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Questions 1-10


     Precipitation, commonly referred to as rainfall, is a measure of the quantity of water in the form of either rain, hail, or snow which reaches the ground. The average annual precipitation over the whole of the United States is thirty-six inches. It should be understood however, that a foot of snow is not equal to foot of precipitation. A general formula for computing the precipitation of snowfall is that ten inches of snow is equal to one inch of precipitation. In New York State, for example, twenty inches of snow in one year would be recorded as only two inches of precipitation. Forty inches of rain would be recorded as forty inches of precipitation. The total annual precipitation would be recorded as forty-two inches.


    The amount of precipitation is a combined result of several factors, including location, altitude, proximity to the sea, and the direction of prevailing winds. Most of the precipitation in the United States is brought originally by prevailing winds from the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, The Atlantic Ocean, and the Great Lakes. Because these prevailing winds generally come from the West, the Pacific Coast receives more annual precipitation than the Atlantic Coast. Along the Pacific Coast itself, however, altitude causes some diversity in rainfall. The mountain ranges of the United States, especially the Rocky Mountain Range and the Appalachian Mountain Range, influence the amount of precipitation in their areas. East of the Rocky Mountains, the annual precipitation decreases substantially from that west of the Rocky Mountains. The precipitation north of the Appalachian Mountains is about 40 percent less than that south of the Appalachian Mountains.                                 


1. What does this passage mainly discuss?


   A) Precipitation                    B) Snowfall

   C) New York State                D) A general formula


2. Which of the following is another word that is often used in place of precipitation?


   A) Humidity                           B) Wetness

   C) Rainfall                            D) Rain-snow


3. The term precipitation includes


   A) only rainfall                         B) rain, hail, and snow

   C) rain, snow, and humidity      D) rain, hail, and humidity


4. What is the average annual rainfall in inches in the United States?


   A) Thirty-six inches                B) Thirty-eight inches

   C) Forty inches                       D) Forty-two inches


5. If a state has 40 inches of snow in a year, by how much does this increase the annual precipitation?


   A) By two feet                         B) By four inches

   C) By four feet                        D) By 40 inches


6. The phrase "proximity to" in line 12 is closest in meaning to


   A) communication with              B) dependence on

   C) nearness to                         D) similarity to


7. Where is the annual precipitation highest?


   A) The Atlantic Coast               B) The Great Lakes

   C) The Gulf of Mexico              D) The Pacific Coast


8. Which of the following was not mentioned as a factor in determining the amount of precipitation that area will receive?


   A) Mountains                           B) Latitude

   C) The sea                              D) Wind


9. The word "substantially" in line 21 could best be replaced by


   A) fundamentally                      B) slightly

   C) completely                          D) apparently


10.  The word "that" in line 23 refers to


   A) decreases                          B) precipitation

   C) areas                                 D) mountain ranges









Questions 1-10 Answer


     Precipitation, commonly referred to as rainfall, is a measure of the quantity of water in the form of either rain, hail, or snow which reaches the ground. The average annual precipitation over the whole of the United States is thirty-six inches. It should be understood however, that a foot of snow is not equal to foot of precipitation. A general formula for computing the precipitation of snowfall is that ten inches of snow is equal to one inch of precipitation. In New York State, for example, twenty inches of snow in one year would be recorded as only two inches of precipitation. Forty inches of rain would be recorded as forty inches of precipitation. The total annual precipitation would be recorded as forty-two inches.


    The amount of precipitation is a combined result of several factors, including location, altitude, proximity to the sea, and the direction of prevailing winds. Most of the precipitation in the United States is brought originally by prevailing winds from the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, The Atlantic Ocean, and the Great Lakes. Because these prevailing winds generally come from the West, the Pacific Coast receives more annual precipitation than the Atlantic Coast. Along the Pacific Coast itself, however, altitude causes some diversity in rainfall. The mountain ranges of the United States, especially the Rocky Mountain Range and the Appalachian Mountain Range, influence the amount of precipitation in their areas. East of the Rocky Mountains, the annual precipitation decreases substantially from that west of the Rocky Mountains. The precipitation north of the Appalachian Mountains is about 40 percent less than that south of the Appalachian Mountains.                                 


