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A Night to Remember
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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
2932 Ross Clark Circle, #384
Dothan, AL 36301
A Night to Remember
ISBN: 1-59998-076-2
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case
of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: October 2006
A Night to Remember
Eve Vaughn
To a woman who has taught me courage against the face of adversity.
Love ya, Mom!
A Night to Remember
One year of wedded bliss! Charlie hummed to herself as she danced
around the kitchen, preparing Paul’s favorite dish—steak and garlic
mashed potatoes. This night had to be absolutely perfect. A smile
touched her lips when she remembered waking up in his arms that
“Good morning, peanut. Happy anniversary.” Paul had leaned over to
kiss her gently on the lips, running his hand along her body in a light
She moaned in delight, returning his greeting. “Good morning,
handsome. Happy anniversary, baby. Did you know that it’s a crime to
look so damn fine this early in the morning?”
“If that were true, you would have been arrested a long time ago.”
His retort brought a smile to her face. Paul had the ability to make
her as giddy as a schoolgirl with his smooth words. “How is it that you
always manage to say such nice things to me?” She had wondered what
she had done right to deserve such a wonderful, gorgeous husband like
She touched his face, running her fingers over his morning stubble.
Charlie adored his warm, light brown eyes, dark brown skin, kissable
lips, and a smile that made her heart melt and vaginal walls tighten with
They’d met when he had come into the accounting firm she worked
for to have his taxes done. It was love at first sight, and they were
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