clothes spelling.pdf

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Microsoft Word - clothes spelling
Clothes Spelling
   Choose the correct spellings of the clothes in the picture.
Name____________________________ Date______________________________
_____ 1)
A. sshirt B. hsirt
C. shirt D. shrt
_____ 2)
A. cuat
B. koat C. coat D. coa`
_____ 3)
A. shues B. shoess C. shoes D. shos
_____ 4)
A. dre
B. dresss C. dreses D. dress
_____ 5)
A. pannts B. pants C. pantss D. pantes
_____ 6)
A. scirt
B. sskirt C. skirt
D. skirth
_____ 7)
A. t-sshirt B. t-shirt C. t-hsirt D. t-shrrt
_____ 8)
A. jacket B. jaket C. jacet D. jaccet
_____ 9) A. soks
B. socks
C. socs
D. soccs
Copyright, 2005 – www.english‐                                                                                          
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Clothes Spelling
   Choose the correct spellings of the clothes in the picture.
"Clothes Exercise" Spelling Quiz
(Answer Key)
1) C
2) C
3) C
4) D
5) B
6) C
7) B
8) A
9) B  
Copyright, 2005 – www.english‐                                                                                          
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