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At the end of empire, a faint wind rustled through Salai’s robes. It was a calm,
warm evening, and the bruised purple outline of the setting sun was still visible
on the horizon. An evening made for calm contemplation and peace.
“This traitor?” Verus could barely contain his frustration. “Rats flee a sinking
ship, my Lord, not a captain!” As he spoke, he immediately regretted his words.
The acidic fear within him twitched again.
Instead it was neither.
The emperor’s lips curled in stark amusement. “Is our ship sinking, Verus?”
For most of his adult years, Salai had come to this balcony to breathe the clean
air and admire the lights of Mecatol City. Yet tonight, the lights were scattered
and few, the usual bustling traffic was scarce, and the air was tainted with the
acrid scent of burning and foreboding. Salai glanced to the west, where distant
columns of dark smoke still rose, obscuring the western stars.
“Of course not, my lord! I certainly did not…”
“What I mean, Verus, is that I envy the freedom of the rat.”
Verus paused. “Not words I would use at your dinner speech, my Lord.”
The emperor burst into friendly laughter, his spirit raised for the moment. “No, I
better not.” The emperor took his friend’s arm as they walked. “I am glad to
employ so esteemed a councilor. Especially when he saves me from rhetorical
folly involving vermin.”
“Your Highness?”
Salai did not turn to greet the owner of the voice. It belonged to High Councilor
Verus Da Ishnu. The councillor knew his emperor’s displeasure at being inter-
rupted on his evening balcony stroll, yet for months Verus had interrupted him
regardless. Salai gently shook his head and sighed. He could hardly blame his
old friend. These were difficult times.
Verus smiled back, it was good to see Salai jest; it did not happen often.
They continued their walk in a rare moment of silence. The emperor’s smile
soon faded. “I stand with the ship, Verus. Sinking or not. I stand with the ship!”
“The fire continues.” The emperor gestured towards the plumes of smoke in the
west. “It has been burning for months. Please tell me that we are making
“Of course, my Lord. And we stand with you.”
The emperor nodded. “Well, Verus. Will you please tell me why you interrupted
my evening walk this time?”
Verus emerged from the doorway and approached his emperor. “They have con-
tained the spread of the fire, but the work goes on. The Hall of Cartography was
vast, and our resources are now limited.…”
Verus led the emperor into the throne room. On a normal night, the room would
be bustling with councilors, ambassadors, military officers, and representatives
from every corner of the galaxy. Court staff would be busy filling cups and pro-
viding light meals to a crowd buzzing with intrigue and ploys of power.
“The continuing call for reservists has drained our public sectors.” Salai shook
his head. “Is that not what we tell the citizens?”
It was a question that Verus Da Ishnu knew better than to answer. Verus felt a
twang of the gnawing fear that had been growing within him since the Hall of
Cartography was destroyed. The nagging fear of the impossible.
Instead, tonight the room was dimly lit, strangely hot, and only the inner circle
of Salai’s councilors was present.
“And Ibna?” Salai Sa Corian, the last Lazax emperor, turned to his advisor.
And the visitor.
“There is still no word of Ibna Vel Syd.” Verus didn’t understand or appreciate
the emperor’s empathy for the renegade junior councilor. Even before his trea-
son, Ibna’s presence had become destructive in court. His nervous outcries, bor-
dering on panic, had been far from useful in procuring any long-term solution
to the crisis.
The stranger stood taller than even the Lazax. Entirely cased in a gold-bronze
metal, only its glowing eyes could be seen burning beneath an expressionless
golden mask. Salai could feel the strange heat emanating from the creature, a
pulsing, living heat, unlike any that Salai had known in the past.
The creature, somewhat clumsily in its heavy armor, bowed gently. Its eyes, flick-
ering with a living fire, dimmed in respect.
“And his ships?” Salai glanced towards the stars, resuming his slow walk along
the balcony. Verus followed.
Aservant brought Salai his translation device on a golden tray. Salai placed the
device over his ear. “Who are you?” Salai’s voice was kind.
“Still unaccounted for, I’m afraid. Our navy…”
“Yes, I know,” Salai sighed, “It is stretched thin.” His eyes seemed to glaze over
as he studied the distant suns that shone in the Mecatol night sky. “Ah, Ibna.
Where have you gone?” Salai lowed his eyes to look at his old friend. “I envy
him, Verus.”
“I am Feramon Azh.” The voice of the stranger was like that of coals grinding
in a furnace. “I am of the Gashlai people from distant Muaat.”
Salai spread his arms in the traditional welcome. “Be well received here on
Mecatol. Even in these troubled times, the empire is glad for your arrival and
your presence!”
“We ask for your help,” the Gashlai began. “We are a people enslaved.” The
creature inched forward towards the emperor, its fiery eyes pleading.
“My lord,” Verus began. “The Hacan and the N’orr…their entire diplomatic
contingents have secretly departed. Their districts are empty.”
