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00:00:01:movie info: XVID  592x320 25.0fps 699.9 MB|/SubEdit b.3945 (http://subedit.prv.pl)/
00:02:25:Ten more minutes.
00:02:27:Are you ready?
00:02:31:Get the fuck out of here!
00:02:44:Stop! Nyet! Nyet! Nyet!
00:02:49:I said "krabren".
00:02:50:No! No!
00:02:55:J-j-j--|I can't say that shit!
00:02:56:Hey, Phil!
00:02:58:How many times we got|to go through that?
00:02:59:Could we just change|that last line?
00:03:10:We'll have to do it again.
00:03:12:Man, fuck this shit!
00:03:15:Hold on.
00:03:16:George... Listen to me.
00:03:19:You're not the champ anymore,|you understand me?
00:03:21:In fact, right now|all you are is broke.
00:03:25:Now, we traveled a long way.
00:03:26:I'm trying to get you|back on your feet.
00:03:28:I'm trying to get you paid.
00:03:31:So do me this favor.
00:03:32:Please, just do what he asks.
00:03:33:Let's give it another shot, huh?
00:03:34:- But listen--|- No, no, no.
00:03:35:No "but listen".
00:03:37:You just do your job, we smile...
00:03:38:go out to dinner with|these corporate cocksuckers...
00:03:41:and you go home a richer man.
00:04:13:�� Money, money, money ��
00:04:42:Our customers are very excited.
00:04:45:When the hell does|the fight start?
00:04:47:It should start any second.
00:04:50:What are we giving?
00:04:52:The bets from the clubs|are 5 to 1, Boyka.
00:04:56:Markov says this, uh, new fighter|is extremely good.
00:05:00:Heard that one before.
00:05:03:Boyka! Boyka! Boyka!
00:05:07:Boyka! Boyka!|Boyka! Boyka!
00:05:16:Boyka, Boyka!
00:05:38:Good evening,|ladies and gentlemen.
00:05:41:Broadcasting|live and exclusively...
00:05:44:to select establishments|across Russia and Europe.
00:05:47:In this evening's bout...
00:05:49:weighing in at 104 kilos...
00:05:52:fighting out of Kyrov|penitentiary in Siberia...
00:05:55:with a record of 14 wins|and no defeats...
00:05:58:convicted of|second degree homicide...
00:06:01:our challenger...
00:06:03:Arkady Daviiiic!
00:06:09:And defending|his unbeaten run...
00:06:12:of 34 consecutive fights|without defeat...
00:06:16:convicted of 3 counts of|homicide in the first degree...
00:06:19:weighing in at 92 kilos...
00:06:22:our own undisputed champion...
00:06:25:Uri Boyka!|Boyka, Boyka, Boyka!
00:06:30:Boyka, Boyka!
00:06:33:Boyka, Boyka, Boyka!
00:06:37:Boyka, Boyka!
00:06:39:Boyka! Boyka! Boyka!
00:07:25:Gentlemen, remember...
00:07:27:no biting, no eye gouging,|and no hair pulling.
00:07:37:Unh! Ah!
00:07:38:- Uh! Argh!|- Ah!
00:07:41:Boyka, Boyka, Boyka!
00:07:44:- Ha!|- Unh!
00:07:49:- Argh!|- Boyka!
00:07:58:Ugh! Uh!
00:08:09:Unh! Oh!
00:08:12:Boyka, Boyka!
00:08:14:Boyka, Boyka!
00:08:17:To success!
00:08:26:Here he is.
00:08:27:Excuse me.
00:08:33:George, you are an hour|late for the dinner.
00:08:36:Oh, my bad. I forgot|all about this dinner.
00:08:38:Mr. Chambers.
00:08:39:The ad execs are|getting pissed off.
00:08:41:Come in. Have a drink. We'll go.
00:08:43:All right.|Let me change clothes.
00:08:44:- Gimme 10 minutes.|- 10 minutes?
00:08:46:On top of an hour?
00:08:47:Hey, listen, this brown nosing|and breaking bread bullshit--
00:08:49:That's your job.|I did mine already.
00:08:50:They can kiss this ass.
00:08:51:Tell you what, 20 minutes.
00:08:59:Unh! Uh!
00:09:07:- Unh!|- Yes!
00:09:10:- Unh!|- Argh!
00:09:17:Get up! Finish him!
00:09:25:Boyka! Boyka! Boyka!
00:09:52:Uh! Oh!
00:09:57:Uh! Ugh!
00:09:58:What the fuck are|you doing in my--
00:10:12:Boyka, Boyka, Boyka!
00:10:15:Boyka, Boyka!
00:10:36:Boyka, Boyka, Boyka!
00:10:44:Boyka, Boyka, Boyka!
00:11:10:If we cannot get|better odds against Boyka...
00:11:12:we will have to shut down|by spring.
00:11:15:It cannot keep|going on like this.
00:11:17:Don't worry. It won't.
00:11:20:They said nobody saw|these guys, George.
00:11:24:What, they ain't got|no surveillance cameras out here?
00:11:26:I don't know.
00:11:27:You really don't think|I did this shit.
00:11:35:Another easy fight, eh, champ?
00:11:37:No one's ever|gonna stop you, huh?
00:11:43:When you get out|of here some day...
00:11:45:you'll be the richest man|in Kiev.
00:11:47:I just hope|you'll remember me--
00:11:53:It was an accident.
00:11:57:Put out your hand.
