Painting A Ceiling.pdf

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Welcome to our guide to painting a ceiling
Welcome to our guide to painting a ceiling.
In this section we will take you through the whole process including the
preparation through to the final coat.
Painting/decorating the ceiling should always be the first task if you are
decorating a whole room, doing the ceiling first makes the subsequent tasks
To complete this task you will need the following items:
Suitable Interior Paint
Small Brush (cutting in)
Large Brush or Roller
Paint Kettle
Suitable filler (if required) and
Dust Sheets
Sugar Soap and rag
When working at heights always ensure that the structure is safe and
secure. Never stretch out, always get down and re-position the scaffold.
Preparing the ceiling
First remove curtains, fixtures and any light furniture, place all heavy furnishings in
the middle of the room and cover with dustsheets. Remove any loose floor coverings
and use dustsheets to protect any other floor covering from paint splashes and dust.
Wash down the wall with sugarsoap or a suitable detergent to remove all dust and
Inspect the ceiling for cracks, holes and any loose plaster.
For small cracks use a suitable fine filler, for larger cracks and holes use a stronger
more suitable filler (see manufacturer's instructions).
When filling try and leave a nice smooth finish, it is better to leave the filled area
slightly proud of the surrounding area and then sand down with a fine sandpaper until
Cutting in the ceiling
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The first task is to cut-in the ceiling, to do this take the
smaller paint brush and fill your paint kettle so the paint
comes halfway up the bristles of the brush (to avoid
overloading the brush).
Start in one corner and coat the ceiling holding the brush
as shown in Fig 1.1 ensuring to get right into the corner, if
you are painting/decorating the walls after then you don't
need to worry too much about getting paint on the walls.
Fig 1.1
Then holding the brush at the angle shown in Fig 1.2 go
over the paint to even out the coat.
To cut in around any light fittings you may find it easier to
isolate the electricity at the main fuse box and then
remove the fitting for painting.
Fig 1.2
Using a Brush
After you have cut in around the entire ceiling and any light fittings take the larger
brush and coat the ceiling using smooth parallel strokes, if you paint in 1 metre
sections you will find the wet edges stay fresher and therefore improve the finish.
Once you have finished the first coat, allow to dry thoroughly and then repeat the
process for the second coat.
Using a Roller
After cutting-in around the ceiling fill your roller tray to a
depth so that the paint doesn't rise above the pile of the
roller (to avoid overloading the roller). Place the roller in
the paint then distribute the paint evenly by bringing the
roller back and forth over the top section of the tray.
Now start in one corner and use the roller in smooth
parallel actions (see Fig 1.4 ), if you work in 1 metre
square sections you will find it easier to keep the wet edges
fresh. Coat the entire ceiling and then allow the paint to
dry thoroughly.
Once dry apply the second coat in the same way.
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