB driver “CP210x_VCP_Win2K_XP.exe ” in advance.
(2) “CP210xUSB to UART Bridge Controller” message will appears on the
Device Manager after USB cable is connected.
) Please double check the USB Cable is connected to PC(see the figure
(4) make sure the device is connected with PC through USB cable and this
COM Port is correct. (Note: Don’t click “Connect” button. Utility will handle
connection automatically.)
274620757.004.png 274620757.005.png
(5) Please select the firmware file.
Note the correct firmware file name is *_HLX.bin.
Utility will check firmware integrity before downloading, and if the firmware file
is corrupt, it will cancel downloading.
(6) Click “Download and Update” button to download.
(7) Downloading now. Don’t disconnect USB cable .
ans final procedure is
processing , please don’t disconnect the cable. Please wait “Download and
Update Successfully” text appears to complete updating successfully. (see .
When “Process Finish Procedure” text appears, it me
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