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{3528}{3603}Craig, honey, it's time for bed.
{3679}{3731}Craig, honey, time to get up.
{3733}{3783}Craig, honey, time to get up.
{3785}{3866}Craig, honey, time to get up.|Craig, honey, time to get up.
{3867}{3947}- Lotte.|- I'm sorry. I didn't know|Orrin Hatch was out of his cage.
{3949}{4021}- Come on. Morning, sweetheart.|- Morning.
{4022}{4074}What are you gonna do today?
{4076}{4143}- Working in the workshop.|- I was thinking.
{4145}{4213}Maybe you'd feel better|if you got a job.
{4216}{4262}We've been over this.
{4264}{4369}Nobody's looking for a puppeteer|in today's wintry economic climate.
{4371}{4477}I know, honey,|but I thought, you know...
{4479}{4563}maybe something else|until this puppet thing turns around.
{4565}{4635}Derek Mantini|doesn't need a day job.
{4637}{4723}Not everybody can be|Derek Mantini.
{4725}{4813}I gotta get to the shop. We have|a shipment of kitty litter coming in.
{4814}{4883}Will you do me a favor?|Will you take a look at Elijah today?
{4885}{4977}- He's not feeling very good again.|- Which one is Elijah again?
{5009}{5081}- The chimp, honey.|- Yeah, okay.
{5167}{5263}On the lighter side of|the news, in Westchester County today...
{5265}{5366}puppeteer Derek Mantini|thrill edonlookers as he performed|The Belle of Amherst...
{5367}{5440}with a 60-foot|Emily Dickinson puppet.
{5479}{5533}How dreary to be somebody.
{5534}{5642}How public, like a frog,|to tell one's name the live long day.
{5644}{5713}Gimmicky bastard.
{5771}{5858}You don't know lucky you are,|being a monkey.
{5860}{5943}Because consciousness...
{5946}{6013}is a terrible curse.
{6015}{6103}I think, I feel...|I suffer.
{6157}{6276}And I'll ask in return|is the opportunity to do my work.
{6315}{6363}And they won't allow it...
{6365}{6441}because I raise issues.
{6688}{6755}While we enjoy|the pleasures of an uneasy love...
{6757}{6817}and abandon ourselves|to fornication...
{6819}{6900}we were spared God's severity.
{6902}{6987}Say no more, I beg you,|and cease from complaints like these...
{6989}{7075}which are so far removed|from the true depths of love.
{7077}{7169}Look, a puppet show!
{7171}{7254}Okay, honey, just for a minute.|Mommy's waiting.
{7256}{7316}Even during|the celebration of Mass...
{7317}{7376}when our prayers should be pure...
{7378}{7452}Lewd visions of these pleasures|take such a hold...
{7454}{7502}upon my unhappy soul...
{7504}{7588}that my thoughts are|on their very wantonness...
{7591}{7645}instead of my prayers.
{7743}{7793}Sometimes my thoughts|are betrayed...
{7794}{7886}by the movement of my body.
{7888}{7968}I took my fill|of my wretched pleasures in you...
{7969}{8070}and this was|the sum total of my love.
{8789}{8853}You motherfucker!
{9016}{9087}Oh, Craig!
{9089}{9148}Honey, not again!
{9150}{9235}Why do you do this|to yourself, honey?
{9236}{9319}I'm a puppeteer.
{11484}{11531}Seven and a half, right?
{11532}{11588}- Uh, yeah.|- I'll take you through it.
{11980}{12073}Seven and a half.
{12102}{12150}Thank you.
{12932}{13011}Welcome to Lestercorp.|How may we meet your filing needs?
{13013}{13067}No. Um... my name's|Craig Schwartz.
{13069}{13139}- I have an interview with Dr Lester.|- Oh.
{13141}{13219}- Please have a seat, Mr.Juarez.|- Schwartz.
{13220}{13274}- Pardon?|- Schwartz.
{13275}{13379}I'm sorry. I have no idea|what you're saying to me right now.
{13381}{13463}- My name is Schwartz.|- My name is Warts?
{13733}{13780}Oh. Yes?
{13783}{13841}- Chest?|- I said, "Yes"?
{13843}{13905}You suggest what?|I'm sorry...
{13908}{14003}I have no time for piddling suggestions|from mumbling job applicants.
{14005}{14043}Besides, Dr Lester|will see you now.
{14043}{14072}Besides, Dr Lester|will see you now.
{14128}{14173}Come in, Mr.Juarez.
{14225}{14322}- Actually, my name|is Craig Schwartz, Dr Lester.|- Security!
{14324}{14392}No, sir, it's... It's just|a little mix-up with your secretary.
{14393}{14469}My name is Craig Schwartz.|I tried to explain that to her.
{14471}{14517}She's not my secretary.
{14519}{14593}- She's what they call|an executive liaison.|- Ah.
{14595}{14657}And I am not banging her,|if that's what you're implying.
{14659}{14761}No, sir, not at all.|I think I must have simply misspoke.
{14946}{15046}Ah. Well, now,|tell me, Dr Schwartz...
{15047}{15114}what do you feel|you can bring to Lestercorp?
{15115}{15196}Uh, well, sir,|I'm an excellent filer.
{15197}{15280}Are you? All right.|Let's see about that.
{15412}{15533}Tell me, which of these two letters|comes first? This one or this one?
{15601}{15666}The symbol on the left|is not a letter, sir.
{15667}{15716}Damn, you're good.
{15719}{15778}- I was trying to trick you.|- I see.
{15779}{15842}Well, then, put these in order.
{15870}{15917}Yes, sir.
