Etceteronomicon I - Dodatkowe czary kolorów.pdf

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Microsoft Word - Etceteronomicon1.0.doc
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How to Use This Book
This book contains eighty new spes orWFRP Î ten oreach ofthe eight Lores ofMagicand
some new LesserMagicspes as we. There are severalways in which these can be used.
As A Whole New Lore
ReamsofSorcery expained that the spes in the core ruebook were ony those ofthe
ÐEementaÑist oreach Lore. That book aso contained a whoe new ist,the MysticalLore,and
the CardinalLore as we,the atterofwhich being made up ofspes rom both ists. The spes in
this book can be considered a urtherist,the ÐMediaÑLore Î so named because it acks spes of
the highest power,but contains many ofmoderate strength. When a Wizard charactergains the
Arcane Lore Taent,he may choose between the Eementa,Mystica,CardinalorMedialist to
provide his ten spes.
GMs shoud aso eelree to combine the spes in this ist with those in the Eementaland
Mysticalists to create his own new Lores,with theirown themes. It is important that each ist be
baanced,however,with a ulspread ofCasting Numbers and eects. Swapping in and out spes
ofapproximatey equalpowershoud suice. The end resut is that no two mages need be at al
aike,even ifthey both foow the same Lore.
As New Spells to Find and Learn
Journeyman wizards gain access to alten spes oftheirchosen Lore when they gain the Arcane
Lore Taent,but this is not the imit oftheirabiities. By spending 100 XP on the Extra Spel
Taent (see beow) they may earn any otherspelthat is part oftheirLore. Said spes may be
ound in the ibraries ofthe MagicalCoeges,in the hands ofwarocks and dark magisters,in
ancient tomes ortroves,ost to the word foraeons,oranywhere ese you might imagine. By
spending XP on spes ratherthan ascending to become a Wizard Lord,wizards become armore
generay useulratherthan specificay ocussed,providing new options orwizard payers.
As A Way ofIncreasing MagicalPower and Variety
Some GMs and payers may feelthat ten spes is not suicient forwizards in theirgame,wishing
them to be more fexibe and powerfulso that magicmay pay a greaterroe. GMs may seect
spes rom the Medialist (and the Mysticalifyou own ReamsofSorcery)and add them to the
Eementalist. Note that GMs shoud be very careulin doing this,and shoud ony add a few
spes. Adding more wilmake wizards extremey poweruland may unbaance yourgame.
New Talent:Extra Spell
Description:Yourdeeperstudies into yourArcane Lore give you the abiity to cast a spelnot on
yourSpelList. Extra Spelis unusualin that it is not one taent but many,and each must be
acquired individuay. Each Extra SpelTaent gives access to a singe spe,noted in parenthesis,
such as Extra Spel(The MetalMended),orexampe. This spelmust come rom yourArcane
Lore,so you must have an Arcane Lore beore you can gain this taent.
Duration and Range
To make inding althe inormation easierin speldescriptions,The Etceteronomcon adds two
extra ines to the spelentriesÏduration and range. These wilaso eature in uture WFRP
Entries incude alofthe foowing.
Instant:This entry indicates that the speldoes not have a duration and that its eects are
resoved immediatey.
1 hour/minute/round:The spelasts orone hour,minute orround.
1 hour/minute or triggered:The spelasts or1 minute (6 rounds) oruntilthe circumstances
ofthe spes efect are triggered,whicheveroccurs irst.Forexampe,a spelmight give you the
abiity to re-rolaied Strength Tests.At any point within the spes duration that you re-rola
Strength Test,the spelis discharged.
See description:The spelhas a specialduration as described in the text.
Time/Magic:The spelasts a numberofrounds,minutes,orhours perpoint ofyourMagic
Triggered:The spelremains in efect untila specificcircumstance triggers it.You gain no
benefit rom casting such spes mutipe times.
You:The spelmay be cast ony on yourse.
Touch:You must touch a target orthe spelto take eect.
Touch (you):As touch,but you may aso cast the spelon yourse.
Yards (squares):The spelhas a range measured in yards.
See description:The spelhas a specialrange as described in the text.
OriginalIdea and Text: Steve Darington
Spes Designed,Reined and Paytested By:Steve Darington,Dan White,Gareth Wicock and the marveous guys on the
Back Industries ContributorForum
Aten the SeerCreated By Steve Darington
WFRP 2 nd Ed by Chris Pramas
OriginalWFRP Design by Jim Bambra,Graeme Davis,PhilGaagher,Richard Haiweland Rick Priesty
Reams ofSorcery by TS Luikart,Chris Pramas,JefTidba,Robert J Schwab and Marijan von Stauer
SmalBut Vicious Dog by Heba
Check out wwwstevedorg ormore stuffby Steve.