1. What does this passage mainly discuss?



A) Precipitation                    B) Snowfall

   C) New York State                D) A general formula


☞ mainly discuss, topic 에  관한 문제는 각 문단의 첫 번째 문장에서 반복되는 것으로 정합니다. 뚜렷이 나타나지 않을 때에는 매 문장에서 반복되는 주요 단어로 이루어져 있는 문항이 정답입니다. 본문의 경우 계속해서 문장 전체를 통해 precipitation 이 반복해서 나타나고 있습니다. 틀려서는 안되는 문제였습니다. 빨간 표시 참고


2. Which of the following is another word that is often used in place of precipitation?


   A) Humidity                           B) Wetness

   C) Rainfall                            D) Rain-snow


☞ precipitation : 강우량 (= rainfall) , 첫번째 문장 commonly ~ rainfall 에서도 힌트를 얻을 수 있습니다.


3. The term precipitation includes


   A) only rainfall                         B) rain, hail, and snow

   C) rain, snow, and humidity      D) rain, hail, and humidity


☞ 2째줄


the form of either rain, hail, or snow


4. What is the average annual rainfall in inches in the United States?


   A) Thirty-six inches                B) Thirty-eight inches

   C) Forty inches                       D) Forty-two inches


☞ 3-4째줄


The average annual precipitation over the whole of the United States is thirty-six inches


5. If a state has 40 inches of snow in a year, by how much does this increase the annual precipitation?


   A) By two feet                         B) By four inches

   C) By four feet                        D) By 40 inches


☞ 6-8째줄


ten inches of snow is equal to one inch of precipitation 따라서 40 inches = 4 inches


6. The phrase "proximity to" in line 12 is closest in meaning to


   A) communication with              B) dependence on

   C) nearness to                         D) similarity to


☞ proximity 근접 ,인접


7. Where is the annual precipitation highest?


   A) The Atlantic Coast               B) The Great Lakes

   C) The Gulf of Mexico              D) The Pacific Coast


☞ 19째줄  


the Pacific Coast receives more annual precipitation than the Atlantic Coast


8. Which of the following was not mentioned as a factor in determining the amount of precipitation that area will receive?


   A) Mountains                           B) Latitude

   C) The sea                              D) Wind


☞ A)21~24째줄, C)14째줄, (D)16~18째줄에 각각 나와 있습니다.


9. The word "substantially" in line 21 could best be replaced by


   A) fundamentally                      B) slightly

   C) completely                          D) apparently


☞ substantially 근본적으로 (= fundamentally)


10.  The word "that" in line 23 refers to


   A) decreases                          B) precipitation

   C) areas                                 D) mountain ranges


☞  The precipitation north of the Appalachian Mountains is about 40 percent less than that south of the Appalachian Mountains


기초 문법시간에 배웠듯이 앞에 나온 명사를 대신해 쓰는 that입니다.



   특 강 !!!!!       문법과 독해와의 만남 1


   각 독해 문제의 4번째 문장까지만 분석해 드립니다. 나머지는 여러분들이 직접 꼭 해보시기를 간절히 부탁드립니다. 이렇게 해야 문법 지식이 죽은 것이 되지 않고 여러분들의 것으로 깊이 간직하게 될 것입니다. 물론 독해할 때 큰 도움이 되는 것은 말할 것도 없고요!!


첫 번째 문장 :


~ Precipitation, commonly referred to as rainfall, is a measure (of the quantity of water in the form of either rain, hail, or snow) (which reaches the ground)


Precipitation 이 주어, 콤마 콤마를 보면 commonly 는 부사로써 생략 가능하며 referred 는 형용사화된 과거분사로써 앞의 명사 precipitation 수식. is 가 동사이며 a measure 가 보어 of 이하는 4개의 전명구로 이루어져 있으며 which 이하는 snow 수식.


