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14 lutego 2007
kod: ______________
Przed przystąpieniem do rozwiązywania zadań przeczytaj dokładnie polecenia. Na
rozwiązanie testu masz 60 minut. Za wykonanie całego testu możesz uzyskać 35 punktów.
Aby przejść do etapu ustnego musisz uzyskać z testu, co najmniej 30 punktów.
Życzymy powodzenia.
____/7 pkt.
Z poniższego tekstu usunięto siedem fragmentów. Wstaw każdy z fragmentów A – H
w odpowiednią lukę, tak aby otrzymać logiczny, spójny i poprawny tekst.
Jeden z fragmentów nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
London taxi drivers know the capital like the back of their hands. Just jump into one of
the city’s 22,000 distinctively shaped cars and tell the driver your destination. No matter how
small and difficult to find the street is, the driver will be able to get you there without any trouble.
1______ During this period, which can take from two to four years, the would-be taxi driver has
to learn the most direct route to every single road and to every important building in London. To
achieve this, most learners go around the city on small motorbikes, practising how to move to and
from different points of the city.
Going around London on a small motorbike can have its problems, especially during the
winter. 2 ______”There was thick snow everywhere and I had to wear my mother’s tights because
it was so cold,” he said.
Learner drivers are not allowed to work, and earn money as drivers. 3 ______The training
period can cost quite a lot, because learners have to pay for their own expenses ( getting around
London using private transport), the tests they take and a medical exam.
Once a new taxi driver has a licence, the next thing he or she has to cope with is the
public. Drivers agree that most passengers are very pleasant, although occasionally they can be
nasty. But, as Brian Turner, 53, a taxi driver for thirty years, explains: ”Your job is to take them
where they want to go in a polite and pleasant manner, whatever they are like. After all, if you are
unpleasant to your passenger, you don’t get a tip”.
4______ Colin Sinclair was once attacked by a passenger who didn’t want to pay the fare:
“He grabbed my hand and said, ‘I’m going to beat you up’, and then he started pushing me
towards the window. Luckily, I managed to reach the emergency radio and within five minutes
twenty drivers had come to my aid.”
5______ The big advantage of this system is that drivers then know the name and the
destination of their passengers in advance, which is very useful if something nasty happens.
6______ Celebrities and politicians often use taxis and this can add a bit of excitement to the
lives of the drivers. Brian Turner once carried two princesses in his taxi – without even realising
it! He recalled:”They stopped me in front of the gates of Kensington Palace. I knew I had seen
them in the photograps but it was only after they left that I realised who they were !”
Talking and driving at the same time is not easy. 7 ______They and their taxis are a
landmark of the capital and are recognised throughout the world, along with the Queen and Big
Ben, as a great British tradition.
A But sometimes it is not only the tip that is at risk; a taxi driver’s job can also be
B To avoid situations like this, more and more drivers are joining radio taxi companies,
which only deal with customers who have telephoned for a taxi and who often have an
account with them.
C Therefore, many of them keep their previous job until they get their taxi-driving
D But this is the art that London taxi drivers have brought to perfection.
E Colin Sinclair, 40, who has been a taxi driver for fifteen years, described his training
period as a time of extreme physical discomfort.
F Learner taxi drivers are tested several times during their training period by government
G However, not all unexpected meetings are nasty ones.
H The reason London taxi drivers are so professional is that they have all gone through a
very difficult training period known as “ the knowledge “ to get the special licence needed
to drive taxis.
____/6 pkt.
Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz jedną właściwą i zakreśl kółkiem. Za każdą poprawną
odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.
These twins are so alike that you never _________________ the difference between them.
a) find
b) make
c) tell
d) say
After the accident she ____________________________________ from loss of memory.
a) hurt
b) injured
c) failed
d) suffered
I don’t think you should have __________________________ hopes of passing the exam.
a) big
b) high
c) maximum
d) complete
Don’t forget to give the waiter a good _______ when we leave. The service was excellent.
a) pay
b) tip
c) bribe
d) grant
She is a ________________________________ employee. She’s a very devoted one too.
a) conscientious
b) conscience
c) consciousness d) conscious
What a _______________________! I did not know you were staying at the same hotel.
a) shock
b) happening
c) occurrence
d) coincidence
The letter was so badly written hat it was totally _______________________________ .
a) unreadable
b) illegible
c) inedible
d) illicit
I did not ask him further questions, for his financial problems were no ________ of mine.
a) affair
b) matter
c) concern
d) business
They had lost all their possessions in the fire. They had to start everything from _______.
a) scrap
b) scrub
c) scribble
d) scratch
I think I’ll stay at home today. I’m a bit off ____________________________________.
a ) shade
b) tone
c) hue
d) colour
11. Only one boy _________________________ his hand when the teacher asked a question.
a) raised
b) rose
c) risen
d) rise
We don’t have any teabags left. We’ll have to ______________________with instant tea.
a) stand
b) cope
c) do
d) help
____/10 pkt.
Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz jedną właściwą i zakreśl kółkiem. Za każdą poprawną
odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.
1. I knew __________________________people at the party to stay longer so I went home.
a) too few
b) a few
c) many
d) too little
2. No information ___________________________________________ to the new staff yet.
a) has given
b) has been given
c) was given
d) were given
My father ____________________________ to be a good teacher, but now he has retired.
a) is used
b) got used
c) used
d) is using
It’s no use ______________________ about the exam results. You’ll know soon enough.
a) worry b) to worry c) worrying d) worried
5. The teacher made me ______________________________________ behind after school.
a) to stay
b) stay
c) staying
d) stayed
Uzupełnij poniższe zdania wyrazami podanymi w nawiasach. Za każdą poprawną
odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.
We stopped _______________________ (buy) some food before continuing our journey.
You’d better _________________________________ (hurry) , or you’ll be late for work.
They would have helped move house if we ___________________________ (ask) them.
It’s about time she _______________________________________ (learn) how to cook.
I’m afraid you ____________________________ (not/get) the job unless you look smart.
I’m so busy with my work. I wish I ____________________________ (have) more time.
Sue _______________________________________ (smile) as she was reading the book.
The new nightclub _____________________________ (close) by the council last Friday.
Jim behaves as though he _________________________________________ (be) a hero.
She was so depressed. She __________________ (quarrel) with her boyfriend for hours.
Where’s Jenny? - She _______________________ (go) to the library but she’ll be back.
This time next week, I _________________________________ (sail) across the Atlantic.
If I _____________________________________ (be) you, I wouldn’t drive in the snow.
She said she______________________________________ (never, see) that man before.
I will never forget _____________________________________ (take part) in this exam.
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