WarhammerFantasy Roepay,the WarhammerFantasy Roepay ogo,WFRP,Chaos,Tzeentch,Warhammer,and alassociated marks,
names,races,race insignia,characters,vehices,ocations,units,arteacts,iustrations and images rom the Warhammerword are either
§,TM and/or¨ Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2006,variaby registered in the UK and othercountries around the word.Used
without permission.No chaenge to theirstatus is intended.AlRights Reserved to theirrespective owners.
No bears were harmed in the making ofthis suppement.
The MedialLores
Fire Life Death
Boodfire Arms ofthe Forest Charge the Back Gate
The Captivating Fame Bend with the Wind Deathmask
Ignite Dritwood Death Wish
Kindred ofthe Hearth FourSeasons in One Day Gimpse the Departed
Leaping Fames Ghyran Reveaed Grim Harvest
Oiland Water Hae and Hearty Name the Bade
Passion Reborn Lieforce Ony the Coas
Passion Unbound Strength ofthe Earth Shyish Uncovered
Stoveskin Winds Whisper Stibood
Tame the Dragon The Wood Reborn Taste ofDeath
The Heavens Beasts Light
AzyrIuminated The Beast Unbroken Barthe Gate
Broken Consteation Calthe Horde Bright Bastion
The Crowned Fate Eyes ofthe Pack Daemonward
The Enemy Forseen Form ofthe Scurrying Rodent Driving Intent
Fates Whisper Form ofthe Sippery Fish Enightenment
Fortuitous Object Fury ofthe MotherBear Iuminate the Fied
Map ofthe Heavens Gorious Transformation Inusion ofLight
See the Oncoming Bow Lost Cub Perfect Comprehension
Staress Night Musk Spray Pierce the Veil
The Witching Star WinterCoat Purity ofPurpose
Shadow Metal
Back Horrors AnatomicalEvauation
Burthe Image ArmourofTin
Deep Pockets Find the Weakness
Face ofthe Stranger Guard ofGod
Fase Promise The Knot Untied
Phantom Foe The Law ofFuid
Shadowbridge MetalForFesh
Shadowhound The MetalMended
Shadoweap Transmutation ofFuid
Wandering Shadow Understand the Mechanism
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The Lore ofFire
ÐAqshy,the Wnd ofPasson,the Fre Wthoutand the Fre Wthn. Opposed by Cod Metal
untlthe Metalbreaks,asLogcshapesPasson,butPasson can nevertruy be bound.
DestroyerofLfe,yetaso the spark whch keepsthe Lfe burnng wthn us. Fre spartof
ournature,nsde and out. Forbetterorworse,the Fre Wzard sthe concmage fxed
upon the mndsofthe Empre ctzen when he magnesthose who work magc. Thssno
doubtbecause the Fre Wzardsare so famboyantand so exposve,n temperamentand
resuts. Butone wondersftsaso because Passon sso much a partofourhuman nature,
and deep down,every man feesknshp to these wzardsand the Wnd they command,far
more than they do to any otherÑ
- Aten the Seer
Casting Number:17
Casting Time:FulAction
Duration:1 minute perMagicCharacteristic
Ingredient:The hand ofa man burned to death (+3)
Description:The bood inside yourveins becomes pyrophoric. When yourenemies inict
damage upon you,fire eaps rom the wound. You take one extra point ofdamage yoursef,and
any adjacent opponent must make an Agiity Test orsufera Damage 3 Fire attack that ignores
The Captivating Flame
Casting Number:13
Casting Time:FulAction
Duration:1 round perMagicCharacteristic
Range:24 yards (12 squares)
Ingredient:A balofSuphuron a chain (+1)
Description:The bright magistercan cast this spelat any fire source within range that he can
see.Once the spelhas been cast,targets ooking into the ames must make a WilPowerTest or
stare intenty at the ire,the dancing ames captivating altheirattention. Victims are considered
stunned and deenceess orthat time,but wildeend themseves once they are attacked (and wil
not again be captivated by the fames). The spelcan aect a maximum ofone target perpoint of
the wizards magiccharacteristic,but the size ofthe ire imits this aso.A torch orantern can
ony captivate one target,whist a brazierorsmalire can aect up to two targets.Largerfires
have no imitations.
Casting Number:8
Casting Time:FulAction
Range:48 yards (24 squares)
Ingredient:A balofwax (+1)
Description:The casterpoints to one fammabe item ormaterialorone Fammabe creature
that he can see,within the spes range.The target ignites,and is quicky engued in ame. Ifa
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