customs with wedding.doc

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Topic: Do you know any traditional customs in Poland that are connected with wedding

Topic:   Do you know any traditional customs in Poland that are                 connected with wedding?





First of all, you should be engaged if you want to get married. The man should ask his partner’s parents for an agreement. If the couple is Catholics, they usually get married in church. They must negotiate this fact with a priest. After some time the wedding day comes. The fiancée should not turn up in her wedding gown to fiancé. It is believed to bring bad luck. The bride should wear something old, something borrowed and something blue.


Before leaving home and going to church, the married couple gets blessing from both parents.

Then they go to church. After mess, the couple is thrown with coins by family and guests what should bring good luck and happiness in future life. Then they come back home where their parents welcome them with bread and salt and the couple kiss it. When they come home in, the bridegroom takes the bride into his hands and carries her through the doorstep. Next the couple and their guests go to the wedding reception. Before the first dancing, the couple drinks an alcohol and they throw glasses out so that the glasses break. It is to assure that their life together will be happy.


The first dancing belongs to the couple. At 00:00, there is ceremony of throwing the veil out by the bride. All unmarried woman that are on the wedding reception surround the bride and try to catch the veil. Who manages to do it, will get married soon. Usually the bridegroom also throws something, for instance his bow tie.


All habits should bring good lock, happiness, affluence and protect against misfortune.

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