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Open Realty Addon: Ads
Posted on Friday June 22nd, 2007. Get the Feed or Leave a Trackback
Open Realty Ads Logo

Finally I am able to give back to the Open Source community that has given me so much over the years! Here is a free Open Source addon for Open Realty that enables you to insert �advertisements� into your Open Realty site. An advertisement is essentially a JPG, GIF or PNG image that contains a hyperlink to another URL. The admin section allows you to dynamically add / edit / delete advertisements. Images uploaded are dynamically resized to fit the user specified dimensions. The plugin generates valid HTML 4.01 code, displaying the ads as an unordered list of links assigned a class name of �addon_ads�. Some additional CSS is required to make the ads appear in a visually appealing manner.

   1. Download the Open Realty Ads Addon
   2. Unzip to your Open Realty Installation folder in the �addons� folder
   3. Insert template tag {addon_ads_displayads} anywhere on your site. (Can be used multiple times per page)
   4. Access the admin page for the addons through the Open Realty admin system and create your advertisements.
   5. Add CSS rules for the class �addon_ads� to style the appearance of the ads.

Sample CSS

Here is some sample CSS for styling the ads

Sample Vertical Ad List CSS

.addon_ads {

.addon_ads li {

.addon_ads li a img {

Sample Horizontal Ad List CSS

.addon_ads {

.addon_ads li {

.addon_ads li a img {

Comments and suggestions are welcome. I plan on releasing more Open Realty addons in the months to come.
Change Log

    * Version 1.1: Addon now only accessible to Admins.

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