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IEA Hydropower Implementing Agreement Annex VIII -
Hydropower Good Practices: Environmental Mitigation Measures and Benefits
Case Study 15-02: Others – Use of Driftwood in Reservoir – Taki Dam, Japan
Key Issue:
Climate Zone:
Cf: Temperate humid climate
- Processing and Effective Use of Driftwood
in the Reservoir
- Effective Use of Construction Byproducts
Entire View of the Taki Power Plant
and the Taki Dam
Project Name:
Taki Dam
Fukushima Pref., Japan (Asia)
Implementing Party & Period
- Project: Electric Power Development Co. Ltd. (J-POWER)
1961 (Commencement of operation) -
- Good Practice: Electric Power Development Co. Ltd. (J-POWER)
1990 -
Driftwood, Recycling, Charring
Taki Dam is located in an area of heavy snowfall, and a large amount of driftwood
flows into the reservoir annually during periods of high run-off due to thaw and rainfall.
The removal of this driftwood requires much labor and cost. Moreover, its final
disposal often encounters problems. As a result, studies were carried out on the
beneficial use of driftwood, and technologies were developed for its recycling into
charcoal, wood vinegar and craftwork. In 1993, this Good Practice was commended
by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry for its contribution to the promotion
of waste recycling.
1. Outline of the Project
The Taki Dam in the Tadami River, which belongs to the Agano River system, is located in
Kanayama-machi, Oonuma-gun, Fukushima Prefecture. This gravity overflow concrete dam,
exclusively used for power generation, has a 264 m long crest, 46 m elevation, effective
storage of 10,300,000 m 3 and catchment area of 1978.8 km 2 .
With the attraction of the rich hydropower resource of the Tadami River that runs through the
project site, the investigation of the midstream and upstream of the river started long time
back in the end of the Taisho Period (1912 to 1926), along with the development of the main
Agano River in the downstream. With a rapid rise in electric power demand after WWII, the
development of the midstream area progressed concurrently with a second investigation of the
entire watershed. This led to the consistently planned development of the Tadami River
System, with a goal of constructing facilities with a generating capacity of 2,000 MW. The
plan included the construction of large upstream reservoirs in Okutadami and Tagokura and a
group of midstream balancing reservoirs. Later on, the 10 th meeting of the Adjustment Council
of Electric Power Development Co. Ltd. in July 1953 agreed on the general development plan
for the Tadami and the Kuromata River and reached the decision to construct the Taki Power
Plant as the afterbay reservoir of the Tagokura Power Plant.
The construction, preceded by the investigation and survey of the power plant site in 1958,
started in July 1959. In July 1961, the reservoirs were filled and on August 15 of the same
year, power generation started. Table 1 shows the specifications of the Taki Power Plant and
the Taki Dam.
Table 1 Specifications of the Taki Power Plant and the Taki Dam
Taki Power Plant
Source of water
Tadami River, which belongs to the Agano River system
Maximum output
920,000 MW
300 m 3 /sec
Maximum discharge
Effective head
35.82 m
Number of generators
Waterwheel type
Single vertical axis spiral Kaplan
Taki Dam/Taki balancing reservoir
Concrete gravity
Dam height
46 m
Crest length
264 m
Dam and
120,343 m 3
Dam volume
1978.8 km 2
Catchment area
Total reservoir
27,000,000 m 3
Available depth
5.0 m
2. Features of the Project Area
The Tadami River, which runs through the
Taki Dam point, originates in Lake Oze and
flows into the Sea of Japan. The river, which
runs a total distance of approx. 260 km and
has a catchment area of approx. 8,400 km2,
is blessed with a rich water resource thanks
to heavy snowfall during the winter period
and an available head of as high as 1,400 m,
and has been a site for hydropower
development since before the war. As the
Fukushima Pref.
Taki Dam
Fig. 1 Location Map of the Taki Dam
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site is located in a narrow place between mountains in an area of high snowfall, a large
amount of driftwood flows into balancing reservoirs whenever flooding occurs due to snow
melting and rainfall, and therefore the removal of driftwood is an annual event.
3. Benefits
3.1 Background of Effective Use of Driftwood
Dam reservoirs have an inflow of a large
amount of driftwood and other forms of
debris during typhoons and heavy rainfalls
(Photo 1). These driftwood and other forms
of debris not only cause problems to water
intake for power generation but also damage
the landscape of dam reservoirs. It is,
therefore, one of important hydropower
maintenance responsibilities to routinely
remove them from reservoirs for disposal.
