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a readme for "no is the new yes" by jim ether, DWI by DJ Overture (Ricky Martinez)

well, I enjoyed working on this DWI very much, seeing as jim ether is like an idol to me, and i love this song.

light steps - 4 - mainly just movin about, the steps are the kind that when you walk into an arcade and you've never seen anyone play DDR before, and you see them doin step after step on this song, you might think "oh wow they're pretty good" seeing as it's a fast song.
standard steps - 7 - added some jumps up in here, and some stream.
heavy steps - 9 - i like this one a lot.  i went against keyboard steps because to me they just really aren't that fun.  i tried to keep in mind that this song is 2 minutes and didn't do really long streams, just some quick short ones.  i added the 16th notes in at the end to match the song, i don't think they're too difficult, just quick.

the ending of the song DOES go like that.  i know it seems a little out of place, but that is how the song ends.  in fact, the ending is about 10 seconds longer, with lots of talking from funny samples.  i tried my best to make the steps at the end as syncd as possible, and i think i did a good job.

the background and banner are from jim ether's flash "tell me a little bit about yourself".  it looks pretty weird and is strangely cut, but i chose that instead of a creepy picture of mr. ether that is also in that flash.

overall, i'm proud of this DWI, and i hope the judges enjoy it.

-Ricky Martinez

jim ether's site -
ricky's e-mail address:
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