The emperor listened to the tale of the Gashlai and their mistreatment by the Jol
Nar. As the creature finished its tale, Salai moved towards it, reaching to touch
its armor, but as he felt the boiling heat of the metal, he slowly returned his
hand to his side.
“But why?” Salai demanded. But as he looked into the face of the High
Commander, he knew. “We are betrayed?”
The high commander only lowered his eyes, deep embarrassment in his face.
“We are at war against the Hylar. We have no control over their actions,” the
emperor said. Across the room, councilors nodded their silent agreement.
Salai moved calmly to the great western window. As he approached the glass,
the first bomb fell, splitting the night in yellow and orange. Hard shadows
flared across the room. In the night skies above, Salai could see the emerging
outlines of the Sol fleet. Like a vast swarm of black birds, the vessels soon
shrouded the stars.
The disappointment in the eyes of the Gashlai was evident. “But you are emper-
or! You are strong!” he continued. “You can free Muaat, and the Gashlai will
help you in your war!”
Salai turned to the people in the room. They looked longingly at him, as if some
secret legacy of the imperial blood would spring forth and vanquish the enemy.
Instead they saw only tears.
ALazax admiral came to whisper something in the emperor’s ear, but Salai
waved him away. “Our forces are hard pressed, Feramon. Despite my compas-
sion for your plight, we cannot spare even a single ship.”
Salai moved calmly to the Gashlai, who was clearly shaken over the sudden
events. “Go home, friend Feramon. I hope that you and your people find a safe
way out of the destruction in the years ahead. If you survive this night, tell your
people that they must carve their own destiny.”
“But you must help us!” The Gashlai inched forward again. “The hope of my
people rests with my mission here. You cannot fail them!”
“I am sorry, my friend.” The Lazax emperor was powerless. It seemed the whole
galaxy was pleading for help, while truly it was the empire that needed help from
the galaxy. This audience was over.
The last emperor returned the engineering device to the creature. Placing his
hand emphatically on its metallic arm, Salai ignored the instant blistering of his
skin. “This knowledge is too late for us. Keep it. It may yet benefit your people!”
The eyes of the Gashlai dimmed again in disappointment, but he did not step
back. “Wait!” There was a hint of tension in his voice, a taste of desperation.
The creature touched a small control at his side, and with a hiss of hot air a
small door opened in his chest armor. The palace guards sprung to the emper-
or’s side.
The Gashlai quickly retreated, the room palpably cooling at his departure.
Another explosion shook the city and the imperial tower trembled. The emperor
tore the imperial chain from his neck, precious metals and gemstones spilling on
to the floor. “This twilight imperium is no more. Save your families.”
Slowly the Gashlai brought out an engineering drafting device from the com-
partment. “If you save the Gashlai, we will give you this.”
The others in the room came alive with a sudden panic, most rushing blindly to
the doors. “Remember the peace of the emperors!” Salai shouted after them.
Salai took the device and glanced at the Hylar schematics. The emperor gestured
for the admiral to come forth once more. Their eyes grew in surprise as they
realized what the schematic meant.
As the echo of his words rang through the room, a sharp sound rang through
the low rumble of bombardament. The High Commander, having discharged
his service pistol on himself, instantly collapsed. His blood slowly saaking into
the imperial rugs. Salai hardly noticed.
“The Hylar are building this monstrosity?” Salai asked. The Gashlai blinked
and nodded. “My people have been slaving to build this vessel for years,” the
creature sadly announced.
Verus came to his emperor’s side for the last time. Together the two stood in the
trembling tower, silently witnessing a bloom of fires grow in their city like a gar-
den of destruction.
The emperor glanced at the admiral, who looked longingly at the schematic and
the powerful weapon it promised.
The next wave of bombardments destroyed the imperial palace and everyone
The emperor was about to speak again when the door to the throne room sprang
open with a clamor. Led by the High Commander of the Lazax forces, a group
of naval and diplomatic personnel burst into the room. Their faces were grave,
and hints of perspiration beaded on their foreheads. Wary of the alien in the
center of the room, the High Commander approached Verus, whispering news in
the councilor’s ear.
“Yes?” Salai inquired. Something was wrong.
The Shattered Empire Icon
Welcome back to the TWILIGHT IMPERIUM uni-
verse. In the SHATTERED EMPIRE expansion, the
galaxy is larger and more dangerous – and the glory
of conquering it is greater than ever before. Now four
new races enter the struggle for the Imperial Throne,
and up to eight civilizations can vie for control of the
galaxy. There are new planets to conquer and new
spatial anomalies to contend with, but there are also
new technologies – including new race-specific tech-
nologies – to aid each civilization. New Political
Cards and Actions Cards revitalize the game, and
players can also choose to use new variant Strategy
Cards, Public Objectives, and many new optional
War rages across dozens of planets, and only one race
will emerge to control the empire. Will you submit, or
lead the galaxy into a new age?