However, the removal requires large
facilities and much labor and cost, and final disposal of removed driftwood and other forms of
debris have often presented considerable problems. Although depending on the severity of
floods that occur each year, the amount of driftwood and other forms of debris processed
annually is an average of over 30,000 m 3 , which, however, does not include the large amount
of intact, submerged driftwood. This example shows a driftwood recycling effort, for example,
by charring it, to ensure their effective use.
Photo 1 Driftwood in the Dam Lake
3.2 Recycling through Charring
Driftwood is so diverse in conditions, for example, regarding the tree type and age, length,
thickness, shape (straight or curved), and degree of damage and staining. In consideration of
these conditions, dam site conditions, characteristics of recycled products and social demand
among other factors, Electric Power Development Co. Ltd. decided on an effort to recycle
driftwood by charring it.
The advantages of carbonization worthy of note include:
1) Thermal decomposition of fur, staining, mold and other impurities produces stable
2) Since carbides are free of corrosion or chemical changes, they have no adverse effects on
the environment when left unused.
3) Carbon fixation helps reduce carbon dioxide emissions from driftwood burning.
4) Since carbonization reduces the weight by about 20% and the volume by about 60%,
transportation becomes easy.
5) Since the masses of charcoal can easily be crushed, this increases transportation options.
6) Carbonated materials have many applications including fuels and charcoals.
The charcoal manufacturing process is as shown in the flow chart in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 shows an
example of the traditional Japanese charcoal kiln made of clay and rocks used as the test kiln
around the Taki Dam. The charcoal manufacturing test succeeded for the first time in
September 1990. The attempt was unprecedented in the world, and the product was called
driftwood charcoal. About 2% of the several thousand cubic meters of driftwood removed
each year is charred for their effective use.
1. Removal of driftwood from reservoirs
2. Sorting of driftwood
3. Storing and drying of driftwood
4. Production of charcoal
5. Vertical laying of driftwood in the kiln
6. Increasing of kiln temperature
7. Carbonization (Collection of wood vinegar)
Charcoal manufacturing cycle
8. Refining
9. Sealing and cooling of the kiln (Black charcoal)
10. Opening of the kiln
11. Processing and shipping
Fig. 2 Driftwood Charring Process
clay (gravel mix)
Fig. 3 Test Kiln for Driftwood
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Table 2 shows a quality comparison between the driftwood charcoal and the charcoal
manufactured from ordinary wood. The driftwood charcoal, characterized by such properties
as a small ash content and a large calorific value, found an application as a clean fuel. Since it
also has aerating, particle capturing, water cleaning, humidity control and deodorizing
capacities associated with its porous surface, it is used in various products including humidity
control construction materials (for example, sheets), water cleaners and pillow and mattress
stuffing, which are commercially available through the affiliates of Electric Power
Development Co. Ltd.
Table 2 Quality Comparison between Charcoal Manufactured
from Ordinary Wood and Driftwood Charcoal
Charcoal manufactured
from ordinary wood
(Japanese beech)
Driftwood charcoal
(Japanese beech)
Calorific value (kcal/kg)
Ash content (%)
Carbon (%)
Hydrogen (%)
Elementary analysis
Nitrogen (%)
Oxygen (%)
True specific gravity
Unit weight (g/cm 3 )
Water absorption (%)
Effluent pH
3.3Use of Wood Vinegar
Collecting and cooling the gases discharged from the smokestack during the charcoal
manufacturing process produces condensed liquid with pungent smell. This liquid, which is
thermally decomposed tree fibers of cellulose and lignin, is separated by gravity into three
layers when left standing: the upper layer comprising lightweight crude oil, the intermediate
layer comprising wood vinegar and the bottom layer comprising tar. The wood vinegar is
strongly acid (pH2 to 3) transparent liquid with a yellowish or brownish tint, and contains
acetic acid as the main component, and reportedly, over 200 types of other organic compounds.
This wood vinegar, like charcoal, has proven to have a number of effects that reflect the
working of natural chemical components, and thus has attracted increasing research interest.
Wood vinegar is commercially available today for gardening applications and for applications
similar to those of the driftwood charcoal.
3.4 Use of Driftwood in Craftwork
Driftwood has a corroded and softened surface thus giving the first glance impression of
being rotten. However, it often has a solid interior. The interior of quality driftwood with
attractive grain patterns is used to produce woodwork, which is sold at a shop in the dam.
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