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March 2009
Serving the Worldwide Helicopter Industry
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Vol. 43 | No. 3
March 2009
Public Service
10 Rotorcraft Report
Program Insider
Flight Safety International
Coming Events
Silver State Helicopters flew from fame to bankruptcy,
leaving its former employees and students locked out in the cold.
Photo and cover courtesy of World Images News Service.
4 editor’s notebook
7 Meet the Contributors
54 eMS
56 Safety Watch
58 Maintenance notebook
59 Advertisers’ index
60 Safety Culture
62 e-Media
CoveR SToRy
Silver State Helicopters
What a former executive and student say really happened.
By Ernie Stephens
2 6
Get your fingers dirty learning how to overhaul an engine.
By Ernie Stephens
Health and Usage Monitoring Systems help ensure helicopter safety.
By Pat Gray
U.K.Medium/Heavy Lift
What’s happening with the program and what’s to come.
By Tom Withington
Human Factors
Know thyself. How would you behave in extreme conditions?
By Chris Baur
NTSB Hearing
A discussion on the current state of EMS’ oversight and safety.
By Charlotte Adams
4 6
Helicopter Training
Tips on matching students with success.
By Debbie Sparks and Tony Capozzi
The editors welcome new product information and other industry news. All editorial inquiries should be directed to Rotor & Wing magazine, 4 Choke Cherry Rd., 2nd Floor, Rockville, Md.
20850, USA; 1-301-354-1839; fax 1-301-762-8965. E-mail : Rotor & Wing (ISSN-1066-8098) is published monthly by Access Intelligence, 4 Choke
Cherry Rd., 2nd Floor, Rockville, Md. 20850, USA. Periodical postage paid at Rockville, Md. and additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: Free to qualified individuals directly involved in
the helicopter industry. All other subscriptions, U.S.: one year $89; two years $178. Canada: one year $99; two years $198; Foreign: one year $129; two years $258.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Rotor & Wing , P.O. Box 3089, Northbrook, Ill. 60065-3089, USA. Change of address two to eight weeks notice requested. Send both new and old
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Engines await their turn for overhaul.
©2009 by Access Intelligence, LLC. Contents may not be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Publication Mail Sales Agreement No. 40558009
MARCH 2009 | RotoR & Wing MAgAzine
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Editor’s Notebook
By Ernie Stephens
Civilian Training vs.
Military Training
I ’m frequently asked what the best way
ment and living off of bread and water for
several years in order to come up with any-
where from $10,000-$15,000 for a private
ticket—a license that is useless for making
money with—and another $15,000-$17,000
to earn a commercial license. And while
we’re adding up the numbers, plug in $8,000
for a helicopter instrument rating, since
most employers require their pilots to have
one. So, on the low side of the equation, the
total for a marginally marketable license is
$33,000, but can get much, much higher.
pilot’s license, enlisting in the military seems
like a no-brainer, right? Well, I’m not so sure.
Back in 1990 when the U.S. launched
Operations Desert Shield and Desert
Storm, a couple of Army reservists I knew
looked like deer caught in headlights. They
were basically good men, but they admit-
tedly enlisted solely for the free flight train-
ing. The idea of ending up in a shooting
war was so remote; they had given it little
consideration. Yes, they still served bravely
and honorably, but they became acutely
aware that military flight school actually
has a tuition. It includes one-year deploy-
ments, time away from family, living in the
desert, being shot at, maybe being injured
and sometimes being killed. For the record,
I salute the men and women of the armed
forces who risk their lives for what they
believe in and understand the risks that go
with the wings. But I wholeheartedly dis-
courage the military route for those who are
just looking for a license.
Between the economy and the across-
the-board high cost of learning how to fly in
the civilian world, it’s easy to see why joining
the military seems to be a sensible option
for learning how to fly without breaking
the bank. But military aviation is a danger-
ous and demanding occupation that can’t
be entered into lightly. One must be ready
to live where the government tells them to
live, fly what the government tells them to
fly and go into harm’s way when the govern-
ment orders them into harm’s way.
So that I don’t leave you thinking that I’m
discouraging people from getting a pilot’s
license, let me state two things. First, much
as I would have liked to, I didn’t earn my
wings in the military. (My vision was below
their minimums.) I paid for my license out
of my pocket. Second, even if it had cost
twice what I paid for it back in the 1980s, my
first solo flight made it worth every dime!
Thanks, Todd.
is to earn a helicopter pilot’s license,
considering how much it costs to go
to a flight school. They don’t have to
go into much more detail than that, because
I’ve been watching the cost of helicopter
rentals rise ever since the mid-1980s when I
thought $89 per hour for an R22 was outra-
Today, schools are getting upwards from
$250 per hour for dual flight instruction
in the U.S. Multiply that times the 40-hour
Guess what? Military light schools
actually do charge tuition.
minimum required by the FAA, and a pri-
vate license costs around $10,000.
But while a private license is all well and
good, not many people can afford to rent a
helicopter for $210 per hour, let alone buy
one outright. That’s why private rotorcraft
pilots almost always have to move up to a
commercial license so someone else can
pay them to fly.
The money thing is rarely as big an
issue with those who want to fly airplanes
for fun or profit. Dual instruction in a two-
seat Cessna 152 is currently around $115
per hour; less than half that of helicopter
training. And with rental costs for that
same plane averaging around $95 per hour,
borrowing a plane for some fun every other
weekend or so isn’t a huge deal for the avia-
tion novice. (Well, at least it wasn’t before
the economy went into cardiac arrest!)
So, while the common man is able to
earn an airplane license with little more
than a hiccup to their savings account, the
would-be helicopter pilot often has to con-
sider a second mortgage, part-time employ-
And then there’s the other option: The
I don’t think anyone, including my
friends who own flight schools, will argue
with me when I say the best trained heli-
copter pilots in the world learned how to
fly in the armed forces, especially those
who graduated from the U.S. Army’s school
at Fort Rucker, Alabama. (Okay, you folks
who learned at Pensacola are a really close
The best part of military flight school
is the overall experience. Instructor pilots
are all handpicked men and women who
could roll the aircraft inverted and trim
your hedges with it while calculating fuel
burn down to the third decimal place. And
when the training is all done, the soldier
has earned the equivalent of a commercial
license with an instrument rating, received
some great night vision goggle training,
tried their hand at long-line operations and
been checked out on at least one turbine
So, if someone is looking for a helicopter
RotoR & Wing magazine | maRCH 2009
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