Aleister Crowley - The Freemasons(Occult.Ordo Templi Orientis.OTO.Thelema.Sex Magick.Wicca.Ritual.Initiation.Satan.Satanic).txt

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                              -  A.^.A.^.  -

          Letter from the Supreme Council of Freemasonry about Crowley's
                   supposed status in the Masonic Order


                           ( Seal of the 33rd Degree)

of the Ancient & Accepted Rite                            10 Duke Street
For England and Wales                                        St. James
and all provinces in the                                      London
United Kingdoms                                              SWN 668

Telephone - (omitted)
Telegrams and Cablegrams
should be addressed to:

       Our ref:2413

       Ill.^. Bro. R. Noone 32~
       (address omitted)

       Dear and Illustrious Brother Noone,

             I acknowledge your letter regarding Crowley and Yarker.

       I can only tell you that John Yarker was expelled from this
       Order on the 30th November, 1870. From this it would follow
       that any degrees purported to be conferred by him were
       clandestine and irregular.

                                    Yours sincerely and fraternally,

                                       Grand Secretary General 33~ A.^.A.^.

* Additional Material and Notes *


1. Meaning of the Masonic terms "clandestine" and "irregular." :

          Dictionary Definitions from the American Heritage Dictionary

          a. clandestine  adj.  Done secretly  or kept secret.  from
          the latin *clandestinus*.

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             A few of the many words used to describe clandestine Masonry

     are: secret; illegal; unauthorized; irregular; false; bastard; bogus;

     *and* spurious!

             Therefore, based on historical research, any Grand Lodge and/or

     all of its subordinate bodies that cannot trace their Masonic origin of

     authority to the Grand Lodge of England [the Masonic revival group of

     1717-Modern] IS CLANDESTINE.

             Further, because of the ago-old custom of racial segregation,

     there are only two legal Masonic Bodies in the United States of America:

                 1. The Grand Lodges that can prove authority from

                 the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts organized by

                 Henry Price in July 1733 [White Masons];

                 2. All Grand Lodges tracing their lineage to African

                 Lodge No.459 organized by Prince Hall from March 1775

                 [Afro-American Masons].

             In this regard, all Bodies of Masons, Black or White, that

     cannot show lineage to one of these two Lodges of Masonic Origin

     are clearly CLANDESTINE.

b.irregular  adj.  1.not according to accepted rules, practice,
          or order.  2.not straight, uniform, or symetrical.  3.of
          uneven rate, occurence, or duration.  4.asymetrically arranged
          or atypical.  5.not up to standard because of imperfections.
          noun - that is irregular. 2.a guerrilla

          Special meanings of the words when used as Masonic terms.
          a. clandestine.  This term refers to the charters,
          certificates, authorization papers, initiation documents or
          "traveling papers" ie. The documents issued by a Grand Lodge
          or by a subordinate lodge or appendant body that depends upon
          a higher Masonic authority for the right to issue such
          documents or authorizations.

          Clandestine operations can range from a simple "degree mill"
          where impressive looking but worthless Masonic-looking
          documents are sold for usually exorbitant fees, to clandestine
          bodies complete with a so-called "Grand Lodge."  In some
          cities where this type of activities persist, there have been
          cases where rival phony "Grand Lodges" have been located
          across the street from each other.

          True Masons are under penaly of obligation not to Masonically
          associate, or even to speak about Masonry in the presence of
          clandestinly made "Masons."

          b. irregular.  This term refers to whether some person is in
          actuality a Mason or not.  This concerns the accepting or
          holding sacred certain injunctives known as *LANDMARKS* OF
          Masonry.  Different jurisdictions accept anywhere from 25 to
          about 30 Landmarks, but they all agree on the most important
          or basic,ie. The Three Degrees, The Legend of Hiram The Three
          Great Lights, The Volume of Sacred Law, etc. etc.

          Technically speaking, if the landmarks or tests of what
          Masonry IS or IS NOT, are changed or omitted or ignored, then
          that person may be "something-other-than-Masonic" but can no
          longer be what anyone could call, "A MASON".  Whatever it is,
          for example the rituals and practices of the "Grand Orient of
          France" ie.No Three Great Lights surround their Altar,so they
          may like to think of themselves as Masons however they are not
          accepted as such by *THE MASONIC ORDER* or *THE CRAFT* or *THE
          FRATERNITY*. (all of these terms refer to the same body or
          organization.)It is made up of more than 200 different
          jurisdictions or Grand Lodges,plus Prince Hall Masonry, a
          respected and unique body, originating in America, under Grand
          Lodge of England authority.REGULAR MASONRY is not only TRUE
          MASONRY but it is the ONLY MASONRY. Anything else, is just
          that,"something else",but you couldn't call it"MASONRY".

          Irregular bodies or "Psudo-Masonic" groups have been found to
          be engaging (in some cases) in practices that are not only
          Un-Masonic but immoral, unlawful, and sometime illegal or just
          plain unhealthy. The Term - "IRREGULAR MASONRY" in itself, an
          oxymoronic phrase, ie. a deliberate contradiction in terms,
          something that just couldn't possible exist or make any sense.
          Notwithstanding this, I have seen this term being used, by
          satanic-propaganda-mongers, to confuse the issues, & to try
          and hide their criminal activities behind the Masonic
          Fraternity.  One article in an East Bay weekley paper,
          (refering to a satanic cult that had been raided by police in
          1989) said "they practice a rather vigorous form of Irregular
          Freemasonry". The writer had obviously been duped into
          believing that this group of "Crowleyite" drug-cultists, had a
          legitimate connection with Masonry. To most people however,
          "irregular" is a condition that can best be remedied with a
          dose of Ex-lax.

2.    Text of Clandestine "33rd Degree Patent" which Crowley purchased in 1910,

                      from JOHN YARKER's Degree Mill.

|                                                                             |
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|                       T. T. G. O. T. S. A. O. T. U.                         |
|                       -----------------------------                         |
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|          DEUS MEUMQUE JUS                     SPES MEA IN DEO EST           |
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|                              ( Great Seal )                                 |
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|                                                                             |
|                          SUPREME GRAND COUNCIL                              |
|                                                                             |
|             OF THE ILLUSTRIOUS          PRINCE OF THE ROYAL SECRET          |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|                                 of the                                      |
|                                                                             |
|                         33rd AND LAST DEGREE                                |
|                                                                             |
|                   ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE OF MASONRY                      |
|                                                                             |
|                   H.R.D.M.                     R.M.S.H.                     |
|                                                                             |
|                        SITTING IN THE VALLEY OF      ...
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