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What's new in Advanced Direct Remailer ?

Version 2.12 - released on June 1, 2001

  - eight new COM/ActiveX interfaces has been added to control and
    configure ADR

  - new plugin SQLTable has been added

  - improved processing of replies of servers with RBL and DUL support

Version 2.11 - released on May 17, 2001

  - dates of messages are displayed according locale settings now

  - "Move to Bad" menu command was added

  - correct process replies of servers with DUL support

Version 2.1 - released on March 12, 2001

  - two bugs was fixed in COM/ActiveX interface implementation

  - bugs in FromCSV plugin was fixed

  - improved "Domain for HELO" detection

  - you can open files with messages from ADR now

Version 2.0 - released on December 4, 2000

  - open COM/ActiveX interface for developers (including documentation
    and code samples)

  - plugin FromCSV for merging mailing with data from CSV (Comma Separated
    Values) file

  - ExclList plugin for creating exclusion lists 

  - undelivered messages can be returned to sender now

  - emails list export from mail folders ("Message" menu)

  - changing tray icon color when message falls inth "Bad" mailbox

  - auto update of program DNS settings

  - optional hanging up of dial-up connections at the end
    of mail delivery

  - storing exact time in message delivery log

  - focus interception on mail tossing

  - workaround for Bounce Spam Mail v1.8 bug

  - some other minor changes, adjustments, and fixes

Version 1.62 - released on November 14, 2000

  - ADR avoid bug in Popcorn 1.02 email client now

  - bug in delivery mail by delay list was fixed

  - bug in processing mailboxes with several mailing lists was fixed

Version 1.61 - released on October 12, 2000

  - bug in AdrSplit utility was fixed

  - "Hide splash" option was added

  - little bug in DNS module was fixed

Version 1.60 - released on September 1, 2000

  - serious bug in third-party shield module was fixed

  - LOGIN authentication type support was added to mailer, ADR
    support LOGIN and PLAIN types both now

  - traffic jam in delay list was fixed

  - several bugs and misprints in program interface was fixed

Version 1.54 - released on August 22, 2000

  - bug in Microsoft Excel ODBC Driver was neutralized in ADR and
    FromSQL codes 

  - Advanced Direct Remailer start faster now

Version 1.53 - released on August 14, 2000

  - each mailing list can contain up to million emails now

  - automatic deletion the messages in "Sent" and "Bad" folders after
    specified number of days

  - several misprints in help and program are fixed

  - the bug with the changing color scheme under Windows 2000 was fixed

Version 1.52 - released on April 12, 2000

  - delay list to pass anti-spam filters was added

  - "Store in message log only the latest record" setting has been
    moved to "Log" tab

  - now you can turn off message logs, too (at "Log" tab)

  - bug with mailboxes tree rescan has been fixed

  - you can set up to five ISP SMTP servers at "Delivery" tab

  - "NULL" ISP SMTP server feature has been added

  - emails like alex@ are supported now

  - bug with special syntax mailbox@[smtp-server] emails has been fixed

  - several bugs in ADR user interface has been fixed

  - opening mailing list or Windows Address Book to view or edit it from
    mailboxes tree

  - ADR correctly process changing of system color scheme now

Version 1.51 - released on March 6, 2000

  - you can install the program as Windows NT or Windows 2000 service now

  - bug in MsgID plugin was fixed

Version 1.5 - released on March 2, 2000

  - new format (.DLL) of ADR plugins, which work in three times faster,
    was added

  - the versions in new format was written for all present plugins

  - utility TestDLL for test new format plugins was added

  - MsgID plugin, which instert unique message identifier to message
    header, was added

  - some little bugs were fixed

  - Frequently Asked Questions is available in Internet now

Version 1.44 - released on February 8, 2000

  - RealName, RealName2 and SendNum plugins replace all sequences in
    message (not only the first) now

  - bug in program unloading was fixed

Version 1.43 - released on February 4, 2000

  - username/password authentication for internal SMTP server was added

  - significant resources leaks was fixed

  - the little bug in RAS connection locator module was fixed

  - RealName2 plugin was added

Version 1.42 - released on January 25, 2000

  - bug in internal SMTP server was fixed

  - optional DataBreakCode registry variable was added

Version 1.41 - released on January 24, 2000

  - optional detailed log for internal SMTP server was added

  - optional sound alert, when all mail have sent, was added

  - now you can turn off all ADR logs for saving disk space

  - support for not fully RFC821 compatible mailers was added

Version 1.4 - released on January 14, 2000

  - support for Windows Address Books and groups of addresses was added

  - AdrDelay plugin helpful for big mailing lists was added

  - optional message priority support was added on "General" tab in

  - cool auto delivery via ISP feature was added on "Delivery" tab
    in settings

  - you can move folders with mail to any disk directory now

Version 1.32 - released on December 28, 1999

  - item "Buy via DigiBuy.com" was added to "Help" menu

  - bug in mailing list parser was fixed

  - little bug in SMTP client was fixed

Version 1.31 - released on December 24, 1999

  - bug with .BAT and .COM plugins was fixed

  - default DNS servers was changed, small list of DNS servers was added

  - automatical program log cutting was added

  - menu "Log" was added to Monitor window menu

  - "Log" tab was added to general program settings

Version 1.3 - released on November 25, 1999

  - three special mailboxes was added, you can process any message
    by plugins now

  - AdKludge plugin with Delphi v3 sources was added

  - some fixes in user interface was make

Version 1.2 - released on November 16, 1999

  - speed of program loading and mail folder scaning was increased
    in four times

  - progress indicator of message delivery was added to status bar

  - optional sound alert for "Bad" folder was added

  - bug with "Stop Delivery" was fixed

  - bug with special e-mail syntax, like mailbox@[server], was fixed

  - and other small cosmetic corrections ;-)

Version 1.12 - released on November 12, 1999

  - bug with ODBC32.DLL loading was fixed

  - icons in menu are shown correctly under Windows'95 now

Version 1.1 - released on November 11, 1999

  - mailing lists, created on-fly by SQL transaction, was added

  - plugin XRay with Borland Delphi 3 source code was added

  - "sqlmail" and "xray" sample mailboxes was added

Version 1.00 - released on November 1, 1999

  - additional AdrSplit utility was added

  - additional AdrNoDup utility was added

  - some bugs in program and FromSQL plugin was fixed

  - misprints in help was corrected

Version 0.94 - released on October 23, 1999

  - delivery through ISP outgoing mail server was added

  - Pauze and Stop utilities with C sources was added

  - integration with Eserv (www.eserv.ru) was added

Version 0.93 - released on October 19, 1999

  - context menu called by right mouse button click was added to Monitor

  - auto searching of DNS addresses was added, you don't need any utility
    to find your DNS settings now

  - ascend / descend sorting was added to Monitor, you can change sort
    order by click on report column header

Version 0.92 - first public version, released on October 15, 1999


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