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Exercise 1

Na czym polega praca następujących osób? Napisz 3 – 5 zdań o każdym zawodzie.


private investigator


dustman (refuse collector)




Exercise 2

What does it mean? Połącz


confidence (n)                     mix with people

face (v)                                deal with

courage (n)                          help

mature (adj)                         sense of self-worth

socialize (v)                         bravery             

support (v)                           emotionally developed


Exercise 3

There are some dangerous jobs. Which one? Why? Describe  3 (or more if you can)


Exercise 4




stracić pracę


praca na pełny etat

stopa bezrobocia


ubiegać się o pracę


Exercise 5

Underline the correct item


My father gets a wage / salary of 30000 zł a year

If you want to appoint / apply for the job you should write to the company

I was made fired / redundant when the company closed down


Exercise 6

You are trying to get a summer job at a supermarket in London. Give the following information


1.      your name and age

2.      the hours you want to work a week

3.      the things you would like to do

4.      why you want to get the job






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