두 번째 문장 :


~ The average annual precipitation (over the whole of the United States) is thirty-six inches.


precipitation 이 주어이며 over 이하 States 까지는 전명구 따라서 is 가 동사 thirty-six inches 는 보어임.


세 번째 문장 :


~ It should be understood however, that a foot of snow is not equal to foot (of precipitation)


It 이 주어이며 should be understood 까지가 수동의 동사 (however 는 삽입구적으로 끼여 있는 형태) 여기서 that 은 동사뒤에 나왔으므로 접속사로쓰인 that 따라서 뒤에 또 다른 주어(a foot) 동사(is) 가 아왔습니다.


네 번째 문장 :


~ A general formula (for computing the precipitation of snowfall) is that ten inches (of snow) is equal to one inch (of precipitation)


formula 가 주어이며 for 이하 snowfall 까지 2개의 전명구로 되어 있으며 is 가 동사 여기서 나오게 되는 것이 문법 시간에 배운 명사절로 쓰인 접속사 that입니다. 여기서 쓰인 that be 동사뒤에 나왔으므로 보어로 쓰인 경우입니다(물론 그 뒤에 주어 + 동사로 이어져 있습니다)








Questions 11-20


     Course numbers are an indication of which courses are open to various categories of students at the University. Undergraduate courses with the numbers 100or 200 are generally introductory courses appropriate for freshmen or sophomores, whereas courses with the numbers 300 or 400 often have prerequisites and are open to juniors and seniors only. Courses with the numbers 800 or above are open only to graduate students. Certain graduate courses, generally those devoted to introductory material, are numbered 400 for undergraduate students who qualify to take them and 600 for graduate students. Courses designed for students seeking a professional degree carry a 500 number for undergraduate students and a 700 number for graduate students. Courses numbered 99 or below are special interest courses that do not carry academic credit. If students elect to take a special interest course, it will not count toward the number of hours needed to complete graduation requirements.


      A full-time undergraduate student is expected to take courses that   total twelve to eighteen credit hours. A full-time graduate student is expected to take courses that total ten to sixteen credit hours. Students holding assistantships are expected to enroll for proportionately fewer hours. A part-time graduate student may register for a minimum of three credit hours. An overload, that is, more than the maximum number of hours, may be taken with the approval of an academic advisor. To register for an overload, students must submit the appropriate approval form when registering. Overloads above 24 hours will not be approved under any circumstances.


11. Where would this passage most likely be found?


   A) In a syllabus                          B) In a college catalog

   C) In an undergraduate course    D) In a graduate course


12. What is the purpose of the passage?


   A) To inform                              B) To persuade

   C) To criticize                           D) To apologize


13. The word "prerequisites" in line 5 is closest in meaning to


   A) courses required before enrolling

   B) courses needed for graduation

   C) courses that include additional charges

   D) courses that do not carry academic credit


14. The word "those" in line 8 refers to


   A) graduate students                   B) graduate courses

   C) introductory courses               D) course numbers


15. Which classification of students would be eligible to enroll in Mechanical Engineering 850?


   A) a graduate student                  B) a part-time student

   C) a full-time student                   D) An undergraduate student


16. If an undergraduate student uses the number 520 to register for an accounting course, what number would be a graduate student probably use to register for the same course?


   A) Accounting 520                       B) Accounting 620

   C) Accounting 720                       D) Accounting 820


17. How is a student who register for eight credit hours classified?


   A) Full-time student                     B) Graduate student

   C) Part-time student                    D) Non-degree student


18. Which of the following courses would not be included in the list of courses for graduation?


   A) English 90                               B) English 100

   C) English 300                             D) English 400


19. A graduate student may not


   A) enroll in a course numbered 610

   B) register for only one one-hour course


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