Your copy of SHATTERED EMPIRE should contain
the following components:
• 28 New System Tiles
• 2 New Sets of Plastic Units (2 sets of 5
Dreadnoughts, 4 Carriers, 8 Cruisers, 8
Destroyers, 2 War Suns, 12 Ground Forces,
10 Fighters, 6 Planetary Defense Systems,
and 3 Space Docks each)
• 4 New Race Sheets
• 64 Command Counters (16 for each of the
four new races)
• 88 Control Markers (14 for each of the four
new races, plus 2 additional markers for
each of the 10 original races)
• 12 Leader Counters (3 for each of the four
new races)
• 8 New Variant Strategy Cards
• 1 Variant Imperial Strategy Card
• 8 New Trade Contracts Cards
• 28 New Objective Cards
• 40 New Action Cards
• 32 New Political Cards
• 98 Technology Cards (including 2 new
Technology decks in grey and orange)
• 14 Race-Specific Technologies Cards
• 28 New Planet Cards
• 16 Facility Cards (8 Colonies and 8
• 8 Unit Reference Cards
• 12 Shock Troop Tokens
• 12 Space Mine Tokens
• 2 Mecatol Custodian Tokens
• 8 Artifact Tokens
• 1 High Alert token
• 22 Domain Counters
• 12 Fighter Supplement Tokens (in 3s)
• 12 Ground Force Tokens (in 3s)
• 12 Trade Goods
• 3 Wormhole Tokens
All the cards in this expansion are marked with the
SHATTERED EMPIRE symbol on their fronts, to
allow you to easily separate them from your base
The Shattered Empire Symbol
Several replacement cards for the Twilight
Imperium 3rd Edition base game are included
in this expansion. Some of these cards have
been revised to correct errata, while others have
been revised to work better with this expansion.
To use the replacement cards, simply remove
the original cards from their appropriate decks
and replace them with the new versions. The
replacement cards are:
6 Advanced Fighters (1 in each color)
6 Micro Technology (1 in each color)
6 Assault Cannon (1 in each color)
4 Direct Hit Cards
1 Ruinous Tariff Card
1 Open the Trade Routes Card
Expansion Overview
In this expansion you will find a number of additions
to the Twilight Imperium Universe as well as a num-
ber of new optional rules and variants. The first sec-
tion of the rulebook details the new additions (which
include new races, more systems, and many new
cards and counters) while the second section details
many new optional rules that may be added as play-
ers see fit.
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New Strategy Cards and the Variant
Imperial Strategy Card
New Objective Cards
Below are brief descriptions of each component.
New Systems
The new sets of Stage I and Stage II Public Objectives
can optionally be used instead of the original
Objective deck. These cards tend to focus more on
military conflict than the original set. See page 7 for
Also provided are 3 new Secret Objectives, to be
mixed in with the original set.
Finally, Special Objectives have been included for
use with two new optional rules: Artifacts (detailed
on pages 9-10) and the Voice of the Council option
(detailed on page 11).
The High Alert Token
There are 28 new system tiles in SHATTERED
EMPIRE, including Ion Storms (a new type of Special
System). Hope’s End, the imperial training ground, is
also among the new systems.
One of the new systems is the Wormhole Nexus,
which is easily distinguished by its non-hexagonal
shape. Use of this system is optional, and when this
rulebook refer to “systems,” the Wormhole Nexus
should be excluded unless stated otherwise.
SHATTERED EMPIRE features a new set of eight
variant Strategy Cards, with a white background, that
favor different strategies than the original set. In addi-
tion, there is a High Alert token for use with the new
Warfare II Strategy Card. For full details on the new
Strategy Cards, see pages 14-17.
The variant Imperial Strategy Card, with a black
background, may optionally be used with the original
set of Strategy Cards. Details on this card can be
found on page 18.
New Planet Cards
New Technology Cards
These cards correspond to the planets in the new
New Race Sheets
Four brand-new technologies are included for each
player, as well, as well as two complete decks of
Technology cards in grey and orange.
Facility Cards
Race-Specific Technologies
These cards represent refineries and colonies that
players may build on a planet to increase the planet’s
resources or influence value. See page 11 for details.
Four never-before-seen races join the struggle to con-
trol the galaxy.
Additional Control Markers, Command Counters,
Leaders, and Trade Contracts have been provided for
each of four new races. These function exactly the
same as in the base game.
Each of the 14 races now has one Race-Specific
Technology. These optional Technology cards may
only be acquired by the appropriate race (see page 9).
Unit Reference Cards
New Action & Political Cards
New Plastic Game Units
The unit reference cards provide players with an
image of each unit type and its game stats.
Shock Troop Tokens
Additional Political and Action cards provide players
with a wider variety of Galactic Council Agendas and
game events. To use these cards, shuffle them into
their appropriate decks.
Two new colors of plastic pieces representing military
personnel, defense systems, and spaceships have been
provided. These pieces allow players to play Twilight
Imperium with up to eight players.
Shock Troops represent battle-hardened, veteran
Ground Forces. These special Ground Forces are
much more powerful and have special rules governing
them (found on page 10).
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