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Canada is a very big country, the second largest
in the world after Russia. But the population is only about
32,000,000. It is a very cold country. In winter,
temperatures below -20ºC are common and there is a lot
of snow. Travelling is very difficult then. But for people
who want to go shopping in winter, Canada found the
solution: underground shopping malls. In an
underground shopping mall it is warm in winter, cool in
summer, and it never rains or snows.
The idea isn't a new one. The oldest underground
passages with shops opened about 100 years ago. Today
all the big towns have underground malls. The biggest is
in Toronto. It dates back to 1900, and is called PATH.
There are 1200 shops in the mall as well as restaurants
and cafés and cinemas. It takes two hours to walk all the
way through the mall.
It's easy to get lost in a big underground mall, so
PATH uses colours for directions. Red means that you
are going south; orange - west; blue - north; and yellow -
east. But you can pick up a free map when you arrive.
About 100,000 people go into the mall every day.
They can enter it through shops at street level, or through
special pedestrian access points. By the easiest way is to
arrive by underground railway (or subway). There are six
subway stations in the mall.
There is also a very big underground city called 'La Ville
Souterraine' in Montreal. It has nearly 20 miles of
walkways below street level. You can do shopping, have
lunch , watch a film, and enter the hotel without going
4. PATH is …………………… years old.
a) a thousand nine hundred b) over a hundred
c) a thousand two hundred d) twenty
5. If you want to go north in PATH, you should follow
………………….. signs.
a) red
b) yellow
c) orange
d) blue
6. Choose true sentence.
a) 'La Ville Souterraine' in Montreal is 20 miles below
street level.
b) About 100,000 people come to PATH every year.
c) Underground shopping malls are only in Toronto and
d) Canada is a larger country than the USA.
7. You can't ……………………….. in the underground
shopping malls.
a) go skiing
b) have lunch
c) go to the cinema
d) go to a café
8. Subway stands for ……………. in American English.
a) pedestrian area
b) railway station
c) underground railway
d) everything below street level
9. A: Excuse me. Can I try this jumper on, please?
B: ………………………………….. .
a) By no means.
b) It doesn't matter.
c) Sure. The changing room is over there.
d) Why not?
Based on: R. Nolasco 'New English Zone' Oxford
1. Canadians like shopping in underground malls
because ………………………………
a) Canada is a large country.
b) they prefer living there.
c) Canadian winters are very cold.
d) it always rains in Canada.
2. In an underground mall ……………………… .
a) the temperature is -20 o
10. A: What a lovely afternoon! …………………….
B: Let's go for a walk to the park.
a) What shall we do?
b) What are you doing?
c) What we can do?
d) Do you like going for a walk?
b) it's warm in winter
c) it's warm in summer
d) it sometimes snows in winter
3. PATH is the name of …………………………. .
a) the shopping centre in Toronto
11. A: Your Greek salad is delicious! ………………….
B: Yes, of course. I'm glad you like it.
a) Can I have a recipe, please?
b) Give me a recipe!
c) Why don't you do a recipe?
d) I want some more, please.
b) the mall in Montreal
c) every shopping mall in Canada
d) underground railway in Toronto
12. A: ……………………………..
B: Yes, of course. Here you are, but give it back to
me tomorrow.
a) Can you borrow me your English textbook, please?
19. Match:
b) Can I lend your English textbook, please?
a) ferry - 4: plane - 1; coach - 2; train - 3;
c) Can you lend me your English textbook, please?
b) ferry - 3: plane - 2; coach - 1; train - 4;
d) Could you borrow me your English textbook, please?
c) ferry - 2: plane - 1; coach - 4; train - 3;
13. Match the expressions with the replies.
d) ferry - 1: plane - 2; coach - 3; train - 4;
1. Have a nice weekend.
2. Bless you!
3. How are you?
4. How was the party?
A. Fine, thanks. And you?
B. It was OK.
C. Thanks. Same to you.
D. Thanks.
20. The cinema is ……………………. the supermarket.
a) opposite
c) behind
b) in front of
d) next to
21. What does Martha look like?
a) 1-A; 2-D; 3-B; 4-C
c) 1-B; 2-C; 3-D; 4-A
b) 1-D; 2-C; 3-A; 4-B
d) 1-C; 2-D; 3-A; 4-B
a) She's my best friend.
b) She's sometimes shy but she's usually helpful.
14. A: ………………………………………..
B: Yes, that's great idea.
a) Shall I get you a cup of tea?
c) She's slim and tall. She's really beautiful.
d) She likes me very much.
b) Do you like a cup of tea?
22. Tina and Betty are (1) ………… best friends. I can
tell (2) …………… all my secrets.
c) Can you do me a cup of tea?
d) Do you want me a cup of tea?
a) (1) mine; (2) they
c) (1) my; (2) them
b) (1) my; (2) their
d) (1) me; (2) hers
15. A: …………………………………..
B: She comes from Switzerland. She is Swiss.
a) What is nationality?
23. My little sister was born (1) ……… midnight
(2) ………… 3 January 2006.
b) Where does she come from?
a) (1) at; (2) in
c) (1) on; (2) at
b) (1) at; (2) on
d) (1) in; (2) at
c) Where is she?
d) Is she Swiss?
24. For breakfast, Mark has (1) ……… slice of bread
and (2) ………. honey, but he doesn't have
(3) …………… milk.
16. You learned to multiply and divide at …………….. .
a) Art
c) Physical Education
b) Information Technology
d) Maths
a) (1) a; (2) some; (3) any
c) (1) -; (2) the; (3) some
b) (1) the; (2) a; (3) the
d) (1) some; (2) any; (3) some
17. Do the crossword ”European countries” and find
the solution.
1) A country famous for ancient culture.
2) A part of the United Kingdom.
3) The largest country in Europe.
4) The smallest member of the European Union.
5) The Alpine country where Mozart lived.
6) A very rich country famous for fjords and winter sportsmen.
25. Could you open …………. door, please?
a) the
c) an
b) a
d) -
26. Lucy's mother (1) ………… her a new pair of winter
boots a week (2) ……….. .
a) (1) buys; (2) ago
c) (1) buyed; (2) next
b) (1) boght; (2) last
d) (1) bought; (2) ago
27. Which question is correct?
a) Did you ever go to Africa?
b) Were you ever in Africa?
c) Have you ever been to Africa?
d) Has you ever gone to Africa?
28. The whale is ………………… animal in the world.
a) heavyest
c) the most heavy
b) the heaviest
d) heavier
The solution is:
a) A country in Europe.
29. There were two (1) …………. and three (2) ………….
at the bus stop.
b) A Scandinavian country.
c) A language spoken in some European countries.
a) (1) womans; (2) children
c) (1) womans; (2) childs
b) (1) women; (2) children
d) (1) women; (2) childs
d) A country where we live.
18. Take an umbrella. It's ………………………………..
30. …………….. I use your mobile phone?
a) hot and dry.
c) freezing.
b) raining.
d) really windy today.
a) Should
c) Mustn't
b) Must
d) Can
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