00:12:03:Did you hear?
00:12:04:Hear what?
00:12:07:He is coming.
00:12:08:The police is already|in his room.
00:12:10:He'll be here|tomorrow.
00:12:36:This is your Bible?
00:12:41:Why, yes, sir.
00:12:42:I take the Good Book|with me everywhere I go.
00:12:49:That is not mine.
00:12:56:Then this must|not be yours, too.
00:13:01:No, it isn't.
00:13:06:What the hell|is going on here?
00:13:09:They're setting me up.
00:13:14:American boxer George Chambers|has been transferred...
00:13:17:to a maximum security|jail to await charges.
00:13:20:Convicted of a controversial|assault charge 6 years ago...
00:13:23:the former Heavyweight Champion|of the World was also cautioned...
00:13:27:in 1993 over the possession|of illegal painkillers.
00:13:29:Our sources have indicated|that the quantity...
00:13:32:of narcotics involved|is well over the threshold...
00:13:34:for a trafficking charge.
00:13:36:This is Maria Alonso|reporting from Russia.
00:14:43:He just arrived.
00:15:04:Fuck are y'all lookin' at?
00:15:54:Good evening, Mr. Chambers.
00:15:56:I trust your journey|wasn't too uncomfortable.
00:16:00:Now, you and I both know you don't|give a damn how my journey was.
00:16:04:I understand you have|been to prison before...
00:16:06:in the United States.
00:16:09:And don't pretend|that you don't know...
00:16:10:who the hell I am, either.
00:16:12:I was a big fan of yours...
00:16:13:during height of your career.
00:16:16:In fact, we all are very|excited you are here.
00:16:18:Don't get too excited,|'cause I plan on walking...
00:16:20:straight outta here as soon as|this shit's straightened out.
00:16:25:But in the meantime...
00:16:27:you should know that|in this facility...
00:16:28:we think very highly of fighters.
00:16:30:In fact, we even have|our own champion.
00:16:33:You ain't hearing me,|Colonel Klink.
00:16:35:I told you. I don't plan|on staying here long.
00:17:15:Fuck y'all. Heat this shit up.
00:17:22:You take shower now.
00:17:33:Argh! Ow!
00:18:05:Ha ha ha!
00:18:10:Champ, gift from Boyka.|Warm piss.
00:18:14:- Unh!|- Ugh!
00:18:42:Are you all right, chum?
00:18:45:Turn around, get the fuck|out of my face!
00:18:48:Got it.
00:18:55:Ugh!|This is bullshit!
00:19:40:I don't mean|to bother you, but...
00:19:43:you better get up.
00:19:48:Look, if you|don't leave your cell...
00:19:49:when they unlock the door,|they'll lock it again.
00:19:53:You won't eat or get air|for the rest of the day.
00:19:58:Not that either|of those things...
00:20:00:are particularly|pleasant out here.
00:20:01:Yo, dude...
00:20:03:Iet's get one thing straight.
00:20:06:Now, I don't need to learn|the ropes around here...
00:20:08:you feel me?
00:20:10:Sure, Mr. Chambers.
00:20:12:Of course.
00:21:00:Hey, man, what the fuck?|Man, you blind, too?
00:21:02:Ignore him.
00:21:05:He's a bit crazy.
00:21:06:Been here too long,|you know what I mean?
00:21:08:Lives underground. Only|comes up here at mealtimes.
00:21:17:Not exactly five star, is it?
00:21:45:Uh...do you mind|if I join you?
00:22:01:Yo, dude, why do you keep|staring at me like that?
00:22:04:I'm sorry.
00:22:06:It's just--
00:22:08:Well, it's incredible|that I'm sharing a cell...
00:22:10:with George Chambers here.
00:22:16:Steven Parker.
00:22:24:I suggest you stand up.
00:22:39:Look, I don't want|to be pushy, man...
00:22:40:but you don't want|to mess with Boyka.
00:23:00:You, stand!
00:23:08:You stand up...now!
00:23:12:- Unh!|- Ugh!
00:23:29:Boyka, huh?
00:23:35:Now, what kind of|bitch ass name is that?
00:23:40:You were great champion. I know.
00:23:42:Long time ago. Long time.
00:23:46:But in here, I am the champion.
00:23:50:And you...
00:23:55:You are just my bi--
00:24:23:Let's go, motherfucker!
00:24:25:Bring it! Bring it!
00:24:27:Let's go right now!
00:24:29:Fuck you!
00:24:34:Why did you stop me?!
00:24:35:You think I'm afraid of|that fucking oaf?
00:24:38:Uri, I told you you'll|have your own shot at him.
00:24:40:I had my shot at him!
00:24:42:And then your guards|stepped in to save him!
00:24:45:How do you think that looks?!
00:24:46:Look, we help.
00:24:47:I didn't ask you.
00:24:52:You cannot stop me from|doing what I have to do.
00:24:54:No one wants to stop you.
00:24:56:We're just telling you|we have to be sure...
00:24:58:it is in the ring!
00:25:04:Some bad news.
00:25:06:They're not offering bail.
00:25:07:Did you call Ruben in L.A.?
00:25:09:George, Ruben is|an American attorney.
00:25:11:He can't help with this.
00:25:12:Did you even call-- Listen.
00:25:15:You better tell me something|I wanna hear right now.
00:25:18:I've already been|to the embassy.
00:25:19:They're very upbeat.
00:25:21:But they're telling me|the process can take...
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