{16005}{16066}Floris, get Guinness on the phone.
{16068}{16134}Yes, sir.|Genghis Khan Capone. Fine.
{16136}{16182}Damn fine woman... Floris.
{16184}{16278}I don't know how she puts up with|this speech impediment of mine.
{16280}{16388}You don't have|a speech impediment, Dr Lester.
{16391}{16481}Flattery will get you|everywhere, my boy.
{16483}{16536}I'm afraid have to trust|Floris on that one.
{16538}{16596}You see,|she's got her doctorate...
{16598}{16662}in speech impedimentology|from Case Western.
{16664}{16733}I apologize if you can't understand|a word I'm saying.
{16734}{16789}No, I understand perfectly.
{16791}{16851}Oh, it's very kind|of you to lie.
{16853}{16905}You see, I've been very lonely...
{16906}{16995}in my isolated tower|of indecipherable speech.
{17113}{17160}You got the job.
{17191}{17263}- Any questions?|- Well, just one.
{17266}{17328}Why are these ceilings so low?
{17330}{17432}Low overhead, my boy!|We pass the savings on to you.
{17434}{17518}But seriously,|that'll all be covered in orientation.
{18226}{18315}Welcome to|the seven and a half floor|of the Mertin Flemmer Building.
{18317}{18381}As you'll now be spending|your work day here, it is important...
{18383}{18453}that you learn a bit about the history|of this famous floor.
{18455}{18503}- Hello, Don.|- Hello, Wendy.
{18505}{18568}Don, I was wondering,|do you know why...
{18569}{18622}our workplace|has such low ceilings?
{18624}{18721}It's an interesting story.|Many years ago in the late 1800's...
{18724}{18803}James Mertin, an I rish ship captain,|came to this town...
{18804}{18867}and decided to erect|an office building.
{18869}{18946}He called this building the|Mertin Flemmer Building after himself...
{18948}{19034}and someone else, who local legend|has it was named Flemmer.
{19036}{19118}Well, one day, old Captain Mertin|received an unexpected visitor.
{19120}{19208}- Captain Mertin?|- Aye. What want ye, girl child?
{19209}{19313}I'm not a child, but rather|an adult lady of miniature proportions.
{19315}{19389}I see. Well, if it's|charity you're after...
{19391}{19460}be gone with ye,|you foul demon!
{19461}{19508}I'm not asking for alms...
{19510}{19571}but, rather, the ear of a kind man|with a noble heart.
{19573}{19651}Well, speak then, if you must.
{19652}{19735}Captain Mertin, I'm afraid hat|the world was not built with me in mind.
{19738}{19825}Doorknobs are too high,|chairs are unwieldy...
{19826}{19878}and high-ceilinged rooms|mock my stature.
{19879}{19976}Why cannot there be a place for me|to work that's safe and comfortable?
{19977}{20066}Thy story has moved me like no other.
{20068}{20159}Therefore, I shall make ye...|me wife.
{20160}{20227}And... And I shall build|a floor for ye...
{20228}{20316}between the seventh and the eighth|in me own building...
{20319}{20404}so at least there'll be one place|on God's green earth...
{20407}{20492}where ye and your accursed kind|can live in peace.
{20532}{20600}So that's the story|of even and a half.
{20602}{20678}Since the rents are considerably lower,|this floor has been adopted...
{20680}{20773}by businesses which,|for one reason or another,|have been forced to cut corners.
{20774}{20841}After all, the overhead is low.
{21069}{21132}Moving story, huh?
{21180}{21254}Unfortunately, the story's bullshit.
{21336}{21397}Listen, I'm Craig Schwartz.|I'm just starting out at Lestercorp.
{21398}{21446}Where are you starting out?
{21571}{21623}Shut up! Shut up!
{21627}{21709}- Shut up! Shut up!|- Hey, shut up!
{21711}{21771}- Shut up! I'm sorry.|- I'm sorry, honey.
{21772}{21820}Sorry, honey.
{21822}{21876}Sorry, honey.
{21878}{21931}- Shut up!|- Sorry!
{21933}{21982}- Help! She's locking me in a cage.|- Isn't that cute?
{21984}{22073}- I just taught him that today.|- Yeah, that's adorable.
{22129}{22199}- You want to do some dishes for me?|- Put that down.
{22201}{22263}Here, Elijah.|Here you go.
{22265}{22343}You know, I have an appointment|tomorrow with Elijah's shrink.
{22345}{22415}Yeah. I think we're finally|getting down to the bottom...
{22417}{22463}of this acid stomach,|aren't we?
{22465}{22532}Come here.
{22575}{22674}- Just get down from the...|- She thinks that it's|some sort of childhood trauma.
{22717}{22803}- Feelings of inadequacy|as a chimp, you know?|- Mm-hmm.
{22839}{22895}Careful.|Isn't that interesting?
{22897}{22986}- Mm-hmm.|- I find it really interesting.
{23099}{23189}So, honey, have you thought any more|about us having a baby?
{23233}{23321}Uh... you know,|I think it's just so tough right now...
{23323}{23385}- economically and all...|- Mm-hmm.
{23387}{23497}that I think maybe we should just wait|and see if this job thing pays off.
{23529}{23598}- You know?|- Okay.
{23733}{23798}I was thinking about|what you were saying...
{23800}{23858}- about the orientation film|being bullshit.|- Yes?
{23860}{23926}I think maybe|you're on to something.
{23928}{24025}- And 50 other lines|to get into a girl's pants.|- No, no!
{24027}{24106}No, I was just talking about the...|you know, about the film.
{24108}{24180}Here's the thing.
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